Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! 2021.09.04

7 hours ago
Winds of Change
Winds of ChangeInspiration by Kate Spreckley September 3, 2021 The winds of change have been blowing for some time and as we continue to be buffeted by these winds, we are urged to remain centred within the eye of the storm. The internal shifts and transformations occurring now are changing the landscape of our lives bringing experiences and situations that align us more fully with our soul’s purpose. However, we must be willing to see beyond what is familiar and into the pure potential of what is possible. Your biggest soul lessons are being revealed and you are coming face t... read more
Our Vision for Humanity’s Ascension
Our Vision for Humanity’s AscensionThe 9D Arcturian CouncilThrough Daniel Scranton *September 3, 2021* Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have a vision of the future for humanity that we hold within our consciousness, and we invite you to that vision by sending you the vibration of it. It is our desire for all of humanity to shift your consciousness in the most peaceful, pleasant, and joyous way imaginable. We know that this timeline exists for all of you, and it is our mission to get as many of you as possible to experienc... read more
Continue Your Praises
Continue Your Praises*The Beloved**Is the Teacher*Received by LytskeUrantia, January 4, 2006 Posted September 3, 2021 [image:] *The Beloved:* “Wait upon Me to hear these My words. Trust the process, child. Do not worry and do not hurry. Your plan, which is My plan, has been fore-ordained. If you would only live one day at a time, and do not plan ahead, so there is room for Me to make our plan known to you. It is ever so: The more you seek Me in your Stillness time, the more you will find Me. It is wonderful for Me to know that it i... read more
What Beauty Awaits
What Beauty AwaitsCatherine VielPosted September 3, 2021 *We like to think of it as parallel to what we know,Only bigger…Some like to imagineA cosmic mother watching through a spray of stars,Mouthing yes, yes as we toddle toward the light,Biting her lip if we teeter at some ledge.* ~Tracy K. Smith, My God, It’s Full of Stars There’s a profundity, almost a sacredness, to the act of letting things go. I am making forays into the uncharted realms of closets and cupboards and drawers, where lie things I haven’t viewed in years. There they sit in a box or a drawer, unremembered... read more
We have Strong Allies
We have Strong Alliesby Steve BeckowPosted September 3, 2021 II’m convinced that the Company of Heaven gives me spiritual experiences because they know I’ll write about them. So much is unfolding from this last experience of the divine state of confidence. It shows how the Company of Heaven works with lightworkers so I’d like to revisit it, if you’d permit me. You remember that on Sept. 17, 2018 I watched Frazzledrip while on a retreat. That so threw me that it took a strong spiritual experience to jackhammer me out of it. I don’t recommend anyone watch that video. It took me way... read more
Roots of your Divinity
Roots of your DivinityBy Archangel MetatronThrough Natalie GlassonPosted September 3, 2021 *with video below* *Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa * ** Greetings, and love I extend to all beings present with me today, I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to bring forth the vibrations and frequencies of the Angelic Kingdom to embrace you, to support you and assist you in your current stages of ascension. It may feel now that everything is moving, that there is momentum. It may feel that things are uncertain and unstable as if you cannot quite find the right ... read more
Your Destination Is Ascension
Your Destination Is AscensionBuddha*Channeled by Erena Velazquez*Posted on September 2, 2021 Greetings my Dear Ones, I am Buddha, and I am happy to be back to share my wisdom with you. Since 2020, I have been diligently coming only through this Universal Channel as I am her mentor. Each day your world is falling more and more into chaos created by the Darkness. My Dear Ones, now it’s your time to take back, what was taken from you many millenniums ago, your right to be free. A long time ago, many of you arrived on this planet to help to create a New World, instead you got stoc... read more

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