The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Whoa! I totally see it! And I don't think it's a coincidence. Everything is "hidden in plain sight." <-- Google is definitely apart of that saying. Activity is abundant these days.
All good with me and mine, Thanks Tetra!
Hey Simmy! PT and I are doing great! thanks for asking. just been busy this summer with gardening and summer outings etc... How are you? :)
Hi Tetra! How are you and PT? Long time no see indeed! :)
I do see some similarities,Its a awesome piece of art .Thanks Peace Frog.. ...
Interesting Ullan, Black Hole maybe? i could be way off but what you mentioned gave me the impression that it could be..
But anyways... Hey guys! long time no see! :) good to see you guys still around posting.
thank you guys
Ullan, this glimpse on the way your mind wonders is what I find fascinating!!! ;)
Crop circles are always fascinating to me!! Thanks peace frog!
You see the pattern you want to see.
I, personally, see a geometric impossibility that makes me wonder at the mathematic involved. A figure like this cannot exist in nature, because the next iteration of the progress along the orbit rests entirely on the center of mass of the previous iteration. While in theory each iteration anchors the next, the whole loops into itself and the initial support for the first iteration is, in itself, anchored and supported by the last which through the entire chain is supposedly anchored by the first.
In nature, this form would collapse in on itself, but the very act of collapsing would change the center of mass of the previous iteration and change the center of mass of the next. Once this shape begins to collapse, it does not stop collapsing and thus, through the act of self annihilation, gains perpetual motion and existance.
As I said, fascinating.
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