This Is Not An Economic Or Political Crisis, It Is A Crisis Of MonotheismBenjamin Fulford'sWeekly Geo-Political News and AnalysisAugust 15, 2022 crisis that is unfolding around the world, or more accurately, in the West, is not an ordinary or even extra-ordinary political/economic crisis. This is not merely a crisis affecting the United States, the G7 and the UN, etc. What we are dealing with is a crisis affecting the very foundations of monotheism. This is why it is not an exaggeration to say what we are going through is biblical. years of reporting on about the very tip top of world power has revealed is that the monotheistic faiths are mostly controlled by groups of people who themselves do not believe in God. Instead, these families think of monotheism as a tool for controlling their subject peoples. These are the people who are facing a loss of power. That is also why people who think in monotheistic terms believe we are facing end-times.
This is something I learned first-hand when I went to Italy to negotiate with representatives of these families on behalf of Asian secret societies. They told me “there is no God, we are God.”
These families are from an ancient cult of slavers who first appeared in the history books as the Hyksos. These people worshipped a goat-faced god with a forked tail that is known to us as Set, Satan etc...+
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