Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! 2021.09.03

Us vs Them Mentality: How This Thinking Trap Divides Society
Us vs Them Mentality: How This Thinking Trap Divides Society*
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)* September 2, 2021
Human beings are social animals, hardwired to form groups, but why do we treat some groups favorably and yet ostracise others? This is the Us vs Them mentality that not only divides society but has historically led to genocide. So what causes the Us vs Them Mentality and how does this thinking trap divide society? I believe three processes lead to the Us vs Them Mentality: Evolution Learned Survival Identity But before I discuss these ... read more
What Does It Mean to Embody Your Divinity and How Do You Do it?
What Does It Mean to Embody Your Divinity and How Do You Do it?
By Shanta GabrielAugust 31, 2021
We have been hearing so much about this idea of Embodiment,but have you ever wondered what it means? It feels like I have spent years creating the energy field that would allow me to fill myself with God’s Light. It was the most important thing for me to do when I first opened to my Soul Path in the 70’s. I was not thinking of it as *Embodiment*, because being on the Earth was not priority to me for the first 20 years of my spiritual practice. In the past 20+ years however, groundi... read more
6 Unrealistic Expectations from Your Childhood That Affect You for ...
6 Unrealistic Expectations from Your Childhood That Affect You for a Lifetime
Sherrie Hurd, A.A.** *Posted September 1, 2021*
You know those irritating things you do, yeah, like being a perfectionist? Well, it could come from unrealistic expectations from childhood. I wanted to write and paint during most of my childhood. I liked to play outside a lot too. There were many things I truly enjoyed, but things were instilled within me from my parents and other family members. I see them now as unrealistic expectations. To be honest, I come up with a few on my own as ... read more
Upgrades, Activations and Downloads from the Sun
Upgrades, Activations and Downloads from the Sun
The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton *September 2, 2021*
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always in search of new and better ways of delivering to you the latest upgrades, activations, and downloads that you need to continue on there on Earth with everything that you need to ascend and to assist others in their ascension journeys. We have been working with your sun to deliver you more of these energies that you need, and your sun is already doing a tremendous ... read more
All warriors once in awhile need to laugh
All warriors once in awhile need to laugh.Chief Eagle Feather*
Channeled through **Galaxygirl* Posted September 2, 2021
Hou. I am Chief Eagle Feather. Watcher from above. Moccasins on the ground, on the soft earth of the mother. Heaven hears you. All warriors are important in the battle. All have different positions. Some sneak attack. Some lead in front. All fight. You are fighting, mighty warriors. You are fighting and you are strong. You are strong enough for this battle. Many say it is not a battle but a separation. A tearing. As old skins tear and separate, all is exposed un... read more
The Hardest Walk is Walking Alone...
The Hardest Walk is Walking Alone, but it's Also the Walk that Makes you the Strongest
By Disciple John ~ Posted September 2, 2021
I dont know who needs to see this, but... Sometimes, for your best self interest, its best to simply walk away... Have enough self respect to leave people who do not appreciate you... Have enough self love to Go Where You're Celebrated, Not Where You're Tolerated... If you were aware how God sees you and loves you, and if you knew the image of God you're made in, you could never feel bad, lonely or sad. If you're in bad company, you see yourself throug... read more
Aita Channeling Her Higher SelfPosted September 2, 2021
Good Day to you our dear Lightworkers on planet earth today in this great awakening time of late August 2021. And now, you are seeing the old, the heavy, the dark and dense control system crumble. Its time has come. Now there is great chaos and confusion all around you in your world, on planet earth. And the situation seems to get worse each and every day. We say “seems” to get worse, for all that is happening, all the turmoil and the conflict, is happening for the good of the planet and h... read more
The Golden Age
The Golden Age
By Judith Kusel   Posted September 2, 2021
We are the Star Seeds The Pioneers The Ones who are now asked to step up and out And indeed lovingly and in unity Co-create the New Golden Age In the New Earth. We have been prepared for this Through many lifetimes, Through parallel lives And Universes. Indeed, we have so often held the light steady For the rest of humankind During other incarnations, And so often paid the highest price. Yet the Soul indeed lives on! Indeed we now are asked to rise Into the fullness of the Truth of who and what in are: – At SOUL LEVEL And to fully s... read more
Your Spark of Divinity is Immortal and Eternal
Your Spark of Divinity is Immortal and Eternal*
WISDOM TEACHINGS*ARCHANGEL MICHAEL Through Ronna Vezane (Herman) Posted on September 2, 2021
Beloved masters, never forget, your reason for Being is to become a conscious cocreator, and that our Father/Mother God is the Life-Giving Force of your existence. You must let go of the straight line, linear time concept whereby your choices are limited and influenced by the past. A Self-master functions within the Law of the Circle, the concept of the Infinity Loop (a horizontal figure 8). The Infinity Loop that continually flows forth from y... read more
Shining Light into the Dark
Shining Light into the Dark
Inspiration by Kate Spreckley September , 2021
The journey of our soul in a human form is filled with experiences which bring healing, growth, and learning. When we see that the purpose of every situation in our lives enables our soul to evolve, we can elevate our awareness and observe our past from a place of wisdom, compassion, and deep understanding. We can drop the judgments and absorb the wisdom. We can confront the limiting beliefs and breakthrough the constraints that keep us recycling the past. If you are feeling swamped by emotion right no... read more
Strong Are the Meek
Strong Are the Meek
Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher ; Message received by Anyas, Oregon, USA, January 12, 2021, Posted 2021/09/02 *“
Happy are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Genuine meekness has no relation to fear. It is rather an attitude of man co-operating with God — “Your will be done.” It embraces patience and forbearance and is motivated by an unshakable faith in a lawful and friendly universe. It masters all temptations to rebel against the divine leading. Jesus was the ideal meek man of Urantia [Earth], and he inherited a vast universe.” [UB 140:5.11]* *Thought Adj... read more

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