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The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers




By Jonas E. Alexis on August 5, 2015
Kevin Barrett: “It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God…. Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists.”

“So, you want to worship Satan? By all means, but leave Russia out of it. 
Rest assured that I will be your worst nightmare. You can quote me on that.”


During the Cold War, the United States and much of the West argued that the Soviet Union was a “godless nation.”[1]  Last year, Vladimir Putin took that pendulum, swung it on the other direction, and landed it on the Zionist regime. As Patrick Buchanan put it then, “In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah.”[2]  Putin said:  “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”[3] If you think that Putin is just pulling your leg here, then get this: 

The Washington Times reported then: “In his state of the nation address, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of ‘traditional values’ against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into ‘chaotic darkness.’ “As part of this defense of ‘Christian values,’ Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to ‘insult’ the religious sensibilities of believers… “Although Mr. Putin has never made a secret of what he says is his deep Christian faith, his first decade in power was largely free of overtly religious rhetoric. Little or no attempt was made to impose a set of values on Russians or lecture to the West on morals.”[4]

Certainly Putin put the moral equation back on the table. Kevin Barrett declared that Putin here was trying to “put the fear of God in the New World Order.”  Barrett moved on to make the forceful argument that much of the Zionist establishment in the West is afraid of Putin because the establishment leaves in fear. “Russian President Putin is resisting,” said Barrett. “That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him names.” Barrett continued to argue cogently:


“It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God…. 
Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists.

“Anyone who doubts this should run the name ‘Lt. Col. Michael Aquino’ through a search engine. Aquino, an avowed Satanist and credibly-accused mass child abuser, was rewarded for his crimes against children with an appointment as Chief of Psychological Warfare for the US military…
“The shock troops of the NWO’s war against religion and tradition (and Russia and Iran) are the neoconservatives. Operation Gladio terrorist Michael Ledeen explains:

“‘Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace … We must destroy them to advance our historic mission.’


“Putin is stopping New World Order ‘creative destruction’ in Syria and Ukraine. He is part of a growing coalition opposing the NWO – not just religious traditionalists, but also progressive anti-globalization forces, including Hugo Chavez inspired anti-imperialists in Latin America.”

Putin, like Emmanuel Kant and even John Adams and others, understands that a nation cannot exist without objective morality, and objective morality cannot exist without Logos,[7] the essence and sustainer of the moral universe. In that sense, and whether he notices it or not, Putin was implicitly or indirectly attacking the Neo-Darwinian ideology, which states that objective morality is an illusion and has no metaphysical basis. It is here that we find again that Neo-Darwinian metaphysics is intellectually useless and worthless because it denies the very essence of a moral universe. 

Putin said in 2013:  “People in many European countries are ashamed, and are afraid of talking about their religious convictions. [Religious] holidays are being taken away or called something else, shamefully hiding the essence of the holiday.”[23]

The Zionist regime, of course, made the false accusation that Putin was persecuting homosexuals.

But Putin moved on to diffuse the regime’s silly argument this way: “We need to respect the rights of minorities to be different, but the rights of the majority should not be in question.”[24]So, yes, Patrick Buchanan. Putin is one of us. Any serious politician who stands against the Mephistophelian establishment is one of us.

  As Friedrich Hansen of Asia Times put it, “Make no mistake, Putin is not targeting homosexuals, as he made clear with his welcoming them to the Sotchi Olympics. It also seems only fair to remind Western readers that ever since the 1980s, Sotchi has been the center of Russia with a vibrant homosexual subculture.

Rather, Putin is addressing the whole gamut of post-modern incarnations of the ‘sex and drugs’ revolution: binge drinking of both genders until the doctors move in, elite illicit drug use, unmanageable crime rates, surging divorce numbers, hookup sex on campus, out of wedlock births, fathers and mothers in puberty, abortion on demand, public nudism and human copulation in parks, gay promiscuity with a good conscience, swinger clubs and darkrooms, ruthless Internet dating and pornography and what have you.”[25]

How does the regime respond? Well, you know the drill. Owen Matthews, a useful idiot, declared in the Spectator that Putin has a “new plan for world domination”![26]  In order to slander Putin, Matthews indirectly linked him with Willi Munzenberg, a revolutionary Jew who wanted to take the Western world to perdition at any cost. Munzenberg was so passionate about his revolutionary goal that he wrote: 



We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western Civilization stink! Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
 When Putin said that Russia will “defend traditional values that have made up the spiritual and moral foundation of civilisation in every nation for thousands of years,” Matthews declared that Putin “is on to something.” What is it? Matthews told us: 

“Putin’s new mission goes deeper than political opportunism. Like the old Communist International, or Comintern, in its day, Moscow is again building an international ideological alliance.”[27] He again emphasized this point so that readers could get it: “And again, like the Comintern, Putin appears convinced that he is embarking on a world-historical mission.”[28] He moved on to talking about “Putin’s conservative Comintern.”

At the other end of the political spectrum, David Cameron likened Putin to Hitler.[29] John McCain, Lindsey Graham, among other usual suspects, have all placed Putin and Hitler on equal footing.

[30]  (If that’s not calling the pot black, I do’t know what is!!!!...

Historian Paul Johnson (sad to say) even went so far as to say that Putin and Hitler are basically two sides of the same coin. Johnson said that Putin “believes in a strong Stalinist state.   His goal is to reverse the events of 1989–the end of the Soviet state and dissolution of its enormous empire. He seeks to do this by using what remains of Russia’s Stalinist heritage: the military, a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and immense resources of natural gas and other forms of energy.”[31]

Johnson is sad because “there is no Churchillian voice to sound the alarm and call the democratic world to action.”

[32] (Churchhill – a known pedophile and criminal – and we want MOR...

Johnson has got to be kidding. What he ends up saying is that someone like Churchill needs to step up and start lying to the West about Putin. It is so sad to read silly comments such as this by a good historian like Johnson.But the real question is this: why do the regime and their puppets hate Putin so much? Well, Putin suggested back in 2013 the Soviet government was guided by a dark force whose “ideological goggles and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed.”[33]

The first Soviet government,” Putin added, “was 80-85 percent Jewish.”[34]

Sounds like Putin has read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together. If so, then it seems clear that he will continue to challenge the Zionist regime. Perhaps Putin has been encouraged by Solzhenitsyn’s bravery. It was Solzhenitsyn who said:


“And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: will he remain a witting servant of the lies, or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries?”[35] 
Perhaps Putin is saying enough is enough. And this maybe one reason why nearly all the major news outlets have been relentlessly slandered him. 

Kevin Barrett ended up his excellent article saying, “God bless President Putin, who is putting the fear of God into the New World Order.” Let us hope that he will never be weary in well doing, for in due season he shall reap, if he faints not. 


[1] Actually it was a Marxist/Leninist state.

[2] Patrick J. Buchanan, “Vladimir Putin, Christian Crusader?,” American Conservative, April 4, 2014.
[3] Marc Bennetts, “Who’s ‘godless’ now? Russia says it’s U.S.,” Washington Times, January 28, 2014.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Peter Pomerantsev, “For God and Putin,” Newsweek, September 10, 2012.
[6] Seth Mandel, Contentions: Putin Vs. the Punk Rockers,” Commentary, August 17, 2012.
[7] E. Michael Jones has made this very point in his article “Ethnos Needs Logos: or Why I spent Three Days in Guadalajara Trying to Convince David Duke to Become a Catholic,” Culture Wars, June 2015.
[8] Michael Ruse, “God is dead. Long live morality,” Guardian, March 15, 2010.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
[12] Bradley A. Thayer, Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2004), 96.
[13] Ibid., 99, 100, 107, 114.
[14] Ibid., 99.
[15] Ibid., 102.
[16] Ibid., 103, 104.
[17] Ibid., 108.
[18] Ibid., 109.
[19] Ibid. 110, 111.

[20] Darwin, Origin of Species, 459.

[21] For a decent historical study on this, see for example Gertrude Himmelfarb, Darwin and the Darwinian Revolution (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1962).

Darwin was not as open-minded as people thought he was. “Former Darwin enthusiast St. George Mivart published anonymous articles critiquing Darwin’s theory. A gifted zoologist, Mivart would eventually publish a volume titled The Genesis of Species, an influential book that raised serious questions about the limits of natural selection, especially in its application to man. Far from rejecting Darwin wholesale, Mivart continued to embrace evolution and believe that the physical capacities of human beings had developed from the lower animals. But he continued to insist—like [Alfred] Wallace—that man was radically unique from the rest of creation and had a soul.

Egged on by Thomas Huxley, Darwin became increasingly bitter over his former disciple’s criticisms, despite Mivart’s attempts to be personable in private correspondence and his public praise of the ‘invaluable labours and active brains of Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace.” John G. West, Darwin Day in America: How Our Politics and Culture Have Been Dehumanized in the Name of Science (Wilmington: ISI Books, 2007).
[22] See Denis L. Krebs, The Origins of Morality (New York: Oxford University, 2011), 41-42.
[23] Neil Buckley, “Putin urges Russians to return to values of religion,” Financial Times, September 19, 2013.
[24] Ibid.
[25] Friedrich Hansen, “Putin Stands Up to Western Decadence,” Asia Times, February 28, 2014.
[26] Owen Matthews, “Vladimir Putin’s new plan for world domination,” Spectator, February 22, 2014.
[27] Ibid.
[28] Ibid.
[29] Owen Jones, “David Cameron and the cynicism of comparing Putin to Hitler,” Guardian, September 3, 2014.
[30] Michael Kelley, “11 Prominent People Who Compared Putin To Hitler,” Business Insider, May 23, 2014.
[31] Paul Johnson, “Is Vladimir Putin Another Adolf Hitler?,” Forbes, April 16, 2014.
[32] Ibid.
[33] “Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish,” Jerusalem Post, June 20, 2013.
[34] Ibid.
[35] Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Solzhenitsyn Reader (Wilmington: ISI Books, 2007), 558.;  

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Comment by Besimi on August 13, 2015 at 11:29pm

Benjamin Fulford - August 11, 2015: More arrests needed as Western megabanks are now stealing depositors’ money

Benjamin Fulford - August 11, 2015: More arrests needed as Western megabanks are now stealing depositors’ money

JP Morgan and other Western mega-banks have already begun stealing depositors’ money, according to sources at the Asian Development Bank and an American millionaire who reported his own funds were stolen. The development bank source said a man who had $4 million on deposit with JP Morgan contacted him to say the bank had refused to allow him to withdraw his money. Instead the man was offered a “365 day bank guarantee.” 

In other words, the bank would not give him his money but offered to tell other banks that he had money. Many of the largest Western banks are now keeping themselves from going bankrupt by offering “guarantees” to each other, the source said. The American millionaire, based in Washington State, said more than $100 million of his money had also been stolen outright. 

A Japanese financier also told this writer that Citibank had stolen more than $10 million of his money he deposited at their branch in Tokyo. A Japanese female acquaintance said she had too had $50,000 stolen from her account at the branch of an American owned bank in Tokyo. The banks were not available for comment at the time of this writing but it is clear from this anecdotal and also from public evidence (like derivatives holdings and market manipulation) that most Western mega-banks are no longer functioning properly. 

The US military and agencies are on the case and criminal investigations are ongoing, according to Pentagon sources. 

However, the Pentagon sources say the Pentagon has been unable to bankrupt the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation and restore the Republic of the United States of America because of objections from the Chinese. The Chinese are saying that if the Federal Reserve Board Washington DC subsidiary declared bankruptcy, all of their over $3 trillion in hard earned US dollars would become worthless. 

If that was the case the Chinese would stop supporting the internationally traded US dollar and thus stop subsidizing all US military activities outside of the continental United States. 

What all this means is that some sort of transition will have to be, and is being, aranged. 

In the meantime, pressure from the military rank and files, especially from the Colonels, means that the leadership of US Joint Chiefs of Staff will be completely overhauled at the end of September. The incoming leadership group is ready to take serious action and start a major round up of Khazarian gangsters in Washington DC, New York and elsewhere. The Israeli Military and Intelligence community is preparing to take similar action in Israel, according to Mossad sources. 

Also, although the arrests promised for August 8th did not take place in the dramatic and sweeping manner demanded by the rank and file military, there has been a lot of progress made. The Pentagon promises “the guns of August” will produce results. 

For example, “after months of pressure” from the agencies and the Pentagon, the Justice Department and FBI have started a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. Despite a misleading headline, this has even been reported in the Khazarian mob controlled Washington Post. 

That is why suddenly there is talk of Vice-President Joe Biden running for President, according to Pentagon sources. 

The US Military, the Drug Enforcement Agency and the FBI are also hunting for the fugitive Mexican drug lord “El Chapo” because they want to use his testimony to take down the Bush drug mob. It is now a sure bet that most of the Bush family is going to jail. 

The US government is expected to be shut down after September due to a lack of funding. This will be used as an opportunity to clean out more of the garbage in Washington DC, according to the Pentagon sources. For example, the Department of Homeland Security will probably be dismantled although its essential functions (like the Coast guard) will continue. 

Any government agencies or officials found to be obstructing the ongoing investigations of the Khazarian mob will also be removed from power, the sources continue. 

The revelations of baby parts being sold by Planned Parenthood is part of the offensive against the Eugenics supporting, Nazi faction of the Khazarian mob. That offensive will lead to new revelations in September and October, the sources promise. 

The Khazarian mob is also coming under heavy fire in the US and Israel for its big push inside the US to promote a war with Iran. US acting-President Barack Obama was told to read the riot act to the AIPAC lobby in the US. He did so in a meeting with two of their leaders and, the following day, he read a speech given to him by the Pentagon. 

There he said “As President of the United States, it would be an abrogation of my constitutional duty”, to obey Israel and attack Iran. He also said “Israel would bear the brunt of a US military strike on Iran”. What this meant, according to a Pentagon source, is that “Israel would be defenseless and friendless and without help from the Department of Defense.” 

This is one of the reasons why the Israeli intelligence and military community is finally waking up to the fact they, and many of their countrymen, have been brainwashed by religious Zealots bent on starting World War 3. Israel is going to have to cleanse itself of Armageddon plotting religious Zionist fanatics if it wants to remain a viable entity. 

Otherwise they will find themselves friendless and alone. Also, their so-called Samson option of threatening to take the world down with them has now been neutralized, according to White Dragon Society sources. 

Heavy pressure is now being put on Turkey as well as Israel to end their ISIS campaign in Syria and Iraq. Russia’s Putin has threatened both countries with military action if they continue their ISIS mass murder campaign. The US military has quietly informed the Turks and Israelis they will not act to stop Russia if it takes on ISIS. That is why negotiations involving Russia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the US military etc. have taken on new urgency. 

There has also been a lot going on with China in recent days. The Chinese economy has begun to grind to a halt. The massive steel and concrete construction boom is starting to produce un-needed roads and empty cities. This means China will now have to change its business model and that will mean it will have to take at least a step backwards before moving forwards again. 

The Chinese are also starting to lose ground diplomatically. The Vietnamese are negotiating a free trade deal with the EU to offset excessive dependence on the Chinese economy. The Vietnamese are also considering buying the French Mistral ships whose sale to Russia has been cancelled. 

The defection of Ling Wangchen, the brother of Ling Jihua, aide to former Chinese President Hu Jintao, has been a coup for the US intelligence community, according to the Pentagon sources. The US now has deep inside knowledge of the highest levels of power in the Chinese regime. This defection is the result of current President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on corruption and rivals. Xi has created many enemies and has, as a result, has experienced six assassination attempts, Chinese sources say. 

The Russians are also now aligning themselves more with the WDS Western alliance to avoid leaving China holding all the cards of world power. 

The Chinese regime, for its part, is now retrenching and trying to show a friendlier face. All construction in disputed areas of the South China Sea has been stopped. In addition, the Chinese are negotiating a visit by Pope Francis. Chinese secret society sources and Rothschild family sources are both saying there may be a Chinese move to adopt “Christianity with Chinese characteristics” as the official religion of China. 

This would be done in harmony with Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and other Chinese traditional belief systems. The Chinese are also aiming for harmonious relations with the rest of the world.
Comment by Besimi on August 13, 2015 at 12:48am

Transhumanism: How the Illuminati Depose God

August 9, 2015


(Left, David Livingstone's new book)
Transhumanism may seem 
like a crackpot fringe movement, but it is the new ideology 
of the Illuminati.
The Cabalist Jewish embrace of materialism and attempt to supplant God has led to a grotesque effort to override nature and
achieve immortality. 
by David Livingstone
Transhumanism is a bizarre aspiration to achieve immortality, along lunatic lines like cryogenics, placing miniature robots in our bloodstream, "augmenting" ourselves as cyborgs, and even uploading our minds to the Internet. 


Sound like the ravings of a mad scientist? Yes but they are being spearheaded by the likes of Google. They are in the hands of those who can exercise extraordinary control over our lives. One of Google's own heads of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, left, a Jew, is the revered modern-day prophet of transhumanism.
The truth is that a formidable conspiracy has taken place right under our noses for the last 50 years. While our attention has been focused on JFK, UFOs and 9/11, a plot to create the ultimate surveillance tool has proceeded unnoticed: the rise of the All-Seeing Eye, the personal computer.
Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will become God. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself, in the form of living machines, or artificial intelligence.
Transhumanist themes have been reflected for decades in movies such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, the Terminator series, The Matrix, and Transcendence, but is best encapsulated in the recent movie Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson, who takes a "smart drug" to achieve ever increasing intelligence, until she merges her mind with the Internet, to become a god.


This idea is rooted in an occult belief first developed in the sixteenth century by Isaac Luria, father of the New Kabbalah, and the godfather of Rosicrucianism.
 Luria's idea, which proposed that man was evolving through time to become God, served as the basis for the Theory of Evolution, promoted by Thomas Huxley' X Club. Huxley's grandsons were Aldous Huxley, the visionary behind MK-Ultra, and eugenicist Julian Huxley, a founder of UNESCO.
Julian also wrote the introduction to The Phenomenon of Man by Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 -1955), known as the Catholic Darwin. 
Identified as the leading influence of the New Age movement, Teilhard is also regarded as the "Patron Saint of the Internet." Teilhard influenced Marshall McLuhan, Arthur C. Clarke, Philip K. Dick and Terence McKenna with his theory of a "Noosphere," which would represent humanity's development of a collective consciousness.
Today referred as the "Global Mind," it underlines the plans of Google and the transhumanists to create artificial intelligence. By merging with the Internet, which will accumulate all human knowledge, and peer into every aspect of our lives, it will achieve omniscience. 
This, the transhumanists believe, will serve as a new god, to unite the world in a communal purpose, and usher in the New Age, or what Kurweil refers to as The Singularity. To understand the Luciferian significance of these ambitions, McLuhan himself explained:
"Electric information environments being utterly ethereal foster the illusion of the world as spiritual substance. It is now a reasonable facsimile of the mystical body [of Christ], a blatant manifestation of the Anti-Christ. After all, the Prince of this world is a very great electric engineer."

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