Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Deciding Whether To Marry

Though we may make many commitments throughout our time on earth, few have a lifelong impact on the path our lives will take. The decision to marry someone you love—to bond yourself to them completely—is unlike any other and can reshape your existence. When two people have similar goals, values, and needs, marriage can result in a lifetime partnership of love and respect, shared laughter and tears, friendship, and intimacy that is ultimately fulfilling. Love is often cited as the sole prerequisite of a strong and stable married life. However, the decision to get married should be made with the mind and the soul as well as with the heart. Carefully considering whether you truly want to get married, both individually and as a couple, can ensure that if you do choose to marry, your relationship can grow to unimaginable depths.

The decision-making process you employ to determine whether you should marry should be a thoughtful and honest one in which you appraise not only your partner but also yourself. Consider that love and attraction do not guarantee long-term compatibility. If your relationship is not secure, marriage will not make it so. Likewise, if your partner is not as attentive, loving, or kind as you would like, your becoming spouses will not change that. Marriage has no power to permanently fill any emotional or spiritual gaps in your life. Before you choose to marry, ask yourself whether you and your partner are adept at resolving conflict, can speak openly to one another, and fully respect one another. Your attitudes regarding the nature of marital commitment, children and child rearing, and marital roles may be the same or they may differ. It is your shared responsibility to discuss your similarities and come to agreements regarding your differences that will predict how successful yo! ur future marriage will be. Often times, younger couples rush into marriage just for the wedding dress, the ring, the party, and honeymoon. Would you still be willing to be married if you couldn’t have these things?

Remember that planning a wedding is simple when compared to the intricacies of nurturing a marriage. The honeymoon and nesting period will eventually wear off, and what you are left with is a partner for life. When you work together with your partner, reassure and support one another, and are honest about your feelings regarding marriage, you’ll come to the right decision.

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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on October 12, 2010 at 11:07pm
Ohhh Waooooo thank so much for sharing Vaddix, your unique style of artistic picturing yourself always call my attention, well follow your heart bro, if you truly want her, the universe will conspire by your side and i can really make sure of this, because it works. Of course i will help you, i am here to serve you all...Well the only thing i had always questioned me is could we love someone without being attached at all?, i have heard notes that attaching feeling generates low vibrations, it may be perhaps that you get attached to her for much time and forgot about your own source of love, the ideal relationship is that you can share with your partner but both independently at same time, is difficult to do, but is possible with much willing, thanks again for sharing Vaddix. Blessings
Comment by Vaddix on October 12, 2010 at 1:32am
I was depressed for a long long time, I had a lover at the time. i did nothing, I didn't feel worthy enough for her love or to love myself. i stagnated, it effected our relationship. The only thing that has triggered me to change and start living was her leaving me.
Thing is. I want her back more than anything. I love her with all of my heart. I was devastated when she left, but more devastated that i could have saved things but didn't see the light in myself to try. Well i feel the light now. I see the light now, My heart is on fire and my flame has awakened bursting forth like the Phoenix out of the ashes. I love this girl more than anything i have ever loved ever. More than the sun and the moon and the world. She is my world. Nothing would make me happier than to put a ring on her finger, Nothing would make me happier to see her happy. I want to see her laugh, i want to see her cry so i can wrap my arms around her and make her know that everything is fine because she will always have my love. I want to grow old,and have kids with her.

I am focusing all my intentions on being with her. I read the secret, and watched the movie. I will make the universe work for me, because this is the only thing i have felt this strongly about.
If you will, i want to ask for your assistance, from anyone that is willing to share their intention, to share their advice.

She is the other half of my soul. i love her with an undying unflinching passion.

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