Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How You See Suffering By Archangel Michael Through Vania Rodriguez Translated by Era of Light

How You See Suffering
By Archangel Michael
Through Vania Rodriguez
Translated by Era of Light

I am not here to add, as you usually say, more wood to the fire. I bring today a moment of reflection. The atmosphere on your planet is coming to a climax for the big moment. I would say that everything is extremely exacerbated; the reactions are intense; the feelings are intense. Like a big shed abandoned over time that has a big layer of dust on it. And one day someone decides that they are going to clean this shed. It’s a lot of dust because it’s been sitting for so long. So this dust takes over the air; it will be removed somehow but it will take over the air, it will rise up and pollute that air for a long time; until it is totally cleaned.

So I would say to you that your planet now, all the dust is up; there are no more carpets; there are no more hiding places; there is nothing. Nothing is hidden; everything is out in the open. And when all these energies come to the surface, a great mass of negative energy rises up along with it, because they are not nice feelings. Everything that is hidden under the rug, hidden in forbidden places, are not things of Light, they are offenses, they are bad deeds, they are bad feelings, everything that is of low vibration. And your planet is living it today. You are living inside this big mass of negative energy.Then it starts to feel like everything is out of control, that all the problems of the world start to appear; that things previously unheard of start to be revealed. New things? No, very old things, but things that were hidden and now are laid bare. And of course this whole layer reaches each one of you. There is no way not to be in this layer. There is no place on the planet where you can say, “No, here I am immune!” No, because it’s a big aura; it’s like a big egregore of negative energy around the whole planet...+

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