Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



Posted on October 26, 2015 by Judith Kusel 


There is a great and ongoing connection now the great Central Suns and the 12 Master Galaxies pertaining to those, which all formed part of the original Creation.

Therefore then there is a steady awakening of very ancient energy fields, which hold within themselves immense encodements and glyphic awakening keys for mankind, as it has been ordained by the Intergalactic Federation to come to pass at this time of massive shifts on the planet and in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Ancients had immense knowledge of energies and energy fields, which were then utilized in ways in which we have forgotten about.  This is was high technology and it worked on a different dimensional scale that what we are used to now.  All our modern technology cannot even compete with this type of advanced knowledge and as we grow more and more into conscious awareness as the planet shifts, we will be given access to this knowledge as we are ready to receive it, without abusing its powers.

In the last month I was called to Mauritius and Reunion to open up a vast energy field portal there and as I was tapping into this, I became aware of the immense knowledge held within such force-fields.  I also stood in sugar cane fields tuning into what is the remaining pyramids in Mauritius, and then tuned into what has been there before.  All of this has been confirmed in the meantime, but I just want to use this as an illustration that one has to be consciously aware of what is encoded and used in glyphic keys in these places, in order to access them.

Pyramids Mauritius 052

I will not go into more details here as this forms part of my book WHY I WAS BORN IN AFRICA, but my understanding rises every single day of what these vast energy fields contain.

A lot of people talk about the GRID, Ley lines, or Web of Light, but that was laid down at the time of Atlantis and therefore is much younger than the original energy grids and fields laid down when the earth was created.  So the Grid is there yes, and those doing dowsing can tap into that energy grid quite easily and most this aligns with the moon and sun, but all forget a third component, which were the sun discs, that the ancients used and had massive golden ones in their temples to remind them of the Central Suns.

The Sun discs did not incorporate the 12 signs of the zodiac, but in fact the 12 original Central Suns, as each of these Central Suns, holds a certain key encodement of the higher states of Enlightenment, thus Cosmic Consciousness.   They all slot into one single Central Sun Super consciousness Energy field and therefore the 12 and 13 always play a central role in the unlocking.

Most people on earth are only aware of one single Central Sun and unaware of the rest, but one cannot reach the higher states of evolutionary enlightenment or super consciousness without understanding of the 12 Master Central Suns – for they hold the keys and codes of ALL of Creation – therefore all that is held and created and is operational within under the Central Suns.

The Ancients knew this, and therefore the Sun discs were not just there for adornment or for some or other ceremonial purposes – they were in fact giant computers which tapped into the vast knowledge and Super consciousness energy fields of the Great Central Suns.  Their inner workings was like that of a clock – as each central spoke clicked  mechanisms it would open a portal to  a certain energy field as held within the disc this would unlock the knowledge contained therein.

The Central Suns then are great powerhouses of immense importance and unless one learns to access their knowledge, one cannot move up into a certain higher evolutionary dimensional states.  There are conscious Beings on other galaxies and star systems who are so highly advanced that we are like the most primitive or primitive species in comparison to them.

The meaning and the purpose of the Central Suns will be more and more understood as we advance in consciousness as the shift now is escalating.

However with this one has to first of all understand, that unless one is open and ready for such information, one will not gain access to it.  It is mostly so, that those who think they know, do not know, for they are blind to that which stirs the cosmic science and therefore is the foundation of what knowledge is – but in a totally different form than any human being would look for it.

Such is the wonder of knowledge hidden purposefully and with great innovation, that the blind can see, and those who think they can see – are blind.

(Judith Kusel)

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Comment by Besimi on October 27, 2015 at 11:00pm

thnx James :)

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