Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Before you read this there is something I think you should know. These are just my own ideas. I will appreciate any feed back reguardless of its position.

Has anyone else noticed that the original war on terror in america has stalled out. What i mean by that is, Yes fighting a war on a style of fighting is obsurd. But more importantly people arent really affraid of what could happen. Yes there is a possible swineflu threat. On the other hand if you have watched the news. Anyone who has been associated with negitive action has been protraied as a terrorist. The guy from N.C. who knows if he was a terrorist or not? More importantly the term terrorist is a vauge discription and could imply anyone who stands against the govt. Why is this important? The patriot act deems anyone who is or was affiliated with terroism in anyway. The Govt has full authority to strip them of all rights hold them endeffintely. No trial no jury no conviction. If you havent noticed more and more "terroism" has been happeneing on american soil. Or should i say sugjested terrorism. A chemical breakout in Fla and Ohio and a guy arrested in N.C. The "war on terror" to me has been a war of terror. Terror from what could happen instead of what has happened. The patriot act was complied and sent to fear stricken congress in the wake of 9/11. The outcome was all news is under the review of the govt for terrorist activity. Thus ending the freedom of the press. It also allowed the govt to put a microphone and point a satilite in any window it wants without a warrent or consent. If you have been watching congress the stimulus bill was pushed hard and fast. The health care bill was pushed hard but got stalled. Thank god the real id act was rejected by 42 states. I will ask you now. 52% of americans dont believe the 9/11 commision was a vaild report or a conclusive one. The very action that started a war in iraq and strippped so many rights away from us all. The evidence was collected and removed from the tv. I would like to know why and so would millions of other americans. At the time of 9/11 it was possible to believe that this action was accpetable at the time. 8 years later no investigation can be held. I would like to point out from 9/11 one building fell on its own. Buildings just dont fall on there own. Flight 93 crashed in Penn. It never hit the tower.... Also there was never any plane debri fround at the pentagon EVER. Look at the surviving photos the landscape of the pentagon is perfect in almost everyway. Flat green grass everywhere just a big hole in the building???? 747 crashes into a building and leaves no debri or impact on the ladscape? No broke limbs from nearby trees no nothing? To me this is shocking. What is more shocking is the fact the evidence that started the massive expansion of govement power 4x as big of a govt since 2000. The evidnce is off limits to anyone. If what i a refered to as a truther is wrong is it not just as showing the evidence to prove me wrong? The idae behind this post is to A) try to get you aware of the reasons behind the so called "war on terror" which i like to reffer to as the war of terror. B) Think for yourself dont take someone at there word do research and fact check. C) the truth has nothing to fear the fact that the govt is hiding the evidence away still after all these years tells me something isnt right. especially since so many govt programs were made in 9/11s wake why is the truth behind 9/11 off limits. The truth should never be off limits even a child knows this.

Please investigate these actions or statements if you have doubts.
The truth behind an action that has pushed this country into this dark and deadly direction needs to be known. Since 9/11 the govt has been doing nothing but expanding and power grabing.

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Comment by Besimi on July 29, 2009 at 3:04am
..Gret answer Musha : Wor on Terra, ..very true.
....Royal bloodlines struggling to keep control over us , and harming mother Earth,trying to prevent her in her ascension.
And actually isn't only human problem,but reptilian malvolent race involved with bloodlines also.
........................But sure they are losing the grip more and more everyday. People are waking up now, as we also are being informed by benevolent beings of love and light,and cosmic energies are in our favor now.
...............................'' and we arent letting each other forget anymore:) '' ,,love it. ....much love to all.

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