The Yin and Yang of LoveNeeding and Being NeededBy Beth O’Brien the concepts of yin and yang in relationships can be deeply healing.
Matt holds his partner, Trinity, who is crying because her closest friend is moving to a new city. “I’m glad you came to me,” Matt confides. “It feels good to be needed.” Trinity pulls away from him, screws up her face and replies, “Yech, I don’t want to need you!”
In many couple relationships, it’s okay to lean on your partner a bit, but for some couples, needing your partner crosses a line of independence. “Need” becomes a dirty word.
There are many reasons why you may shy away from becoming too reliant on your partner. You may have been taught as a child that needing someone indicates personal weakness, a lack of ability to take care of yourself. In the United States especially, self-reliance is fostered and even admired....+@
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