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Third Secret of Fatima Revelations and the truth about the Knights Templar

Third Secret of Fatima Revelations and the truth about the Knights Templar

By Katherine Frisk on May 23, 2017



Haggia Sophia Constantinople

Katherine Frisk :

With regard to the Knights Templar, the key here is Gold and Mary, the mother of Jesus.

The Templars established a Gold backed monetary system across Europe and were a direct threat to the usury ( compounding interest) banking system of the Del Banco bankers in Venice who had funded the sacking of the Orthodox Christian Church of the Haggia Sophia (...

The Knights Templar protected all Christians irrespective of whether they were Orthodox ( eastern Byzantine) or Latins (western Roman,)  including the Cathars from the Languedoc in the south of France who were accused of being heretics by the Roman Catholic church, persecuted and burnt at the stake at Montsegur in 1244. 

Their adversaries were the Teutonic Knights who not only attacked Constantinople in 1204, but went on to persecute all Christians who did not give allegiance to the pope and along with the Jesuits established the Inquisition where millions were arrested, tortured and burnt at the stake

The Templars helped the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians to build their rock-hewn ground churches in Lalibela after Jerusalem was completely taken over by Muslims.  They were, after all Masons (not to be confused with the Illuminati and the P2 lodge,) with their set squares and their compasses, who had built the great Cathedrals of Europe. All these churches were designed as a microcosm of the macrocosm of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation. Much like the Apostolic mission led by James the Righteous, the first Bishop  of the early Christian church, so these churches were built all over the Christian world.

1:1  James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting..


The Templars were accused of being heretics and of worshiping a womans skull encased in gold. The woman’s head that the Templar’s worshiped, was the Theotokos , a painting of Mary and Jesus which was taken to Russia in 1155 and is still kept there. It is Russia’s most sacred and holy relic.

The Templars were arrested on Friday, 13 October 1307 and  Jaques De Molay, the last Templar  Grand Master, was burnt to death in Paris in 1314 .

Over and above the fact that the Del Banco usury bankers in Venice wanted to put an end to the Gold backed banking system, and that both the King of France and the Vatican wanted to confiscate the gold for their own benefit, the Templars were accused of not being true Christians, in other words giving sole allegiance to the papacy which considers the Pontifix Maximus to be the only authority on earth, owning the planet, all bodies on the planet and all souls as decreed by themselves in the three papal bulls written over 1,000 years after the death of Jesus.


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