The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
HEAVEN #3372 Create a Unive....
February 17th, 2010
This is a exigent time for Program Participants
For many of us lenders, the waiting has kept us in a hypnagogic state, almost as if we were living our lives half asleep. It has been frustrating, emotionally unsettling, and spiritually confusing to say the least. This is even more profoundly true when we consider that of all the 'groups' invested, we are the ones most affected: emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually --- especially so because we are so seriously attached to the outcome. This seriousness is exacerbated by the fact that 'they' know ... and we don't, which is why we act like we're half asleep.
News bleep: They honestly don't know. We are the ones who do KNOW, and it's time to flip this script.
Here's a question worthy of deep contemplation: What's to happen to us ---emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually when our painful waiting comes to an abrupt end and we find ourselves fully free, fully delivered, fully awake and aware and that what we've only dreamed about, talked about, fought about, disgraced others about, doubted, and fired our own disbelieving cross-shots across the airwaves --- becomes a fully conscious Reality and we find ourselves filled with un-imaginable Joy?
Ah, did I just hear you say ... But what if the funding doesn?t happen?!?!?!
These doubts, anxieties and the confusion they bring into our everyday lives are simple illusions. Do we or don't we? Will they or won't they? We're barrarged, actually with these doubts and anxious feelings ... but just remember this: they come from the outside.** I'll explain this in a moment.
So, as understandable as doubts can be, they are this way because doubts and all the company they keep are actually illusions, like mirages.
Because we lenders are spread out over this globe, these illusions become global disappointments then the daily disappointments become commonplace. We should not be surprised and shocked when we begin to see this as a language we have taught one another. Every time we speak on the phones, write emails with doubt-filled questions, debating one another ... will it or won't it syndrome, we induce further the illusions. Thus, makes us the Keeper of the Illusions.
Do any of you have children of your own, or grandchildren. I do. And when I watch myself thru their eyes, I see and feel and live vicariously their complete excitement, their unabashed enthusiasm in how they look forward to their Birthday Parties. To their Easter Egg Hunts, and let's not forget Santa Claus. Have you ever closely observed what happens to these kids as these exciting dates begin to get closer everyday? They can barely contain themelves when the actual moment has arrived. And before that, it's ..."is it here yet, is it time?" All of the whooping and hollering, the smiles, the laughter and energy is then expended on that day.
Then, notice those moments just after those explosions of joviality...things seem to return to a sedated state of "normality". Why? It is so because those kids were experiencing the full-body elements of the Anticipation of those dates, to events, those moments....not the actual date, not the actual event. It's that feeling of anticipation that is do delicious!
Again, using this same model, have you ever been around a child when that date didn't happen? Something went wrong and the Clown didn't show for the Party planned? Somehow, someone failed to deliver the goods that would make the Party a reality. Or, there was no Christmas, not even a dinner. What happens then? The seeking is lost in it's full sense of expectations, and the anticipation becomes an unbearable burden.
Indeed, Parties and all that go with them are fun and the smiles are endless ... but we must understand that the anticipation was in our personal seeking to experience the expectations of "Party Joy" ? and in the illusions this is unavailable to all of us.
As you have grown up from childhood, you no doubt learned that over the course of your lifetime, people would disappoint you. Even events and going places you thought would be more than advertized, would sometimes disappoint you. It became part of the territory of living in an adult's world. People disappoint us daily, perhaps not intentionally, but they do nonetheless, and this becomes a well-grooved mental highway to "Hope we don't get disappointed one more time". It's a shame that we've allowed this belief, this illusion of being let down to become something to expect as 'normal' because it's NOT normal. So, we are taught that it's commonplace to be disappointed, hence: Live your life without 'expectations.'
Our Prayer, then becomes this: "Please God, just let this happen now in all of it's perfection, for all the right reasons, with all the right people."
So...what do we do with these belief systems that has allowed many, many of us to live day-by-day and week by week holding the anticipations that our "date" is here. Our Christmas has arrived? When dates, value dates, delivery schedules newsletters, messingers ... come and go without missing a beat? Time is a total drag, all dressed up and no place to go. It teases our doubts and intensifies our anxieties and once again, spills out it's disappointing gruel upon our lives. One more time, disappointment has visited our door step. Not a delivery, but a disappointment.
No doubts about this: This is an exigent time for any lender. However!!!! disappointment in the nature you have been living it ... will not be our outcome! I'm reminding you here, that it is God Himself that has promised this Party, and I am here to tell you that if you are not acquainted with his Promises, you must at least know this: God will always deliver His Promises ? and deliver them abundantly!
** You know this Scared Truth in your Heart. And among other Sacred Truths you know this:
1. All is One, what is in One is in the All, what is in the All is in the One.
2. This makes us in Relationship to One Another, and we must Honor One Another.
3. In honoring one another, we must first Honor Ourselves.
4. The Only Love that matters is Love of the Divine.
5. In being and living within the Love of the Divine, we must surrender our personal will unto God's Will.
6. When we are living in God's Will, we must therefore Seek only the Truth.
7. In seeking the truth we can then .. Live in the Present Moment.
So, what would living within the 7 Sacred Truths do to our fears, to restless anxieties and to our daily frustrations that continue to smoother us with doubt and deceit? They become like Sugar in hot water. They've no foundation whatsoever. They are dissolved into ... clarity! All of our doubts about these programs are without any sort of stable foundations; they are in fact the illusions of the illusions. What do we do with them then, if they are illusions? We do this: we simply release them into the Promise. Into the Water, and allow the Water to do the dissolving.
What happens to the vehicle that carried the doubts, stresses, apprehensions, and trepidations about what's in store to be delivered to us? It does what it's supposed to do: Die!!! Let the 'vehicle' that carries all of your pent up dreads about not receiving ... die. That vehicle is your little mind, the one that believes in the illusions, the media lies, the countless times you doubted. Could that possibly be such a huge loss to you, to let your little mind just die a quiet death and allow Divine Love to take up residence?
As long as we allow the vehicle that carries these consternations to be in control, we will most certainly experience hourly, daily and weekly mood swings of dread, depression, hopelessness and endless hours of tears.
And, as long as you allow this vicious pit of vipers to drive your vehicle, you will remain separated from God's Promise to delivery. This keeps you in a river of denial and always ... somewhat if not totally, hypnagogic.
Our deliveries will be without any 'doubts' a breathless experience. Save yourself from the shock later, and feel it right now. Just go ahead and feel the shock of what this would really mean in your life and then with those feelings, ride the hell out of them just as a surfer would a gigantic tsunami. If you are concerned that you are 'unable, or unwilling' to do this, then review the 7 Sacred Truths. If you still feel that you are 'unable, or unwilling' ... then the least you can do is to begin telling yourself this every moment of every hour, of everyday: "I am willing to be willing."
Now, you may be asking, just what are we waiting for? Great question. The answers are quite simple. We await the galvanization, the full-dress, the lock-stock and barrel, the unabbreviated and unexpurgated delivery of Joy. The Whole Enchilada...the Whole Nine Yards!
We await this because we choose. WE choose to be in this. And as we all begin to view this as a contractual sacred agreement, every single detail will fall into place and you won't be asking 'when' any longer. You'll be feeling the When deep within yourselves. It will envelop you and seal it's delight square on your Heart. You won't have anymore 'doubtful and worrisome days'. You got problems now, take care of them, one way or the other because when this happens, you will not have time to mess with any more of this trivial cow dung. This game is up, when we/you say so.
We are here in these programs as choice, and we are here to not share money so much as it will be to share exhilarations of Spirit, to invigorate and electrify the lives of countless others. You are not a 'recipient' .. you are a Demonstration of Divine Love. You're it, baby. It's not going to get any better than this. You know this in your Heart, it's sealed there and you see the signs everywhere, everyday. Acknowledge them. Put away the stress of waiting, and embrace the verve and zest and zing that you are intended to express. Screw the media ... what the bleep do they know? They don't and you've trusted them way too long. When they thrust their stories and their 'live' photos in your face...thrust them back.
Illusion. Truth. Illusion, Truth. Choose. Time to trust in your own knowing: Trust your Sacred Truths. Stop arguing with these mongers as they are not convinced that they are right, they just need you to prove them right. Do you see the quandary? If they don't have you, they have nothing. You choose. Illusion, Sacred Truths.
One truth is that our humanness is a direct illusion. You body is not permanent. Your Heart, Soul, Spirit are most assuredly tho'. Give yourself time every hour, everyday to check in on this. Take good care of your 'temple' ... you're going to need it. But, don't take it for all that you are. It's just like a bus that takes people from one stop to the other. Be alone, relax, take quiet respites. Even five minutes makes a huge difference. Pick one single solitary thought, make it a good one, and focus on it for 78 seconds. Stop allowing those that have no explicit interest in you, your children, your family nor your friends, control your life, telling you what to think, how to feel, what to say or do. You choose. Illusion, or Sacred Truths.
You're about to wake up, so take a good, strong stretch before your feet hit the ground running.
No illusion offers stability. Sacred Truths offer all. Illusions can seem real and when/if they do, go back into your Heart and remind all of who's living in there ... that everything has its shelf life. Everything eventually will wear out. Those seams will fall loose and all the garbage will tumble forth. Everything decays. Illusions don't last, they were not created to stand the tsunami.
But, you, living as a Sacred Truth is everlasting. You were created out of the One Heart that burst forth to see itself as part of a massive change in the way Divine Love is sprinkled upon humanity. You choose these programs, to be a part of Love enduring. You cannot embrace Sacred Truth and bow down to illusions. Bag the doubts, dump the seriousness and step up to the plate to take what's yours ... your own unknown depth that you and the Divine, you and God are here to get it done. A partnership unparalleled to anything you've ever know before. You choose this. It's a Sacred Agreement, a contract of sorts. With that contract, I can most certainly tell you that doubts, worries, anxieties, stress, fears, jitters, guilt, shame, pride, envy, wrath, greed, judgments, gluttony, criticisms...none of these elements are what you are about to be in the business of doing.
This is high voltage time. This is in it's simplest of terms, the most electrifying thing you will ever experience on this turn around. And, by your very nature, you choose to be involved.
Now, choose this day to be committed.
Illusion, or Sacred Truths.
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