War Spots, Peace Endures
Steve Beckow
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/war-stops-peace-endures.htmlI wrote the other day:
In my view, all of this makes educating ourselves as lightworkers of great importance. We’re holding the space for peace while others put an end to cabal rule. Both are required right now.
And all of a sudden I found myself saying, “Peace is the context within which war goes on. When war peters out, everything returns to the peace it never left.” This is a paraphrase of a document I wrote back in 1980 or so: The Vision Statement for the Peace Foundation. (1)
If you’ll permit me, I’ll repost that document below, rather than excerpting from it here. But let me unfold my point about war and peace here.
War goes on. War stops. Peace always is.
Everything else I’m about to say here is just unpacking that.
The two exist on different dimensions. War exists on this Third/Fourth Dimension. If it does exist on higher dimensions, I’m totally unaware of it.
Peace exists independent of dimension; it’s a divine quality and is always existent everywhere. It’s we who are unable or unwilling to tune into its frequency.+++
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