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The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Urgent! California Jerry Brown Gov is trying to force 69 vaccines + Flu shots and will be mandatory on all babies and people up to 18 years of age! Help Stop it-Act Now!

Urgent! California Jerry Brown Gov is trying to force 69 vaccines + Flu shots and will be mandatory on all babies and people up to 18 years of age! Help Stop it-Act Now!

Urgent! California Jerry Brown Gov is trying to force 69 vaccines + Flu shots and will be mandatory on all babies and people up to 18 years of age! Help Stop it-Act Now!

Friday, June 12, 2015 16:49

(Before It's News)

URGENT, URGNET PLEASE HELP!!!! California Jerry Brown Gov is trying to force 69 vaccines + Flu shots and will be mandatory for all babies and people up to 18 years of age! My email below outlines over 27 deadly facts about vaccines and I have some websites showing the dangers

Check it out:

Mortality rates and cause-of-death patterns in a vaccinated population:  The mortality rate within 60 days of a vaccination visit was 442.5 deaths per 100,000 person read the report here:

Please read the email I’ve sent to the to: Jerry Brown, All California Senators and Assembly Members AND



CC: Producer of 60 minutes

CC: 48 hour TV show executive producer

CC: LA Times

CC: Sacramento Bee newspaper:


CC: The San Diego Union Tribune 

There’s vote June 15th so your participation request is urgent! Please visit which explains what going on and how you can help!!!!


Here’s the letter with all the facts!!


From: Dan
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 3:26 PM
To: ‘’

‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’;’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’;; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘”; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’

Subject: RE: URGENT -UPDATED! Death report- Attn: Jerry Brown- 60 minutes- 48 hours TV Shows CC’d /LA Times


Attn: Governor Jerry Brown, All California Senators and Assembly Members,  (Please note: I’ll be posting this email on with 6 million users in its entirety to prove you’re aware of the dangers!)




CC: Producer of 60 minutes

CC: 48 hour TV show executive producer

CC: LA Times (Kim Murphy)

CC: Sacramento Bee newspaper:


CC: The San Diego Union Tribune 


(Media- please review over 27 additional news stories below about the dangers and deaths from vaccines and has been sent to everyone at the state capital)


Vaccines are safe Jerry? Here’s more proof just do some research on your own and you’ll see what we’re talking about below!!! You’re out of your mind if you think you’re going to force 69 vaccines and flu shots to every child in Californian which is against our human and civil rights!


Please review:


Government Pays Compensation to 80 Flu Vaccine Injuries and Deaths –


In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccination–Infant-D...


Here are names pictures of 100′s of baby deaths from Vaccines!:



More reasons not to pass this BILL!


·      SB 277 is not based on scientific evidence or compelling state interest;

·      SB 277 is a violation of parental and human rights;

·      SB 277 requires children to risk vaccine injury, while vaccine manufacturers and doctors administering vaccines are shielded from vaccine injury liability;

·      SB 277 discriminates against children to deny them a school-based education guaranteed by the California Constitution; and

·      SB 277 will be excessively expensive to administer and enforce.










There is No Public Health Emergency in California


Unvaccinated school aged children with religious and conscientious belief exemptions are not causing measles and whooping cough outbreaks in California. Out of 136 measles cases reported in the state in 2015, only 18 percent were in school-aged children while 55% were in adults and 30 percent of all cases with vaccine records had been vaccinated. In 2014, out of 8,200 pediatric pertussis cases with vaccination records reported in California, 90 percent had been vaccinated.


The 2015 California measles outbreak associated with Disneyland only affected 0.00035% of the state’s population and was successfully contained without eliminating non-medical vaccine exemptions.


Do not pass this BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





From: Dan Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 2:19 PM
To: ‘’Cc: ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’
Subject: FW: Vaccine death report- Attn: Jerry Brown- 60 minutes- 48 hours TV Shows CC’d /LA Times



Dear Jerry, here’s more facts from unbias media sources for you to analyze which prove how dangerous vaccines are to mankind:

One study that compared vaccinated to unvaccinated boys found that vaccinated boys were 155% more likely to have a neurological disorder, 224% more likely to have ADHD, and 61% more likely to have autism.

  • A Dutch study found that vaccinated children had higher incidences of a number of illnesses and other health indicators compared to unvaccinated children in the first five years of life. Vaccinated children had high incidences of chronic eczema, allergic reactions, ADHD, ear infections, throat inflammation, and were more likely to be sickly.
  • A study in New Zealand found similar results, with vaccinated children having higher incidences of asthma and eczema, and an astonishing tenfold increase in the likelihood of tonsillitis.
  • Dear Readers,
  • Parents in Memphis, Tennessee, are mourning
    the loss of their baby girl Ja’Liyah Cortize Turner.

    She passed away in her sleep, less than four days
    after receiving seven vaccines.

    Her mother Quavia felt pressured into getting her
    daughter further vaccinated, even though she didn’t
    want to, because her daughter had a bad reaction
    from the round of vaccines given to her earlier.

    Does this story sound familiar to you? 

    Read the rest of what happened to Ja’Liyah and her
    family. This is your chance to get information that
    may save your child’s life.

    Read Ja’Liyah’s Story:

DO NOT PASS THIS BILL!!!!!!!!!! Media please read the email chain below it has more than 27 deadly facts which need to be reviewed!


From: Dan
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 11:40 AM
To: ‘’
Subject: FW: Vaccine death report- Attn: Jerry Brown- 60 minutes- 48 hours TV Shows CC’d /LA Times


Attn: Governor Jerry Brown, All California Senators and Assembly Members,



CC: CEC of NBC  

CC: Producer of 60 minutes

CC: 48 hour TV show executive producer
CC: LA Times


(Media- please review over 23 additional news stories below about the dangers and deaths from vaccines and has been sent to all everyone at the state capital)

Jerry Please veto the SB277 forced vaccine bill down based on the unbiased (Not funded by the drug companies propaganda) news reports about the dangers and deaths caused by vaccines! Take 1 hr behind closed doors and review everything which will prove our case that this bill should not pass!! 

Mortality rates and cause-of-death patterns in a vaccinated population:  The mortality rate within 60 days of a vaccination visit was 442.5 deaths per 100,000 person read the report here: (I also copied the text and included it below in case they pull it down)

Here are story after story of damage and death caused by vaccines:

Italian court rules mercury and aluminum in vaccines cause autism: US media continues total blackout of medical truth

Learn more:

Here’s the latest death list from vaccines:

More vaccine death statistics:–Infant-D...

Special Report: Vaccine Death Toll Rises

More news on the topic:

  1. Major Poll: 63% Agree Parents Should Decide Childhood Vaccine Sched...
  2. Merck Paid Legislators to Pass Mandatory Gardasil Vaccine Bill
  3. California Parents Voice Resounding ‘No’ to Forced Vaccines  

Mortality rates and cause-of-death patterns in a vaccinated population:  The mortality rate within 60 days of a vaccination visit was 442.5 deaths per 100,000 person read the report below:


McCarthy NL1Weintraub EVellozzi CDuffy JGee JDonahue JGJackson MLLee GMGlanz J,Baxter RLugg MMNaleway AOmer SBNakasato CVazquez-Benitez GDeStefano F.

Author information



Determining the baseline mortality rate in a vaccinated population is necessary to be able to identify any unusual increases in deaths following vaccine administration. Background rates are particularly useful during mass immunization campaigns and in the evaluation of new vaccines.


Provide background mortality rates and describe causes of death following vaccination in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).


Analyses were conducted in 2012. Mortality rates were calculated at 0-1 day, 0-7 days, 0-30 days, and 0-60 days following vaccination for deaths occurring between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2008. Analyses were stratified by age and gender. Causes of death were examined, and findings were compared to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data.


Among 13,033,274 vaccinated people, 15,455 deaths occurred between 0 and 60 days following vaccination. The mortality rate within 60 days of a vaccination visit was 442.5 deaths per 100,000 person-years. Rates were highest in the group aged ≥85 years, and increased from the 0-1-day to the 0-60-day interval following vaccination. Eleven of the 15 leading causes of death in the VSD and NCHS overlap in both systems, and the top four causes of death were the same in both systems.


VSD mortality rates demonstrate a healthy vaccinee effect, with rates lowest in the days immediately following vaccination, most apparent in the older age groups. The VSD mortality rate is lower than that in the general U.S. population, and the causes of death are similar.

Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Media, enclosed below is the previous email thread I sent representatives below: 




From: Dan  
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 10:43 AM
To: ‘’;
Cc: ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’;; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; Subject: Attn: Governor Brown- ABC. NBC and CBS Media!


Dear Governor Brown, Senators, Assembly Members and the Media!  (Please read the previous emails with 23 document cases damages and death from vaccines below)


Here are the latest news stories of vaccine damages and death please review:


1. 75% of children who received vaccines in Mexican town now dead or hospitalized Learn more:


2. Dear Readers,

Rachel French did what most parents do: she took her baby to the doctor to get vaccinated.She was unaware of the associated risks that come along with these drugs and learned the hard way.
She lost her adorable son less than three days after he was given eight routine vaccines.
Read it now:


3. GSK-fined-over-vaccine-trials-14-babies-reported-dead: /terrorism/2015/05/gsk-fined-over-vaccine-trials-14-babies-reported...


4. Readers,

Baby Bently was previously unvaccinated for the first six months of his life.

His mother, Alisa, was pressured by the doctor to give her son 13 toxic vaccines. Alisa now believes this led to Bently’s death just five days later.

Is this just another tragic coincidence? We don’t think so.

Read Bently’s Story Here:


This message was also sent to:


This message was also CC’d to:;;;



Hi Adam,


Can you please notify the Senators below that Governor Jerry Brown has received my enclosed email chain below and hard copy as been placed on his desk by his assistant per my request and is CC’d on this message as well. NBC, CBS, and ABC are CC’d on this communication as we for public notice reasons.


Richard Pan (D-Sacramento)

Carol Liu (D-La Cañada Flintridge)

Bill Monning (D-Carmel)
Andy Vidak (R-Hanford)
Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia)
Marty Block (D-San Diego)
Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley)

*And a few more attached in this message


Also, News Media, please make sure you read the 23 articles enclosed in this email and most important read this message here:  


Please reach this I don’t approved of forced vaccinations. However, if forced vaccinations are mandated, then all families need to be aware and have the right to know about their children’s genetic weaknesses before mandatory vaccinations are imposed! The following is only one example of genetic defects that affects a large number of the population: Did you know that approx 15% of the general population have 2 mutations in the MTHFR C677T enzyme which means they are unable to remove most toxins from their body? Approximately 40% of Mexican descent, approx 30% of Italian descent, approx. 40% of French Canadian descent have inherited both MTHFR C677T enzyme defects, one from each parent. It is like having a 30 year old car that has rarely had its oil changed, your body can only excrete 20-30% of toxins and hold on to the rest and then the toxins accumulate in the body and cause all sorts of health problems. I have both of the MTHFR C677T snps, so does my son, and had reactions to vaccinations and he has been somewhat sickly most of his life. The point I am making is that we need to know what our genetic weaknesses are before being subjected to vaccines and their preservatives. If these senators sincerely believe that mandatory vaccinations for all is for the good of the people, then it needs to be mandatory that genetic counseling and testing be a requirement prior to the forced vaccinations. I am asking the senators to think this through before too many more genetically weakened children are harmed. One remedy to override the MTHFR C677T defect is to take methylfolate and Vitamin B12, and never take folic acid, a cheap synthetic form of folate which is found in most of the vitamin supplements on the market. Folic acid with Those with the MTHFR C677T cannot break down folic acid and folic acid accumulates in the body and becomes toxic. It is so inexpensive to test for genetic defects, $99 if you order through, or order genetic tests from other companies through your doctor’s office is probably a lot more costly and should be a required covered test under our mandatory Health Law. Before children are vaccinated, there needs to be some sort of mandated “Your Right To Know Your Genetics and Side Effects of Vaccinations” disclosure and genetic tests done prior to the forced vaccinations so parents can chose to opt out upon disclosure of genetic results.


You can also go to for even more detailed stories.







From: Dan
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 4:25 PM
To: ‘’’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’;; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’; ‘’
Subject: RE: NBC, CBS, ABC news CC’d on this email SB-277 Vote against vaccine by force!


Attn: ABC, NBC and CBS News. Below are over 23 articles on how deadly and dangerous vaccines are to people and children. I’ve sent all these articles to the California Senate members listed below and I want to make public notice they have received unbiased and true information which will prove how deadly vaccines can be. Did you know that approx 15% of the general population have 2 mutations in the MTHFR C677T enzyme which means they are unable to remove most toxins from their body? Approximately 40% of Mexican descent, approx 30% of Italian descent, approx. 40% of French Canadian descent have inherited both MTHFR C677T enzyme defects, one from each parent. (PLEASE READ THE FULL ARTICAL AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL ITS VERY IMPORTANT FOR MANDKIND!)


Senators that received the articles below again are cc’d in this message as well again:


Richard Pan (D-Sacramento)

Carol Liu (D-La Cañada Flintridge)

Bill Monning (D-Carmel)
Andy Vidak (R-Hanford)
Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia)
Marty Block (D-San Diego)
Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley)

*And a few more attached in this message


Adam, Please notify the senators above that that the media has this information now and they better think twice before voting this bill into action which is against our constitutional rights and will endanger mankind! Your kids are at jeopardy to and 92% of America don’t want vaccines mandatory from USA today poll. The true number is 1/30 get autism from vaccines!! You must listen to alternative news such as and many other companies like it.  Don’t read any information paid for by big pharma its all lies!




From: Carter, Adam []
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 11:56 AM
To: ‘Dan ‘
Subject: RE: SB-277 Vote against Vaccine by force!




Thank you.


Adam J. Carter, District Representative

Senator Carol Liu, 25th District

Please note new address

District Office

1000 North Central Ave, Ste 240

Glendale, CA 91202


Subscribe to periodic e-mail updates from Senator Liu at



  P   Save trees–print this e-mail only if absolutely necessary



Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 11:27 AM
To: ‘’
Subject: RE: SB-277 Vote against Vaccine by force!



Did you get both message Adam?





From: Dan
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 11:14 AM
To: ‘’
Subject: RE: SB-277 Vote against Vaccine by force!


Hi Adam,


I’m against forced vaccines and this bill must not pass! Please Please don’t pass it! Please read more info


Here’s more info which you must read!



My wife and I have read over 250 articles about vaccinations which I’ve listed just a few for you to review so you can understand our concerns which are 100% valid. All these sources are un bias and have no financial gain and are only looking to tell the truth which is critical in making our decision. Any articles funded by the vaccine manufactures are bias and deceptive, it’s like having the fox watch the chicken coup so you can’t use that data.


We have first had knowledge on these issues! My friend Keith’s best friend had a perfectly healthy 9 year old girl, she went to the hospital to have a vaccination and the next day the girl died! Keith also knows a nurse at Kaiser who refused to vaccinate kids anymore and resigned because she would vaccinate perfectly healthy kids and they would come back sick the next day after the vaccination and shortly after had autism. The kids were never the same!!! Julie’s good friend told us about the Mission Viejo Autism group where 70% of the mothers said when they took their kids to be vaccinated the next day the kids were sick and never the same after that injection and shortly after had autism. If you’re interested you can attend the monthly meetings yourself and hear the horror stories first had its right down the street from us.  


Fyi: The average cost of care for and autistic child is $1.4 Million over its life time.


Please review our information:


Here’s more info which explains how lead researcher withheld proof that the MMR vaccine causes autism in kids under 36 months: Copy and paste this link if  necessary:


You most watch this!!! The Guy how make MMR said it has 40 kinds of Cancer cells being injected into your baby:


By now I hope you know that vaccines really do cause autism, developmental delays, neurological damage, seizures, and autoimmune disease. But have you ever seen the physical damage vaccines can do The media will never show these photos. They are too horrifying, as they reveal the unfathomable pain and suffering so many innocent children endure under today’s delusional vaccine fanatics who deny that any of these side effects occur at all:



Here’s more info: Dear Readers,

Parents in California are distraught

after losing their infant son after

being receiving 8 vaccines in one well-baby

visit.  Find out what happened to their son here:



Dear Readers,


Baby Nickson would be celebrating his life

right now if it wasn’t for vaccines.


He passed away 12 hours after being injected

with toxic vaccines.


Nickson’s mom, Lindsey, courageously shares

her story with you.


Read Nickson’s Story Here:


Watch this movie called bought!

CDC, Pediatrics, US government and Merck all admit MMR vaccine causes autism

Learn more:

81 Percent of Whooping Cough Cases Occurred in People Who Were Fully Vaccinated read here:!

10 reasons not to vaccinate:

Healthy 12-year-old girl dies shortly after receiving HPV vaccine Learn more:

Fraudulent data used to approve measles vaccines:

Here are story after story of damage and death caused by vaccines:

Why won’t my doctor sign this form if vaccines are safe?


10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don’t want you to know:

More information about measles and have less that .01% chance of contracting the disease:


Hepatitis B vaccine halted after 3 newborns die from system shock:

(NaturalNews) The Vietnamese Health Department is coming out and ending the use of hepatitis B vaccines throughout the entire country of Vietnam. The decision was made after three different families lost their babies after the precious young ones were inoculated with standard, proven hepatitis B vaccinations. The three babies died on July 20th in the central province of Quant Tri. The cause of their death is listed as anaphylactic shock. Officials from Vietnam’s National Expanded Program on Immunization reported that the vaccines were not expired, were properly stored, and were properly administered. Awkwardly, the chairperson of the program asked parents to “keep calm and continue vaccinating their children.”

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese Health Department has decided to pull the hepatitis B vaccines altogether, also discontinuing the use of two other vaccine lots.

The families of the deceased infants have been offered free medical care from the same hospitals responsible for administering the deadly vaccines to their babies.

How important is a hepatitis B vaccine?

For babies, this vaccine is absolutely pointless, especially with all the death reports coming from it. Some professionals believe that the necessity of the vaccine is for those babies whose mothers are already infected with hepatitis B at the time she gives birth.

If more mothers knew, or were screened in advance, then they could avoid giving this risky vaccine to their baby from the onset and many lives could be saved.

Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver, transmitted through direct contact with infected body fluids. Those highest at risk are not babies, unless the mother is infected. High risk categories include adults ages 20-50, who have sex with multiple partners, especially men who have sex with other men. Other high risk factors include receiving infected blood transfusions.

How important is a hepatitis B vaccine, then?

Dr. Jane Orient, a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, testified before Congress, stating, “For most children, the risk of a serious vaccine reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of hepatitis B.”

Essentially, the hepatitis B vaccine is of no value at all for a baby. The vaccine’s lifespan is about 20 years, making it useless by the time a baby has become a young adult.

The vaccine also has no importance for those adults who communicate well and have high standards in their relationships. The hepatitis B virus can be naturally avoided altogether and the vaccination against it should be avoided altogether.

The vaccine is becoming more deadly than the virus

In 2012, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System received 66,654 complaints from people who received the vaccine. These adverse events included convulsions, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Worse yet, according to the National Vaccine Information Center, at least 1,500 people died from hepatitis B vaccinations.

If the vaccine is continually promoted, then it is likely that the amount of people receiving this vaccine will double; thus, the death rate is likely to double. As more deaths are reported from the vaccine, the 3,374 cases of hepatitis B reported in the US in 2010 could start to look trivial. The death rate from the vaccine could soon outnumber the statistics on those who have the hepatitis B disease!

Here’s what’s in the gepatitis B vaccines

If a parent is willing to subject their child to a concoction of foreign substances, heavy metals, and toxins, then they have found a poison that will do the job. According, the hepatitis B vaccine is genetically engineered from a viral gene that is inserted into a yeast cell. The end concoction contains a long list of insanity including:

  • Formaldehyde
  • Gluteraldehyde
  • Aluminum hydroxide
  • Aluminum phosphate
  • Polysorbate 80
  • Neomycin sulfate
  • Polymyxin B
  • Yeast protein
  • Calf serum
  • Fenton medium (containing bovine extract)
  • Modified Latham medium (derived from bovine casein)
  • Modified Stainer-Scholte liquid medium
  • Potassium aluminum sulfate
  • Amorphous aluminum
  • Hydroxyphosphate sulfate
  • Sodium borate
  • Cells from monkey kidneys

It’s no wonder that precious young babies are going into anaphylactic shock after receiving this long winded poison cocktail.

In the end, is it necessary to vaccinate against a disease that can be naturally prevented through practicing and teaching healthy relationships?

And why do the scientific and health communities continue to go along with these concoctions as the answer?

And why aren’t the manufacturers of these deadly vaccinations being held responsible?

Sources for this article include:



Also, Here’s more info which explains how lead researcher withheld proof that the MMR vaccine causes autism in kids under 36 months:


By now I hope you know that vaccines really do cause autism, developmental delays, neurological damage, seizures, and autoimmune disease. But have you ever seen the physical damage vaccines can do The media will never show these photos. They are too horrifying, as they reveal the unfathomable pain and suffering so many innocent children endure under today’s delusional vaccine fanatics who deny that any of these side effects occur at all:


Here’s more info: Dear Readers,

Parents in California are distraught

after losing their infant son after

being receiving 8 vaccines in one well-baby

visit.  Find out what happened to their son here:






Most Important!!!!!!!!




Please reach this I don’t approved of forced vaccinations. However, if forced vaccinations are mandated, then all families need to be aware and have the right to know about their children’s genetic weaknesses before mandatory vaccinations are imposed! The following is only one example of genetic defects that affects a large number of the population: Did you know that approx 15% of the general population have 2 mutations in the MTHFR C677T enzyme which means they are unable to remove most toxins from their body? Approximately 40% of Mexican descent, approx 30% of Italian descent, approx. 40% of French Canadian descent have inherited both MTHFR C677T enzyme defects, one from each parent. It is like having a 30 year old car that has rarely had its oil changed, your body can only excrete 20-30% of toxins and hold on to the rest and then the toxins accumulate in the body and cause all sorts of health problems. I have both of the MTHFR C677T snps, so does my son, and had reactions to vaccinations and he has been somewhat sickly most of his life. The point I am making is that we need to know what our genetic weaknesses are before being subjected to vaccines and their preservatives. If these senators sincerely believe that mandatory vaccinations for all is for the good of the people, then it needs to be mandatory that genetic counseling and testing be a requirement prior to the forced vaccinations. I am asking the senators to think this through before too many more genetically weakened children are harmed. One remedy to override the MTHFR C677T defect is to take methylfolate and Vitamin B12, and never take folic acid, a cheap synthetic form of folate which is found in most of the vitamin supplements on the market. Folic acid with Those with the MTHFR C677T cannot break down folic acid and folic acid accumulates in the body and becomes toxic. It is so inexpensive to test for genetic defects, $99 if you order through, or order genetic tests from other companies through your doctor’s office is probably a lot more costly and should be a required covered test under our mandatory Health Law. Before children are vaccinated, there needs to be some sort of mandated “Your Right To Know Your Genetics and Side Effects of Vaccinations” disclosure and genetic tests done prior to the forced vaccinations so parents can chose to opt out upon disclosure of genetic results.







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