Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~The Most Important Message For Humanity! ~

To All Wayshowers and Members of the Planetary Ascension Team!

The Process of Opening of Your Individual Portals Has  Commenced!

By Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 5, 2011, Copyright 2011

Herewith, I inform all my readers, wayshowers,
and members of the Planetary Ascension Team (PAT),
who have been chosen to help Gaia and Humanity
to ascend to the 4th and 5th dimensions at the stargate 11.11.11,
that the Process of Opening of Your Individual Portals has  commenced and is in full sway.
You have very little time left to complete your mission as the Moment of Ascension is very near.

My mission during this last incarnation on earth is to be the Captain of the PAT
in the End Times and to collect all wayshowers and members of PAT for the final Tantalus Act
of liberating Gaia and humanity from the shackles of darkness and enslavement
that have reigned for the past 10 000 years
and to heave together this beautiful planet to the 5th dimension.
The New Age has already begun!

The objective of this website has been from the very beginning to attract the attention
of all wayshowers around the world and to initiate them for their ultimate Divine Mission.

All readers, who are deeply thrilled by my articles on Ascension and the Shift,
are automatically opened for the process of Ascension.
From this point onward, they will begin to build their personal portals at home
or at their permanent place of domicile in the last few days.

All members of the PAT will merge their powerful energetic fields
and will build a "ring of fire" around the energetic field of Gaia.
In this way they will help her ascend to the 4th dimension at the stargate 11.11.11.

The members of PAT will keep these portals open all the time in the coming days,
so that many other star seeds and light workers,
who are not members of the PAT but have decided to participate in this First Wave of Ascension,
can also ascend to the 5th dimension in the coming days.
After that the members of PAT will also ascend.
The Captain will be last to leave the ship.
Our goal is to have at least several million light beings in the First Ascension Wave.

Take this unique chance and make a firm decision in your hearts:

"I Am That I Am and I have decided to Ascend Now!"

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Comment by Claude on October 9, 2011 at 3:14pm

Yes...wonderful message..from this Man. Quite Insightful and Knows.

To me, I know what is important, and of Relevance

The Clear Message, is what is truly important here.!  This man is revealing quite the info.

You know in your soul, feelings, knowingness..what resonates with you..and wherever you are on your journey, on the path on Enlightenment.

I truly enjoyed reading his message..Wow..This Man Knows What's Going On.

Have a Wonderful Now, and Great Day....

Comment by Trudy on October 9, 2011 at 2:57pm

Again a good message of this Georgi Stankov. Allthough I read many many messages I have to say I never heard of this man before. Where is he coming from, he didn't come out of the blue didn't he??? Who is he, how does he look like ... does anyone knows???

Thank You StarSeed Indigo Claude and thank you so much for providing a link ^L^

Namasté amazing friend XX

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