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The Ruiner Blog: Inside Scoop on Secret Space Programs and the Blue Avians Con

The Ruiner Blog: Inside Scoop on Secret Space Programs and the Blue Avians Con

Source:      The Alien Love Bite

It would be remiss if I did not include a link to the relatively new Ruiner Blog by an anonymous ex Illuminati Family member who is spilling the beans on many of their programs, agendas, structure, origin and who runs them.(Draco) Quite a revealing blog, simple and to the point. No, I don’t know who this person is.

Due to the fact that my last post I mentioned the ongoing Milab whistleblower testimony of “Corey” in the Secret Space Program, and his connection to the supposedly benevolent “Blue Avians” and the Sphere Alliance, I had to at least mention the inside scoop on this Exo-politics charade. It does seem that most of the supersoldier whistleblowers are still acting out some kind of program, which may in and of itself be a type of “booby trap program” once a milab starts to recover memories and want to be free and “tell their story”. But what happens, is that many fall into another kind of trap, which I have seen over the years with abductees and contactees also. Instead of continuing on into true healing and recovery, they seem to get stuck in the easily manipulated “ego” savior mode, which is taken advantage of by the ones who run them. And of course the Alternative Media laps it up, always hoping for the next ET Savior or White Hat to tell them “the truth”. It is unfortunate, as I do know that there are real programs going on in the military, secret space programs and occult weapons groups. No doubt there are real black operations going in all kinds of secret programs which may include various ET’s and unbelievable technology. But most are controlled information leaks, and you always\have to ask yourself who is running the show, what the hierarchy really is, and to what beings they serve.

I chose a few links of blog subjects that the Ruiner wrote that are noteworthy, but I encourage the reader to browse through all the posts, especially the one about the Progenitors.

The Ruiner Introduction:

The Illuminati Structure:

On Cults and Programs:

The Blue Avians--a mind control program stunt by Illuminati:


See Original Article here:

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