The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Straight out of the X Files comes this clip from Denver's Fox 31. Last week, a viewer sent the station a video of something ... something spooky. A flying object was buzzing in the sky, and it looked like maybe it was carrying little green men.
Was it really a UFO? Suspecting the clip was a prank, the TV station sent out its own photojournalist to see if he could document the same weirdness on his own. Guess what? He did.
Fox 31 aired the footage and interviewed several experts in the field. None could identify the flying object. Aviation expert Steve Cowell told Fox 31's investigative reporter Heidi Hemmat, "That is not an airplane, that is not a helicopter, those are not birds, I can't identify it." Cowell, while mystified, did come up with a less mysterious possibility. "Perhaps there is some sort of debris that is being raised by atmospheric winds."
[Related: UFO or elaborate hoax? Flying-saucer like object filmed from plane]
The New York Daily News quotes UFO expert Robert Sheaffer, author of "UFO Sightings." On his blog, Sheaffer writes, "The 'UFOs' appear at least several times a week [for months], we are told, usually around noon to 1 PM. Most flying insects become more active during the warmest part of the day."
Discovery News writer Benjamin Radford thinks bugs are likely the answer. "There are many obvious holes in the spacecraft explanation, not the least of which is that it's amazing that no one in Denver apparently noticed the extraterrestrial spacecraft launching and landing in the skies over the downtown area in the middle of the day. The most likely explanation? A bug or insect, probably a fly or bee."
Check out the clip and judge for yourself. Sure, it's probably a bug, but we much prefer the idea of aliens dropping by (the "E.T." kind, not the "Alien" kind).
It does not look like bugs...
here's the video:
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