The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
I really don't want to get into a TRANS-ATLANTIC 'HISSING MATCH' with his "imminence" C. Story.. about WHO did WHAT to WHOM and GOT CAUGHT.. but.. my family has always said: "Scratch an Englishman.. you get GERMAN BLOOD."
It appears Mr. Story's hate towards the COLONISTS i.e. The We the People of the United States of evident.. as the TRUTH has cut to the 'quick'..
Since I first went on the internet back in 2000, C. Story and I have passed information to one another..
The first that 'ticked him off' was Statutory Instrument 1997 No. 1778
The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997
Christopher objected when the AMERICAN PEOPLE was exposed as SUBJECTS OF THE CROWN OF ENGLAND.. in the before-mentioned Social Security 'mirror' site..
Be that as it may.. I do take exception when the American People keep taking hits.. from certain individuals who dearly love to set the People at variance one against the other and both against the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES which "TRUTH BE TOLD" is We the People of the United States of America.
It appears.. THE TRUTH HURTS Mr. Story.. see:
The following message to a href="">> was undeliverable.
The reason for the problem:
5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'Refused. Your sender address has been blacklisted.'"
It is time to put disinformation to rest.. Each individual, Mr. Story and Myself, V.K. Durham are fiercely loyal to their respective Countries.
Be that as it may.. it is time to dig deep into history to find the TRUTH.
Everyone seemingly, conveniently 'forgets' who stole what from whom. History is a strange thing.. every now and then it jumps up to the surface and bites everyone in the rump.
No one even bothers to consider "someone else is owed one hell of a lot of gold" which is derived from an 1875 Gold Bearing "One time only Bonus 3392 Comodity Contract" which suffered Contractual Interference by the 1860's Financial Terrorist i.e., Agents of the Crown of England. These "Agents of the Crown" were Rothschild Banking, W.R. Grace and J.P. Morgan also known as The Tripod. So when it all boils down as to who stole what from whom.. I take serious umbrage with C. Story's statement:
"8): Proceeds from the trading of The Queen’s gold have been systematically channelled, we now understand, through Deutsche AG (formerly Barrington Investment Group, Switzerland), which of course means that Messrs Gorbachev, Kohl, Bush Sr, Ackermann, et al, HAVE PROFITED FROM THE STEALING OF THE QUEEN’S GOLD. Hence, they are themselves criminal Financial Terrorists."
What did the "Crown's Agents" [here in the U.S. they are called "Operatives"] accomplish?
1. They encouraged the Manifest Destiny for the Rail Roads taking over the Indian Lands, and
2. They disrupted and devided the Industrial Northern States from the Cotton Producing Southern States in what has become known as The Civil War alleging it related to Slavery when in fact it was actually due to the Southern Cotton Producing States "outproducing Englands cotton production bringing about the loss of 7 Million Pounds Sterling.
a. The Civil War was actually over COTTON.
3. The CROWN'S AGENT'S "TRIPOD" three pronged attack on the American Continent
a. Rothschild Banking & London Stock Exchange, Lloyds of London
b. W.R. Grace, and
c. J.P. Morgan Syndicate
Each with a designation of Financial Aggression designed to Bankrupt and overthrow the Sovereignties of the American Continent from one end of the Continent to the other resulting in the Gold Bearing Rail Road Bonds of the 'tripod' associates Bankrupted the Banks across the Country forcing the United States a situation of spreading her finances too thin with the INDIAN WARS, COTTON WAR and WAR OF THE PACIFIC being the war between Chile and Peru thereby forcing a 'lack of finances' in the Dept. of the Treasury due to the COTTON WARS and into an already tenious situation of borrowing money from these CROWN'S AGENTS..
Did you notice the TRIPOD wars?
2. COTTON WAR-Civil War-War between the states
The War between the States ended 1865. The legacy of this internal strife was not at an end in the year of 1865. Billions of dollars had been lost, and borrowed, and then lost again.
The Nation was looking at restoration, a period in time of this country that overwhelms the imagination. The war debt still existed and not until 1877 did president Hayes finally remove all Union troops from the Southern States.
The U.S.A. was not only in a severe five year recession; Imminent bankruptcy was at hand.
The U.S.A. overwhelmed by debt, debts of war and the ongoing Indian Wars in the west for acquisition of much needed territories which were gold bearing to pay off the National Debt.
An acquisition of payment of gold to Russia in the amount of $7,200,000.00 in gold was paid to Russia for the purchase of Alaska in the Seward expansion.
The United States had an anti-British reaction due to Great Britains lack of neutrality. It was during the civil war-cotton war, Queen Victoria "permitted" the building of Commerce Destroyers, the most famous of which was the "Alabama".. that later flew the Confederate Flag.
The United States protested claimed Queen Victoria and her British Empire [Actually the Crown of England's German Extraction] polic had cost this country Two Billion Dollars and had prolonged the war by her meddling.
The treaty of Washington being an international arbitration held in Geneva, The U.S. vs. England, disputed as to who was in fact the debtor of the war ship, The Alabama. The international tribunal in 1871 did in fact render a decision stating "England" had to pay, as she was responsible for the indebtedness of the "Alabama", and the payment of $15,500,000.00 was mandated to be paid to the United States of America. England paid in the year 1877.
During those years, War and Peace hung in the delicate balance, finally Chile relented and yielded to the demands of untimatum of "War."
While the five year recession period from 1873 to 1878, the United States, Great Britain and Germany were approaching eminent war, as they were 'rivals' for the territory of the Somoan Islands [used as a fuel station for shipping]
The Sherman Silver purchase Act was repealed in 1893 by a special congressional session. The depleted gold reserve required replenishing.
$100 Million Dollars in Bonds were sold by the Treasury in 1894, another $100 Million in Bonds were sold by Public subscription. Just as soon as the subscribers to the bonds paid their gold, the United States withdrew the bonds again.
In the year of 1895, the gold reseve was down to $41 Million Dollars, the Country was Bankrupt again.
TRIPOD member; J.P. MORGAN and financial syndicate agreed to deliver $65 Million in gold in return for 4% bonds. J.P. Morgan, Etals as wise and prudent in their investment ventures as; The Bank of England [Rothschild] in recent prior history to this event was lending Her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria astronomica sums of monies for her treaties and ventures at a zero "0" interest rate.
TRIPOD member W.R. GRACE moved down to Latin America.. ingratiating himself to those GUANO PRODUCING NATIONS becoming the Warehouseman for shipping Guano-Manuevo-Nitrates. Making a long story short.. this TRIPOD member "short billed the bills of laden" on the shipments.. making it an impossibility for those Latin American Nations to pay their debts to the English Bond Holders of Rothschild's TRIPOD.
Note: The American Bond Holder of Latin American Debt Holding the One Time Only Bonus 3392 and Certificate of Indebtedness of Peru No. 181 of 1875 remained outstanding at that time bearing 7% semi anually on the Principle and 7% semi anually on the Interest, due and payable in American Gold Dollars, Gold, Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and or "Coin" of the Realm.
1899. The United States Agreed to 'assume' the Latin American Debt while TRIPOD member W.R. Grace took over the 60 year Receivership of Peru.
1906. The United States Federal Government assumed the Latin American Debt.. the archival clerk was 'bribed' [Tripod] to store the records in the basement.. The Resolved Assumption of the Latin American Debt [Bonus 3392-181] was not entered on the Payment Ledger..
This resulted in the 1907 crash further bringing the United States to a state of Bankruptcy.. which THE TRIPOD "Rothschild and J.P. Morgan" took over the Receivership in 1913.
To conceal the history of this TRIPOD FOREIGN AGENTS OF THE CROWN.. J.P. Morgan took over the Financial Agents of Peru, Hobson and Hurtado.. then the shell game of hiding the pea began..
We, the People of the Candid Court of Opinion of the Public at Large, and making the obvious Contempt of Congress evidenced by Fed. R. Chairman, Sir Alan Greenspan, a Knight of the Queen of England during February 11, 2004 U.S. House Financial Services Committee (go to or to Congressman Ron Paul's site at
First lets take a look at what is meant by Contempt of Congress. Contempt of Congress is the same as Contempt of Court. Contempt of Congress "is any act which is calculated to embarrass, hinder,or obstruct court/congress in administration of justice, or which is calculated to lessen its authority or its dignity. Committed by a person who does any act in willful contravention of its authority or dignity, or tending to impede or frustrate the administration of justice/congress, or by one who, being under the court's/congressional authority as a party to a proceeding therein, willfully disobeys its lawful orders or fails to comply with an undertaking which he has given."
Contempt of Act of Congress and Contempt of Constitution [Law] is evidenced by the refusal to abide by the Acts of Congress December 23, 1913 and December 24, 1919 which by Act of Congress mandated "The Federal Reserve must at all times be in compliance with Law."
Contempt of Act of Congress and Contempt of Constitution [Law] occurred again March 1933 when Roosevelt "breached" his Presidential Duties to the Constitution [Law] of the Land by his refusal to instruct The U.S. House of Representatives to collect the monies owed to the United States of America by England [1871-72 GENEVA COURT AWARDS the United States $15,500,000 GOLD for damages to American shipping during the Civil War by Confederate privateers the Alabama fitted out in British ports, and allowed to depart in violation of neutrality obligations.]
Americans, as; We, the People; Put that $15,500,000.00 GOLD PAYMENT (lock it in at London's Second Fix Gold Bullion) Award to the U.S. in your computers calculators do the multiples on Principal/Principle and Interest compoundings in default at the accepted rate of calculations on compounding after "10 years of non payment" at FORTY FOUR PER CENTUM on the P&I per annum from 1871-1875 to 2004 as DEBT OWED TO THE UNITED STATES i.e., WE, the People!
We, the Citizens of the United States OWE WHAT?! TO WHOM?! Get real! It is the other way around!
These issues of England's Debt to the U.S. [ page 29, 30 of 42
of U.S. Congressional Records] were addressed on the House
Floor to wit;
"The Bank for International Settlements is an international bankers' bank. It is a central bank of central banks. The international bankers, who brought about the depression [remember Fed. R. Board of Governors' Ben Bernanke toasting of Milton Friedman's 90th birthday "Sure we caused the great depression. Thanks to you, we will never do it again" statement on/or about November 17, 2001], have been drawing gold to themselves from the common people of every land. It is their intention to use that gold for their own purposes. They propose two kinds of money. Gold--the real money--is what they intend to have for their own purposes. , and paper money, which has no intrinsic value in itself, and which is make out of nothing and its worth nothing unless it can be redeemed by the holder in gold--that is for the common people, or as they call us, the peasants...
THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN PLACED IN A POSITION OF FINANCIAL SERVITUDE TO GREAT BRITAIN, and Mr. Morgenthau's loud-sounding propaganda is designed to conceal that fact from the people. Great pains have been taken to conceal it. It would be very damaging to this administration if certain people in the United States should find out about the great sums of United States money which have been sent to England during the past summer. Those funds were appropriated by the Congress for the People of the United States.
Do you remember these individuals?:
1. Sir G.H.W. Bush, Knight of the Crown of England
2. Sir Alan Greenspan, Knight of the Crown of England
3. Sir Colin Powell, Knight of the Crown of England..
HAVE YOU READ what these Knights 1 & 2 have done to the United States of America and her Allies?"
Did you get a chance to read this?:
From The September 11 Commission Report, Revised Dec. 2008;read=166089
Did you watch this?: WTC7 which was brought down ... all » in controlled demolition at 5:21PM in the afternoon of 911 apparently vaporizing the body of Master Special Officer Craig Miller with the secret service New York field office on loan from Washington DC” -
Did you ever figure out 'how' these individuals managed this?: see: P U B L I C N O T I C E (Caution Some image links contained in this page lead to images that are of a very graphic nature, and may also contain rear body ...
What Contract exactly is being "Interfered with?" It is suggested you read this if you are going to understand our Instruments.
The One Time Only Bonus 3392 Commodity Contract "A MORTGAGE OF RECORD" (se legaliza la firma que antecedes) is filed of Record in Washington County Illinois, Gallatin County Illinois and Ida Grove Iowa, COPY sent to Newt Gingrich Speaker of the House and President W.J. Clinton. Speaker Gingrich resigned. President Clinton sent a THANK YOU. Study this carefully.. as it is the stuff that has turned the Global Banking, Financing and Economics into a 'world of financial and economic chaos' by those Knights of the Queen of England identified in "From The September 11 Commission Report, Revised Dec. 2008;read=166089 "
More on the "Queen of England's TRIPOD" .. it is sincerely hoped you understand what you are reading because it is all relevant.. THE TRIPOD has never been willing, nor prepared to pay THE LATIN AMERICAN DEBT: FOREIGN BANKING ACT
It is sincerely believed Mr. C. Story while pointing a finger at the GERMAN U.S. operation:
Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president
Mr. Story while using his pointing finger failed to recognize THREE FINGERS were pointing back at THE WINDSOR'S.. or The Princess Victoria, Princess Royal (Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa; 21 November 1840 – 5 August 1901) was the eldest child and daughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. She was created Princess Royal of the United Kingdom in 1841. She became German Empress and Queen of Prussia by marriage to German Emperor Frederick III. After her husband's death, she became widely known as Empress Frederick (or, in German: "Kaiserin Friedrich"). source,_Princess_Royal
In all fairness to the German and French People.. Lets properly identify the CULPRITS instead of blaiming those who probably just may be 'innocent' of mis-stated 'charges'..
There has been an over abundance of "Contractual Interference".. by the Queens Knights.
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