National Geographic: Newborn Baby Lamb

Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 Edition #66
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Today, I Come to You
by Sananda through Christine
Community Corner
"I Believe!"
by Yosef
The Nightmare of Worldwide Poverty, Conflict and Suffering Will Cease
by Jesus through John Smallman
Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Transformation (before, during and after the RV/GCR)
Warmth of Higher Energetics Imbue Hue-manity's Essence at this Moment
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
Today, I Come to You
by Sananda through Christine
Photo: Kathryn's Garden, Chosen by Sananda
Beloved, Today I would like to speak to you as though we are sitting together at the breakfast table in the sunlight with freshly baked bread or near a creek's edge dangling our feet in the cool water. It is a day of celebration, for me too. I have long yearned for this very day on Earth when the importance of Resurrection would be felt so personally by you and by so many as you all embrace your own Ascension in an intimate and meaningful way. That was the purpose all along of the Christ lifetime.
I have asked Christine (Christ-in-me) to channel me today (as Kathryn is preparing a special message for you, soon to come from Ashtar and St Germain) because our relationship is so casual, natural and warm, and on this day, I long mostly for us all to be our brilliant and simple selves, as we have been from the moment we were created by our Mother and Father God. This is what we have in common, what makes us one: we are all just ourselves, born of God and loved always. Embracing this truth is one of the many easy pleasures you have before you as you continue to rise.
And yes, we have longing in the higher dimensions. Longing -- without stress, lack and suffering -- is the desire to expand God's Love which is fundamental in us. This desire is the inspired catalyst of our primary endeavor: Co-creation with God. See? We are the same, you and I.
I am chuckling as I tell you that Christine does not treat me as though I am loftily removed from her - either dimensionally or personally. She shows and tells me everything and always has. It was part of her difficult Life Plan that in order to remain "safe" and able to complete her Mission, she would always maintain a direct connection with me that would not ever be compromised or dimmed in her lifetime. Even during her rebellious years, she would speak to me defiantly, yet - the important part was - she would always speak to me.
You and I have a very close connection too. We share experiences, understandings, jokes, an unbreakable bond and precious moments which are so wonderful that they seem everlasting to us and just one could tell the story of Love. We like each other, and we care deeply for one another. I am fascinated by your unique and exquisite choices and expressions. Can you feel me longing to show you how much you mean to me?
On the day the RV/GCR is released to Dinarland, we will be sending out a Very Special Edition of The New Earth Times containing a message told by Ashtar and Saint Germain, yet - I want you to understand - it comes from all of us here in the Company of Heaven. It is our gift to you for your steadfast perseverance in holding the Light. It is a story of love. It is a love story. It is our story.
On this day that represents Redemption, Resurrection, Ascension - I have a request. Please, see us as One. One family. One project for the restoration of freedom. And oh yes, One Love. What we began through the lifetime as our Jesus Christ and his cherished Twin Soul Mary, let us all now bring to loving fruition through our human Christ Ascension. I am not your brother, friend and devoted servant - figuratively. I am your brother actually. I am your friend truly. I am your servant, meaning I am one of the many who have pledged to protect and love you until you rouse enough to rise awake forevermore from this lower dimensional dream back into reality and the loving arms of your family and our God.
Happy Redemption! Blessed Resurrection! Joyful Ascension!
I am now and always will be, your Sananda, in tenderhearted devotion to you and to the Light of God.
And, I believe!
(Channeled and Transcribed by Christine Burk 3/27/16)
Community Corner
"I Believe!"
by Yosef
Image Chosen by Author
26 March 2016
I Believe...
... in Yeshua Ben Yosef as God, man and Savior of mankind and Earth.
... in unprecedented miracles occurring in my lifetime.
... in Sovereign Families who sincere care and act in humanity's best interests daily.
... in the abundant physical holdings of the Global Collateral Accounts.
... in a planet-wide gold backed currency that unifies 209 nations.
... in universal justice taking root and yielding moral fruit.
... in Ascended Masters that are guiding us benevolently through a transition of eras.
... in non-human beings walking the surface of the earth -- right now.
... in the disclosure of multi-terrestrial beings aiding humanity -- and soon
... in forgiving my enemies so that I can free my soul.
... in White Hats military men and women taking back the Pentagon from the cabal.
... in God's grace flooding this dimension without end or limitation.
... in human bodies living longer than 500 years.
... in Grandfather's decision making, as well as Christ's loving spirit in His heart.
... in everyone who reads this will soon be millionaires -- at worst.
... in humanity is being recalibrated back into our original cellular structure.
... in any truth to overcome all illusion.
... in the dreams of my brothers and sisters as much as I do my own.
... in God's plan for my life, planet, and species -- unconditionally and patiently.
... in holding a grand vision until my last breath, so that it can fill the worst skeptic's lungs.
... in community fellowship overcoming individual agendas.
... in building an eternal resume that will one day be presented to God.
... in listening to vastly different opinions without forgoing common sense or personal respect.
... in things I cannot see yet, but feel so true they must eventually manifest.
... in Heaven on Earth, and Earth being created from a Heavenly architect.
... in protecting the souls of men versus leveraging the principal for projects.
... in the Global Currency Reset and Revaluation of Currencies happening at midnight tonight.
... in love -- for everything in existence is made of love and thus everything serves God.
What do you believe in?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tremendous Thanks & Love to Dinar Chronicles: HERE
Community Corner
The Nightmare of Worldwide Poverty, Conflict, and Suffering Will Cease
by Jesus through John Smallman
"Separation from God, the Source of all that exists is impossible,
it can only be imagined."
26 March 2016
We are all evolving spiritually because Creation, Reality is ever ongoing, there is no final destination, just a continual growth in joy and happiness that continuously uplifts and inspires. God, our Father, the Source, All That Is wills our happiness and joy and so it will be accomplished. Life within God, where all Life occurs, is an ever-expanding journey of joy. In contrast the human life experience is one in which you strive to accomplish something and on achieving what you intended soon find it unsatisfying, and so you seek something new to replace or supersede it. Satisfaction is impossible within the illusion, because nothing there is Real. Temporary pleasure or satisfaction does of course occur, but the pleasure or satisfaction cannot and does not last. Life is eternal, but human life is a very limited experience in which there is great striving to prevent, avoid, or deny the inevitable - death - that is driven by fear. But death is just a releasing of limitation and an opening into Reality - fully conscious awareness of eternal existence within the Oneness that is All That Is. Reality is what all are seeking, but cannot find because they look outside themselves instead of within.
Lasting joy and happiness, where you know and experience yourself as One with Source, and therefore with all of Creation, can only be found within. That is why all your guides and mentors from the spiritual realms keep on stressing the absolute essentiality of taking time out daily, and also throughout the day, to go within and be in peace there with the inextinguishable divine Light that dwells there - the Real You. You will not find it elsewhere, as many self-help books might suggest, because there is no "elsewhere." Within is Reality, without is illusion or dream.
However, you are so engaged with the illusion and with the distractions with which it constantly tempts you - and that includes anxieties, worries, accidents, illnesses, as well as the hoped for but short-lived joys that you are constantly seeking - that you have great difficulty just spending "down-time," that is quiet time alone and undisturbed by the noise of daily living. You actively seek distraction - on your computer, your phone, texting, listening to the radio, watching television, having upsetting arguments - and what you seek you find!
Even when you decide to spend time in meditation, contemplation, chanting, praying, etc., you are still very much open to whatever distractions may arise because you expect nothing of note or importance to arise when you are alone, quiet and feeling bored, fearful. In fact you mostly expect to be disappointed because alone by yourself you imagine yourself as nothing, a small and insignificant being, even worthless, and you feel that you need the continual presence others to even feel alive! Yet nothing could be further from the truth.
When you allow yourselves to be quiet and allow your thoughts to flow unmolested, unengaged with, peace occurs. Initially it can be rather difficult to reach that state because your egoic mind, the mind that you use constantly in everyday living, keeps demanding your attention, or so it seems. It's just that you are so accustomed to responding, or rather reacting instantly to the distractions with which it presents you, that it has become an ingrained habit out of which you need to be trained.
That ability to be aware of all input and to react instantly is very valuable at times - driving the car, watching a small child in the swimming pool - it's the "fight or flight" instinct that has served you well for eons. But now, as you evolve spiritually, it is essential to be able to distance yourself from instant reaction and judgment.
To be in a meditative state is to be fully alert, you miss nothing, you just do not engage. It is the difference between fishing in a quiet river, totally relaxed and at peace as you watch the water flow past, or taking part in or watching a competitive sport where you are fully engaged in every moment and aware only of the game. Both states are fine but you need to be able to choose which one you wish to be in and then be there.
From childhood, as you become ever more aware of what is going on around you, up into adulthood, that reactive state of awareness becomes ever more efficient, so much so that you have to make a very positive effort, and practice constantly, to reach the meditative state of quiet alertness which offers tremendous benefits both in terms of reduced stress and anxiety, and in seeing things with greater clarity as your emotions cease to control you. Emotions are very useful because they give you a very individual sense of who you are and what you like or dislike as a human.
In Reality there is only Love, which is all-encompassing and which brings you untold joy. Emotions are limiting, but often feel like incredibly powerful driving forces, which can seem to be utterly beyond your control. And many are controlled by their emotions; you see evidence of this all around you, from temper tantrum driven infants to suicide bombers. Emotions, when you allow them to be your sole motivating intent, narrow your focus, often with laser-like intensity, so that you see only a very small part of the situation in which you are involved instead of the bigger picture, and so you react, frequently most unwisely, which leads to suffering and regret.
To take time out daily to be quiet and alone, that is separated from human interactions and other worldly distractions, is an essential part of your spiritual evolution. All of humanity is evolving spiritually, even when it is unseen and unacknowledged, because that is the purpose of human existence. You chose to experience separation from your Source, but you have also chosen to return to Oneness, and, as humans, most of you remain unaware of either of those choices!
However, a great awakening is underway, the Love of God, the energy field of infinite power in which all that exists is eternally enveloped, has flooded the planet and everyone has wet feet! Wet feet cannot be ignored, you have to do something about them, and changing your socks is not enough. You have to deal with the Source of that Wetness, and you do so by coming to the awareness that in fact you do not have wet feet, you do not have feet at all, because you are One with the Wetness, You and the Wetness are One, the divine Source from which Creation is flowing eternally, and from which you have never been separated.
Separation from God, the Source of all that exists is impossible, it can only be imagined. To be separated would be to cease to exist, you know that, and so to even imagine it, which you do as humans, is indeed terrifying. But that terror is also unreal, an imagined state that seems very real to you, especially as you look around and see the intense pain that many are suffering throughout the world. Humans attacking one another in fear; preemptive attacks in the hope of saving self by destroying another. But, as deep within you all truly know, an attack on another is an attack on oneself.
It is the growing awareness of this that is leading you forward toward wakening from the dream. And in your growing awareness you see more clearly the insanity of the world and the violence and hatred it appears to encourage. The dichotomy between the hatred that you see demonstrated and the love that you want to share and experience is very confusing and unsettling for you. It seems that there is nothing you, as individuals, can do to change the world. And, if you view it like that - a need to change the world - there is no answer. Everyone has a different idea of who and what needs to be changed and how, and consequently harmonious cooperation to achieve peace on Earth is impossible. You cannot change another!
The only way forward, and many are now realizing this, is to change yourselves by claiming your true nature and living it. Yes, in the world you see the innocent and unarmed abused, tortured, and killed, and it has always been like this. But where love and reconciliation have been tried they have worked. Do not allow yourselves to be persuaded that Love does not work. It is the only thing that works. Refuse to engage in attack or defense, it is utterly against and in opposition to your divine nature, and you know it and feel intensely uncomfortable when you do. You may attempt to justify yourselves by telling yourselves that there was no other option, that violence has to be opposed by violence otherwise intense suffering occurs, but deep within you know this is not true, and that violence inevitably leads to more violence.
There is no such thing as a just war! You all know this! To deny it does not make it just.
Uncountable numbers have acknowledged this, and although violence and suffering persist, the Tsunami of Love is opening hearts all across the planet to bring an end to the nightmare in which you have been seemingly enveloped for so long.
Open your hearts if you have not already done so, and intend with all your heart to extend and intensify the Tsunami of Love that envelops you in every moment, and watch in joy as conflicts wind down and terminate. You are making it happen by your own intent to be only loving whatever the situation, and you have infinite assistance from those in the spiritual realms, in Reality. The nightmare of worldwide poverty, conflict, and suffering will cease.
Avoid all temptation to express anger violently. When you feel uncomfortable emotionally, upset, angry, resentful, or hateful you are coming from ego which enjoys chaos and confusion and the discomfort it causes. So when you feel it, instead of acting on it, just let it go or wash over you and move on out, it will. In your intense awareness of anger be strong and instead of engaging with it intend to expand your energy fields of Love to integrate with the Tsunami of Love so that you can love what has angered you and forgive it.
Doing this brings you peace, although your ego may well attempt to persuade you not to be at peace but to express your righteous anger because you have been wronged. However, when you operate from your real Self, from your quiet inner temple, peace and love flow through you calming the storms that are arising within you and smoothing the troubled waters of your emotions. That is why I keep stressing the importance of going within daily to be quietly at one with your real or higher Self and with God.
That is your task on Earth at this critical moment in humanity's evolution because that is what is bringing humanity to wakefulness. You cannot fail, because it is God's Will and yours that humanity awakens, but your loving input from your inner temple is essential to dissolve the remaining foundations on which the illusion depends.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
More from John Smallman: HERE
Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Transformation (before, during and after the RV/GCR)
Entering the Slipstream of God's Prosperity
Messages from Folks Relishing the Moments of the Transformation (before during and after the RV/GCR)
Over the Rainbow of Anticipation
by Leslie
As I sit to write this from my heart the song only Human by Christina Perri fittingly comes on Pandora. With so much being written about our over eager anticipation issues arising I felt like I had to write to you. First of all I am a lightworker, I serve the highest light, & everything Josef wrote in I believe, I believe as well, yet I also anticipate.
My heart was heavy as I woke this morning and upon examining, I realized it wasn't from not receiving the much awaited 800 numbers, well some, but more so the heaviness was coming from the judgment I was holding within about the anticipation I have for these numbers. Of course we serve our Mother Father God but we have also been conditioned lifetimes over to believe our needs won't be met so its okay that we are experiencing anxiety over the awaited 800 numbers because that anticipation has been conditioned in us but its not at all the truest essence of us. In its truth that anticipation is nothing more than illusion. In order to see illusion though, we must first witness it honestly from within and then be willing to be so easy and kind with ourselves as we honor the release the illusion to the Company of Heaven.
So let's don't slip into judgment today if we do find ourselves in anticipation or fear which is simply a conditioned cellular response. Let's rather slip into more self love and more self acceptance and more compassion and a greater respect and compassion for others who may be experiencing the same anxiety on even greater levels.
The Who Needs Light New Earth Times Newsletter #65, posted here earlier gives an amazing description of what we are purging right now which really is all just illusion anyway because the truth of our nature is one of calm, loving faith and understanding that there is no delay and all Is in divine order. I don't want to just detach from this outcome I desire to heave HO all that is illusion from old debt slavery programs.
Over the Rainbow all. We are over the rainbow. We are all lightworkers and we are all ONE.
Thank you to all. Josef, Gerry, Katherine, Meg, Christine, Adrienne, Bewdah, Tank, Martha, Sue, Bruce, Kent, Apaloosa, All Dinar intel . thank you to all.
I love you all
Let us remember & believe, we are all Unlimited Beings with Infinite Possibilities..........
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Happy to Say I BELIEVE
by Cowboy Down Under
I believe I Love You
I believe all we need is Love.
I believe Love is the answer.
I believe Love will set us free.
I believe in his Love.
I believe in One Love
I believe Love cures all
I believe I AM ready
I believe you are too
I believe you all have dreams
I believe they can all come true
I believe its really all up to you
I believe I will hold on to my dreams
I believe I will let go of the money
I believe I will keep my faith
I believe I will keep my hope
I believe I will keep my love
I believe I love you all no matter when IT comes.
I believe in you
I believe in your dreams
I believe dreams will set us free
I believe!
I believe!
I believe!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Blessing Surrounded by Lessons
by Ardent
AS I often read that what is about to happen to us through this EVENT is a blessing. I agree. But I also think the blessing has been in the anxiety, the struggle to keep on believing in this, the endurance to go on despite what you read about name calling, knocking others credibility, rising above the small mindedness....and RESURRECTING oneself above all the aforementioned.
Let us remember that the BLESSING has been in the many lessons learned in this process, but also, in lessons learned from the dinar family who continues to visit here for glimpses of hope and reality.
May we pause on Easter Sunday, think of these lessons, roll the stone from the tomb of each other's mindset....that we might feel free and learned from all the experiences we have had for whatever amount of years we have been in this. Blessings, Ardent
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
With tremendous thanks and gratitude to Dinar Chronicles: HERE
Community Corner
Warmths of Higher Energetics Imbue Hue-manity's Essence at this Moment
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
Art: "Ascension" by Salvador Dali
Warmths of Higher Energetics imbue
Hue-manity's essence at this moment.
Freestyle collaborations form within, and without.
Gaia patterns adjust to Cosmic Emergence.
Forms of Light are made visible... to all.
~ ÉirePort
More from GaiaPortal: HERE
Quote of the Day
Art: "Our Meadow" Painted by Meg
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and righting,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense.
~ Rumi
From the Editor's Desk...
~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~
Live Radio Show "Channel Panel"
Featuring The Company of Heaven
Happy New Day Friends and Family across Earth! We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times. The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
JOIN US on our LIVE Blogtalk Shows!
NEXT SHOW: To Be Announced!
Please Enjoy Our Latest Show:
"The Council Requests Your Participation,
Ya'll Come!"
Testimonials from recent shows...
What a show, what a show! Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us! Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion,
Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show. It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind. I feel it. An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation, Your loving child, Simran
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU! I have such PEACE in this our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand. This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.
With love and blessings, I thank you... ~ Bette
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME. And to all the rest of our wonderful family. And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia. And everywhere else. Words just aren't enough. And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you. Lots of love to all of you, John L.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!! The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal. I cried with love for Her. Dear really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most). I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name... Love Joy and hugs, Marcia
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New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth
By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
I am your brother,
Archangel Michael
Namaste All.
Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015
Photo Credit: Griffith Observatory
Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
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AA Michael's Etheric Retreat, with Sananda/Jesus: Becoming Your Hig...
Please enjoy our YouTube channel.
Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
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