Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Dream, Beloveds, Dream! Heavenletters Via Gloria Wendroff

Dream, Beloveds, Dream!
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said:

You don’t begin to know the opportunities that lie in wait.

There is a bevy of quail ready to fly up.

A rich tapestry is being woven.

You only have to catch up to all possibilities.

Somewhere along the way you learned that choices were finite. Learn today that choices are infinite. It is too limiting to pick one or two or even three.

There is an orchard of fruit trees before you. All kinds of fruit trees have been planted. You are not limited to apples and pears. There is other fruit for you to taste. The path to opportunity is not well-worn. It has hardly been traveled on.

Perhaps there is a fence around the orchard. Jump over it then. The fruit in this orchard is for you to pick.

Beyond this orchard is another and another. All fruit is yours for the picking. All you have to do is to reach for it. You don’t even have to reach. Plenty will fall on the ground before you. Quickly pick it up while it is prime.

Oh, beloveds, your path is strewn with love, and yet you fret and worry. +++

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