Saviors Of Earth

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Useful to know - - 6% of us are neanderthal beings - Neanderthals and Semites ! ?

Useful to know - - 6% of us are neanderthal beings

They Are Not Like Us — by Jack Harper

Everybody are aware of todays world critical situation. Above link may put several dots together. But even everything becomes transparent, the question is: How do the 94% tame this 'overpower' made of the few inside the 6%.

Our style is not to isolate living beings and collect the 6%, and isolate them in Jail Israel. It is obvious that the 6% disturb the whole world in a more than dangerous way that delay our development.

They are separated because of a lack of coordination ability resting in them genetic. In the sense they are invalids.

Please remark: This problem must be addressed. Not talking about it is self-inflicted torture of the human situation. Key words and names must be used openly and in a good manner to face things and create a solid acceptable solution for all parts. To close eyes, hide behind taboos are destructive for all parts.

Neanderthals and Semites

Life on Earth is more than Icecream!

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Comment by Besimi on June 9, 2014 at 1:02am

Sacred Anger and the Power of Hard Love

by Gary Z McGee  fractalenlightenment
“Love does not imply pacifism.” – Derrick Jensen 
As it stands, all of us are victims of an extremely unhealthy culture. In a culture of conquer-control-consume-repeat we are endlessly conquered, controlled, consumed and forced into repeating and facilitating this diabolical process to no end. We’re like a bunch of spoiled-rotten, whiny children, taking our vexations out on each other and the environment when we should be digging down deep and transforming our comfortable inertia into courageous action. The question is: how do we break the cycle. One answer may be through sacred anger and hard love. 

Here’s the thing: life was not meant to be comfortable. Sure, discover comfort where you can, but you’ll never grow if you don’t get uncomfortable every once in a while. Just like our culture will forever stagnate and degenerate if we don’t challenge how comfortable and contained it keeps us, especially when those comforts are systematically destroying the world. Like Anais Nin wrote, “Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.” Let’s choose not to fail. Let’s choose not to give into this kind of death. Let’s choose courage instead. In our culture, anger is seen as politically incorrect. But deep, focused anger can be a boon of sacred energy if we can learn to use it wisely and courageously. Attentive, meditative anger can even be a form of empathy, as anger is often a natural response to horrific situations. Sometimes anger is not only the natural reaction, but the only moral reaction. 

This is the kind of anger that lifts us up and compels us to protect the weak against the overreaching powerful or the poor against the overindulgent rich. The type of righteous anger that flips over tables like Christ did against the greedy bankers, the type of anger that would rather live a hard life of freedom than an easy life of slavery. Such anger is sacred precisely because it instills in us an unstoppable courage. 
We should not be expected to remain calm and happy in the face of ecocide, rape, misogyny, slavery, and greed. Rather we should be compelled toward righteous anger. We should be obliged to help victims become warriors, screaming from the rooftops, “Take the Goddamned red pill for Christ’s sake! Become a freedom unto yourself! You are your own hero! Allow yourself to be worthy. Allow yourself to be extraordinary! Get angry! Get really pissed off! Then grab the bull by the horns and pin that bastard to the ground!” Like Gloria Steinem said, “The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” 

But when push comes to shove, we are just too damn comfortable to care, and too damn polite to speak out. We need to get uncomfortable. We need to rediscover sacred ruthlessness, divine anger, and holy rage, leaving nothing to the inertia of chance and everything to the responsibility of choice; otherwise we fail to be responsible with our power. We cannot consume our way to sustainability. We cannot pillage our way to balance with nature. We cannot lie, cheat, steal, or trap our way to freedom. We cannot tyrannize our way to equal rights. Something has to give. And that something is our overindulgent comfort and complacent inertia. 
“What is the real origin of my own anger?” wrote Jean-Yves Leloup. “Is it the ego defending its territory, or is it something that has its source in the desire for the well-being of all?” Sacred anger that spills over into empathy and compassion becomes a very powerful force for moral good known as Hard Love. Hard love is ruthless love. It teaches even as it destroys outdated worldviews. It educates even as it shatters obsolete mental paradigms. It tutors even as it crushes parochial perspectives. 
It reveals the wisdom within all wounds. It forces a mirror in front of our victim-hood, screaming at us to rise above being a victim of the world and to become the world instead. It slaps us with the truth while revealing exactly how often we’ve been kissed with lies. 

It mocks our sense of deservedness: that whiny “I deserve a vacation. I deserve a brand new car. I deserve love. I deserve to be rich. I deserve to be perfect. Wah-wah-wah and woe-is-me!” while exposing us to the absolute fact that we don’t “deserve” anything but what we’ve earned through our own blood, sweat, and tears. And even then we may not get what we want. So it goes. 
What we need is a global coup d’état. What we need is to break the trance. What we need is to get uncomfortable. What we need is a Great Rewilding. What we need is to shift the current unsustainable paradigm. And the way we do these things is through sacred anger and hard love. It feels like an impossible task. But no task has ever been more important. On the detritus of the outdated, unsustainable system, we will create something entirely new and sustainable. 
We must, or we doom ourselves to failure and “a kind of death.” WWJD? He would flog greedy bankers in public, for one. So I beseech you all: discover your own righteous anger, become a freedom unto yourself, channel hard love, open the paradigm and ascend. The world needs you to not be crippled by fear, inertia, and comfort. It needs you to be filled with courage, compassion, and proactive, interdependent love. 

Image source:  Hard love Yin Yang Freedom WWJD
About the author Gary 'Z' McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.

Views: 152

Comment by Besimi on June 9, 2014 at 12:58am

Neanderthals and Semites


I honor the now vindicated, courageous, visionary, part-Jewish author Michael Bradley of Alabama (and now Toronto, Canada) (

His seminal 1992 book Chosen People from the Caucasus states that semitic peoples have Stone Age neanderthal genes in significant amounts,

Famous US Jewish author Israel Zangwill, who promoted the idea of a “melting pot” of races


…and this genetic makeup encourages violence, fanaticism and terribly oppression of women.


Rave review of my “Neanderthals and Semites” piece on Jim Stone’s website. (Stone is a major Fukushima exposé blogger.) 1/4 down on January 12, 2014: a rave review of my neanderthal material — 300 hits today….

Jim, you linked to a blog yesterday talking about neanderthal dna… […]
It’s THE, single most eye-opening things I have EVER read.

It’s going to take a while for me to process that info in my own head because it’s as if I now have to rearrange a bunch of stuff in there in order to make room for all the new pieces of the puzzle, like this one…

I saw a documentary a while back about Hitler and the Nazis traveling the world and going to remote areas and researching the isolated people there, like asking them questions about their history, measuring their skulls, faces, bone structures, etc. That fits right in with how a lot of neanderthal bones were found in Germany and the surrounding areas… they were trying to gauge the similarities between modern races and neanderthals. At the time they didn’t have advanced genetic testing like now, but they still made the connection through observation of similarities and realizing the diminished frontal brain capacity… that’s why some people were targeted and some were not.

All this is making so much sense now.

I have a LOT of research to do to learn more about this aspect of history. If you have links you’re saving up, please post more soon.

This answers the biggest questions I have about how some people can be so cold, calculating and evil while the bulk of humanity is live-and-let-live for the most part.”


This book by the Jewish author Samuel Roth reveals the entire radical hatred that Jews feel for Gentiles:   

Here is the half-Jewish Bradley’s book on the violent, neanderthalic nature of Jews.

Classic Cro Magnon faces in modern Europeans and Americans with upright foreheads, straight up like the White Cliffs of Dover…..

….and only slightly receding mouths and strong chins


John Kennedy, as depicted in profile on the 1965 quarter-dollar coin, with truly perfect Cro Magnon features. (Ireland, home of all his ancestors, has or had until recently, by virtue of its location on the edge of Europe, the most stable Cro Magnon genetics of any European country.)

President Kennedy with German aristocrat and brilliant rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. The chin juts out, as much or more than the mouth.

Dutch actor Rutger Hauer

Irish-Australian actress Nicole Kidman

Miss Iceland 2007, Johanna Vala

French movie star Alain Delon

Depiction of prehistoric neanderthals; note the sloping forehead, protruding mouth, weak chin and semitic nose.

Depictions of trolls in “mythology” always resemble those of neanderthals, raising the question if the myths about trolls and ogres recall actual neanderthals (from the movie “Troll II”)


Cro magnon (white) and neanderthal (Jewish) skeletons

Cro Magnons (left) as stated above had foreheads that went straight up, and strong chins but flat mouths; neanderthals (right) have sloping foreheads, protruding mouths, and huge rib cages like gorillas, with a fire-hydrant body

A reconstructed neanderthal face and body

Many Jews…….both sephardic and khazarian/ashkenazic

Note especially the protruding mouth of “Lady Gaga,” lower-left, and (below) that of 1960s singer Carly Simon.

A 2009 picture of Simon

….and yet Arabs. Armenians and other Middle Easterners ALSO have this neanderthal gene.

An Arab-muslim warlord  preparing to attack a white, Christian army defending Europe


The Times Square bomber from Pakistan, Faisal Shahzad

Yassir Arafat, founder and head for decades of the PLO

A French Jew and synagogue president; note the fireplug body, protruding mouth and sloped forehead

Jewish boxer Vladimir Klitchko



German-Jewish Kabbalah writer Gershom Scholem (

Truly infamous Jewish neo-neanderthals: Jewish activist Samuel Untermeyer, creator of the lying Scofield Bible…

Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney chief of staff who feloniously blew the cover of a vital CIA agent in retaliation for her husband’s truthful disclosures about the bogus WMD accusations against Saddam Hussein and Iraq

Menachem Begin as a young man in 1940……

Begin as cabinet minister

Shimon Peres

Larry Silverstein (below) made $4 billion in profits off the WTC, paid out by German reinsurance company, Munich Re. He had only made two small payments on the WTC mortgage when September 11 happened, which also meant he as owner never had to remove all the asbestos in the complex at a cost to himself of billion$. The asbestos just went out into the NYC air, sickening and killing thousands of gentile New Yorkers doing the cleanup.

Henry Kissinger

……The truth about the “Chosen”

“The Chosenites” is a very powerful video at the end.

The second and final video features Professor Shlomo Sand of Tel Aviv University discussing his bestseller, The Myth of the Jewish People, which proves that the modern Israelis are NOT genetic descendants of the ancient Biblical Jews at all, but instead largely a bunch of converted Turks (“Khazars”), Berbers, and Yemenis — and that in fact the Palestinians (who later were converted to Islam) — and whom the modern Israelis are massacring –  are the true DNA descendants of the Biblical Jews!


…..RADIO SHOWS about Jews and Neanderthals

Comment by Besimi on June 9, 2014 at 12:23am

 The war against ourselves – by John Kaminski

They Are Not Like Us — by Jack Harper

Roughly 6 percent of the world’s population consists of people with Neanderthal genes. Jews fall into this category. This is why Jews have always been a problem: because their Neanderthal genes make them twice as aggressive as the rest of the world’s Cro-Magnon derived races.

Edited and presented with pictures, captions, and an endnote by Lasha Darkmoon on the sexual proclivities of the Jews.

neandertable“Basically, I estimate that about seventy percent of the present crisis on this planet can be fairly attributed to the machinations of Neanderthal-Semitic elements of the human population against the Cro-Magnon majority.”  — Michael Bradley, Esau’s Empire

Quite independent of Arthur Koestler, whose work he had never read, Michael Bradley, a Canadian-based writer of Jewish origin, released his own 1978 work, The Iceman Inheritance, followed up by its sequel, Chosen People From the Caucusus. In both these books, Bradley put forth his thesis that the modern day people known as the Jews were descendants from the Khazars and that, indeed, the Khazars could trace their origins back to the Neanderthals.

Bradley’s website at describes Bradley’s findings in part: In Chosen People from the Caucasus, Bradley focuses on the two separate groups of people who came from the Caucasus Mountains of the Middle East: the Biblical Hebrews who emerged from the southern Caucasus between 3000-2000 BC to invade Palestine, and the northern Caucasus “Khazars” who were converted to Judaism about 740A.D.

The Khazars were pushed into Central and Eastern Europe by Mongol invasions, and their descendants comprise the vast majority of modern Jewry. Although these have no direct historical or genetic connections with the Semitic Jews of the Holy Land, both groups shared a Neanderthal origin in the Caucasus Mountains in the far distant pre-Judaic past.

Bradley contends that people and cultures emerging from the Caucasus Mountains — a known refuge of late lingering Neanderthal populations — in proto-historical and historical times, would have remained highly intelligent, highly aggressive and psychosexually maladapted, promoting a high level of in-group cohesion. These traits, Bradley contends, explain the survival of Biblical Hebrews against all odds and also the inordinate social influence of modern Western Jews.

Bradley contends that there is no mystique of “the chosen people.” Monotheism— a purely male and abstract Godhead— is merely a result of Neanderthal glacial physical and mental adaptations or “maladaptations.”

Proven Neanderthal in-group cohesion and extreme aggression together resulted in a fiercely parochial “chosen people” perspective.

The cultural fusion of the two separate streams of “Jews” has, since the 16th century, played an important role in the evolution of Western Civilization and thus in the molding of the entire world’s present cultural profile.

Bradley contends that a uniquely high level of lingering Neanderthal aggression, perpetuated by ethnic prohibitions against outside marriage, has been responsible for the major role played by those calling themselves Jews in the discovery and conquest of the Americas, the transatlantic trade in Black Africans as slaves and cultural colonization of non-Whites by the West. It has been a role too often distorted and disguised by loud lamentations of “anti-Semitism.”

Bradley writes further of his own research and the subsequent controversy that erupted when many media outlets (and Jewish sources) which had previously hailed his writing on the topic of the Neanderthals came to realize that his work pointed toward Neanderthal origins for the Jewish people:

The “Jewish” Ashkenazim had come from a region of known late-lingering Neanderthals, the Caucasus Mountains and the neighboring Russian steppes. Some typically “Jewish” physical traits were very obviously vestigial Neanderthal ones – generally a short stature and a plump physique, many very short wide-hipped and big- breasted women, extremely hairy men and a tendency toward beetling brows and large beaky “hooked” noses in both genders. Many Ashkenazim have crinkly-curly head hair tending toward dark reddish brown or mahogany in color.

Neanderthal-type male

Neanderthal-type male

Among Ashkenazi “Jews” there is also a genetic tendency toward beaky faces, not only just noses, and big mouths (in more ways than one) that “wrap around” the lower face.

Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts provide two lovely and very well known examples of how attractive this genetic trait can be. But these are not “Semitic” physical traits. They are Neanderthal physical characteristics. And maybe some Neanderthal emotional and behavioral traits persisted among the Ashkenazim along with the physical ones.

Their “chosen people” pretension is a typical Neanderthal in-group obsession that is actually a genetic racist predisposition against all other humans. It is a genetically determined “us against them” mentality. Their higher level of known Neanderthal aggression against outsiders is responsible for their disproportional social influence wherever they have settled in the West. . . .

The Ashkenazi Jews, as a group, exhibit lingering Neanderthal traits most strongly among living Caucasians because of Jewish prohibitions against marriage with outsiders. Their Neanderthal genes have been kept “all in the family”, as it were. These Neanderthal genes were not diluted by intermarriage nearly as much as with most other Caucasians.

Neanderthal-type female. Note the same beaky nose and big mouth.

Neanderthal-type female. Note the same beaky nose and big mouth.

This Russian steppe origin of today’s Ashkenazi “Jews” was not just a “theory” based on squibs by medieval Christian, Moslem and Jewish chroniclers. It was solid and objective historical reality based on linguistics and hard archaeological artifacts.

And, with The Iceman Inheritance, my unforgivable crime had been to add very persuasive anthropological data to all the other evidence. And this “data” was also something that anyone could actually see by simply taking a close look at many North American “Jews.”

According to Bradley, the Neanderthal heritage of modern-day Jewish people explains much about their ongoing problems with not only the native people of Palestine but with other people on the planet. He writes:

This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria when they feel nervous or threatened… which is all the time when they are not in absolute control. And they are arrogant, but uneasy, even then.

An ethnic symptom of this emotional instability is the Jewish tendency toward hypochondria. Even they cannot control death. This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward hysteria and emotional instability has proved to be a dangerous and tragic situation over the course of Western history.

Their aggression encourages continual Jewish attempts to control societies, while the emotional instability makes it difficult for most Jews to distinguish reasonably between justified social criticism by their non-Jewish neighbors and attacks.

Insensitive even to objective concerns about inordinate Jewish influence in societies, and reacting with hysterical aggression to any such supposed “attack” on their behavior and pleas from non-Jews to limit it, Jews have always provoked violence against themselves. And then they, with much emotional satisfaction, feel victimized and attribute the situation to innate “anti-Semitism” among their neighbors.

On his website, in an essay entitled “A frightening publication history of Jewish media suppression”, Bradley explores the amazingly negative reaction against his writings and the determined efforts to discredit his work.


Endnote: On the sexual proclivities of Jews by Lasha Darkmoon

This is related tangentially to the above article. It poses the question: are the Jews’ Neanderthal genes, which account for their double-than-average rate of aggression,  also responsible for their high libido and sexual hyperactivity?

It has always been an “antisemitic canard”, or perception among anti-Semites, that Jews are given to excessive amounts of lechery compared to non-Jews. The “Jew as Lecher” featured frequently in Nazi Germany Der Stürmer cartoons showing the Jew lusting after young Aryan women. When the Jews took over Weimar Germany, they flooded the country with pornography and made it the most sexually decadent country in Europe. Today, Jews dominate the world porn industry and produce roughly 90 percent of American porn in the San Fernando Valley, California. (See here)

Again, the Talmud’s obsession with sex is well-known. I have dealt with this subject in great detail in my article, Secret Sex Life of the Jews.  Amazingly, the Talmud has to be the only religious text in the world to discuss and compare the penis size of its most venerated sages.  (See  The Passionate Talmud, Introduction, p. 1).

The Jewish appetite for non-Jewish women, especially blondes, is apparently insatiable. All these appear to be Neanderthal characteristics — a huge libido, excessive testosterone, seething aggression — with the hairy Neanderthal-type male lusting darkly after the Cro-Magnon type female with her regular features and honeyblond flesh.

“I have not yet met a Jewish guy who wasn’t a horny rabbit,” porn star Nina Hartley once revealed. Nina should know, being Jewish herself — and having kicked up her heels for endless legions of lecherous Jews during her lubricious life time.

Here is Jewish novelist Philip Roth, who would undoubtedly have Neanderthal genes, going into raptures over the physical charms of Cro-Magnon woman. This is his hymn to the Aryan Blond Goddess from Portnoy’s Complaint:

“But the shiksas, ah, the shiksas are something else…. I am so awed that I am in a state of desire beyond a hard-on. My circumcised little dong is simply shriveled up with veneration…. How do they get so gorgeous, so healthy, so blond?” 



To learn more about Bradley’s Neanderthal thesis and the far-reaching effects of Neanderthal genes on the Jewish psyche, see: Chapter 4. The Decline and Fall of Esau’s Empire.

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