Saviors Of Earth

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October 23 rally at CDC headquarters demands truth on MMR-autism co...
(NaturalNews) If you live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia, or can travel there on October 23, the truth community needs your help! A rally is set to take place on the public sidewalk outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters...
Susan Kornacki and Sharon Schloss shed light on raw truth at TalkNe...
(NaturalNews) Susan Kornacki and Sharon Schloss are part of a powerful lineup of 28 intelligent, passionate hosts on the new – a liberty-based "new media mothership" that empowers individual...

PP now says they will stop accepting cash payments for aborted body...
(NaturalNews) First, Planned Parenthood top dogs said that their organization never did this. Now, suddenly, its CEO says the practice will cease. What gives? As reported by Breitbart News, a letter by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards...
Chicago police department caught 'disappearing' Americans into secr...
(NaturalNews) Practically since its founding in the 19th century, the city of Chicago has been a hotbed of corruption -- so much so that Ovid Demaris, in his 1969 book, Captive City, wrote: From the moment of its incorporation as a city in...
These emergency foods have helped millions survive famine
(NaturalNews) As the saying goes: "Necessity is the mother of invention," and the need to continue eating for survival's sake during various historical famines has prompted people to come up with some interesting and innovative solutions for supplementing...
Actor and activist William McNamara joins 'new media mothership' Ta...
(NaturalNews) William McNamara is part of a powerful lineup of 28 intelligent, passionate hosts on the new – a liberty-based "new media mothership" that empowers individual voices of liberty...
Soda industry dying as Americans seek healthy beverages that don't ...
(NaturalNews) Americans are finally waking up to the fact that drinking soda is an unhealthy practice. Sales of sugary, carbonated drinks have fallen dramatically in recent years, sending the soda industry into a panic. It may be bad news for Big Soda...
Gun massacres take place nearly every weekend in Chicago, Obama's h...
(NaturalNews) Following the most recent mass murder at a small community college in Oregon (where a crazed gunman seeking notoriety shot and killed nine people in a classroom), President Obama did not hesitate to take to the cameras to do what he always...
The FDA & Big Pharma Alliance: Lethal cover ups
(NaturalNews) It is undeniable that the FDA has a controversial relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. Not a single psychiatric drug is released into the market for administration until the FDA gives its safety a legitimate stamp of approval....
FDA fast-tracking toxic vaccine inflammation chemical to be used on...
(NaturalNews) Vaccines introduce a weakened form of a virus into the body in hopes that the person's immune system will begin developing antibodies against it. The antigens in vaccines don't always stimulate an immune response because the person's immune...

Meta-study on genetically modified food: Virtually all independent ...
(NaturalNews) Tufts University's Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute (Timothy Wise) points out[1]: There is no ... consensus on the safety of GM food. A peer-reviewed study...
What's behind the government's hatred of raw milk?
(NaturalNews) Government bans on the sale and distribution of raw milk and raw milk products are enforced in the name of public safety. But many people enjoy the health benefits of milk that has not been pasteurized, and some farms want to sell it. Are...
EU warns citizens to flee Facebook to avoid spying by US government...
(NaturalNews) If you're a Facebook user, the European Commission is warning that you're being spied on. Recently, a member of the EU warned European citizens that they ought to close their Facebook accounts if they have any intentions of keeping their...
Total sellout: Illegal immigrants to be paid up to 35,000 by U.S. g...
(NaturalNews) The Obama administration's incessant pandering to illegal immigrants is continuing unabated, as many will be eligible to receive tens of thousands of your tax dollars as a reward for breaking U.S. laws and sneaking into the country. A...
Imminent false flag attack on American soil to invoke government suspension of Bill of Rights, total censorship of internet free speech... Health Ranger Report this Friday on
(NaturalNews) It's now abundantly obvious that another massive false flag attack is being planned for America, to be followed by a government ban on the First Amendment and the censorship of websites that disagree with the official government narrative...
School shooters rise from the dead to tweet their support for psych...
(NaturalNews) In yet another twisted example of staged corporate social media campaigns, Big Pharma recently hired a shadowy online public relations firm to launch a staged social media campaign to promote psychiatric drugs among America's youth. (Seriously...
Total blackout of Fukushima truth by U.S. media; sailors suffer and...
(NaturalNews) Nearly four years after a major tsunami created the massive tidal wave that destroyed much of Japan's Fukushima nuclear power complex in the northern part of the country, spewing radioactive waste into the air and surrounding Pacific Ocean...

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