Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



The movement of the Central Suns, the galaxies, the Universes, the star systems all rest on the very foundations of cosmic order and balance.  It rests upon the same basic Universal Cosmic Laws, within which we have been created as soul occupying physical form on this planet.

To me the last few hours have been one of integration the immensity of the higher insight and understanding of this in some energetic form for I work with cosmic energies and energy fields, and therein the underlying order.

I have for the last ten years of my life steadily been introduced to massive intelligent and vibrant life force energy fields, which form a vital component to the very structures on which the whole Creation is based on.

The more I am shown, and more I record what I am finding, the more my innate respect for the Divine Heart and Mind, the very womb of the Creative Force, in which this gestated and was birthed into being.  I stand in awe and wonder, and I am therefore being shown more and more, that nothing under the firmaments of heaven is ever just randomly there.

The Master Intent placed it in perfect synchronicity with the rest, as it harmonizes into one single symphony of cosmic Beingness, Existence:  life breathing itself and sounding itself into existence.

To me the portent of this time is the steady reawakening of Mother Earth, into the full powers and immense perfection in beauty she was created for and is reemerging again.

It also comes with some wonderful remembering of humankind of what has been before, and what is there to retrieve, to acknowledge and to implement, so that the very foundation of the New Golden Age can be found on solid ground, solid foundation, and immense changes of heart.

The SOUL of Mother Earth is reawakened.

The SOUL of human kind is therefore reactivated, as the higher states of Consciousness rises.

We have forgotten how to communicate on so many levels with the vibrant sounds of the earth, the very songs, the music, the harmony of the cosmic music of the spheres.  We have forgotten the use of the language of light, and the sounding thereof.  We have forgotten that we reverberate on the same frequency bands as the rest of the cosmos, and that our souls sing to the very tunes of the Divine Harmonic impulses of Light, Love, and Sound.

However here are again multiple layers, of hidden meaning found.

For me to be able to do the massive energy work that I am called upon to do, I literally have to TUNE myself into the vibrations and frequencies of the energies and energy fields I am working with.

If I do not tune myself in, then I cannot sing with the frequencies of the earth.

I am using a metaphor in the “singing” here, as a way of tuning in, for I am reminded of a symphony orchestra.  Before they perform, they all tune in their instruments, so that they are all on the same key note.

If one single instrument is off key, the whole collective sound is affected.

My hearing is so fine-tuned, that when someone sings off key, or any musical sound is off key, I literally want to place my hands over my ears to shield them from the jarring sound.  Something within me immediately reacts to the disturbance in the energy field emitted by that sound.

Now, understand, the whole earth is like a massive celestial instrument, and she is tuned in cosmically.  She vibrates on a certain octave of celestial chords, and therefore she vibrates frequency wise, on this chord.

Just like your soul has a unique tonal chord and vibrates on that chord, and is fully activated when that chord is sounded, chanted, or played on an instrument.

The Earth is therefore then fine-tuned to the solar system, the galaxy of origin, and to the Central Sun she originally was born into.  I am not talking about the planet we know as the Sun, but the Centrals Suns, who reverberate throughout the cosmos and radiate forth and they all synchronize to the tunes of the celestial music of the spheres, and the Divine cosmic sounding boards.

I personally have developed a great respect for the magnificence of the Omni verse and the way it vibrates with energy forces.  In German they have the most powerful word (sound) for the whole Omni verse:  DAS ALL!

In other words ALL is ALL.  ALL vibrates on the SOUND OF ALL!  ALL envelopes and encompasses all.

What is happening now with the mass influx of energy changes, as we are being fine tuned to be much higher sounding chord, amplified by the rising of frequencies of planet Earth, as she is being up-tuned to the original frequency of sound she was originally created for, we will start to find that we react more and more to sound, in whatever form this may be.

Something deep inside of us will start feeling this vibrational change, as all becomes less dense and therefore less solid. The very slow, dense, and very solid forms will melt away.

In that it is best  be very selective with what music and tone you tune into.

Those who have had Soul Readings and Twin Flame Readings form me – use your tonal chord.  Play it, chant it, and listen to it.  Crystal singing bowls are wonderful tools to tune into the sounds of your soul and the sounds of the earth.  So are gongs, and instruments which vibrate when playing it:  violin, harp, lute, guitar, etc.   The vibration of the string reverberates energy.  Your soul vibrates on this highest possible frequency transmission of that reverberating sound.

We all know that the sound of water is calming and soothing to the spirit.  I have during my work with energies and energy fields understood certain concepts of the earth’s tuning systems, and also started to grasp how the Ancients knew how to use certain energy spots on the planet in order to fine-tune themselves and their civilizations in immensely powerful ways.

The whole cosmos is now moving into the higher frequencies of new and higher sound vibrations, chords, octaves of sound (we have a very primitive capacity to tune into sound and music for we lost three quarters of our own hearing ability of sound frequency with the fall of Atlantis).

Therefore we will be upgraded now, with Planet Earth, to tune in cosmically on a much higher sound frequency bands.

Therefore those who tune in with the INNER ear will be able to hear sounds which their outer ears cannot hear.  These are the celestial higher frequency chords, notes, music.

Some of the musicians will start tuning into this more and more and will bring this to humanity in a form which will bring in the activation of the greater hearing and tuning ability of mankind in the next 50 years.

I am so inspired by this that when I tune into it my whole body, and the cell of my body starts vibrating.

It is such an immense Renaissance of human understanding which is happening now.

Tune in.

(Judith Kusel) for Soul And Twin Flame Soul readings.

Twitter: judithkusel2

Facebook:  Judith Kusel

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