Saviors Of Earth

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The Sergeant at Arms in Charge of Capitol Security on January 6 DIES under Mysterious Circumstances

The Sergeant at Arms in Charge of Capitol Security on January 6 DIES under Mysterious Circumstances

The Senate Sergeant at Arms who was charged with securing the Capitol building on January 6 has died under circumstances that are still a mystery.

“Fox confirms that Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security the day of the Capitol riot, has died,” Fox News’ Chad Pergram reported.

The report has been confirmed also by Politico Congressional reporter K. Tully-McManus:

“Former Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger died this morning,” Tully-McManus said. “He joined the SAA team in 2011 after a career with the Secret Service and was appointed SAA in 2018.”

Stenger was forced out of his position after the Capitol siege on January 6. The Capitol building being overrun by far-right extremists, as well as peaceful Trump supporters who were let into the building by the Capitol Police.

House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving subsequently gave his resignation notice, as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced. Capitol Police chief Steven Sund also resigned, effective Jan. 16, and left a letter filled with heavy criticism of the weak Capitol security, which followed upon numerous warnings given to the Congress....+

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