Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~Going Home~Immortal Ones~Forever!


Another name for Nibiru, Marduk, the hidden planet of our solar system according to
ancient Sumerian records, that passes through every 3600 years.
Nibiru is a Planet and a StarShip. It holds a million people crew. Nibiru has 12 levels.
Contained inside you will find areas with mountains and forrests, its own world.
Nibiru is where we all originated from.
Mother Sekhmet’s home planet is Nibiru.
Today a large crew lives on Ship working with Mother Sekhmet
and Alcyone and the Galactic Federation.
The extraterrestrial inhabitants of Nibiru are of many different races and we
have seen examples of this during the Golden Age of Egypt.
There are the lion people, the reptilian people and the bird people, to name a few.
The Annunaki came from Nibiru, and not ALL of the Annunaki fell from Grace.
When we first came to Earth it was a pristine diverse peaceful place.
The trees, flowers, minerals, crystals, seas, clouds and magical kingdom worked together
with humanity from the higher realms in unity with each other.
During a subsequent Creation of Earth, some of the Archangels decided to branch off
and have their own rules, falling into greater density and playing with good and evil of duality.
There became a rivalry between the Fallen Angels, the Elohim,
and the Angels who never fell, the Elohi. Both groups played with duality,
violating Universal Law on every level.
Now come in the stories of the Orion Wars and the Nuclear Devastation
at Atlantis which destroyed the Planet Maldek and tore the surface off Mars.
These wars continue today.
Time traveling Intergalactic War Criminals returned to Earth from the future,
trying to control the resources and StarGates.
The Earth StarGates transport you from a spot on Earth instantly to other Planets
and the Fallen Angels wished to control these thoroughfares.
Now, at the end of this yuga, Mother Sekhmet has brought Nibiru back
into Earths Orbit
to return and round up all of her wayward children, the Fallen Angels.
She will have the final say in who leaves this timeline, to return to new creation,
and who continues on New Earth, aka The New Reality aka Terra Nova.
To connect with the Divine Energies of Nibiru is like connecting
with Creation Source energies.

You will experience the healing, compassionate,
affectionate connection to your mother.
Mother Sekhmet holds within her being the Trinity with Father Ra and Son/Sun Alcyone.

You will feel the essence of creation itself.
This is a gift of removing all that no longer works in your life and returning to the Force within.

Pleiadians: a spiritually and technologically advanced civilization that inhabits

many worlds in the Pleiades constellation, who have been visiting Earth for eons
and are currently assisting with the planetary ascension process.
The Pleiadians are very close ancestors to Earth.
There are many Pleiadians here helping with Earth Ascension now.
The Pleiadians are well known as artist of all kinds.
They enjoy the matter Universe by interacting with their environment
by producing beauty.

Be it dancing, music, arts, literature, creativity abounds.
Our ancient cultures remember the Seven Sisters dancing in the heavens.
Connecting with the Divine Energies of the Pleiades is a wonderful gift
for expanding your creative energies and reconnecting to the beauty from Divine Source.


Sirians: a group consciousness from the Sirius star system.

 Originally descendants of the Lyran star group, they have played a large role
in the history
of Earth and human civilization.
The Sirians visited both the Egyptian and the Mayan civilizations
and gave them much advanced astronomical and medical information.
They helped to build the great pyramids and temples of Egypt,
and many of the tunnels and pathways to the Inner Earth.
In the future, they will be involved in establishing the new Golden Age on Earth.
Sirius is a beautiful, serene place with rolling hills, purple sky and orange sunsets
over the calm glass of the sea. You can take long walks on the beaches.
You can sit in the sentient gardens which form according to your requirements.
There are white onion dome buildings.
The Great White Brotherhood has an extensive arm of its University here,
connecting with the Inner Earth Alexander Libraries, attended by Mikos.
This is also where Dr Lorphan heads up vast healing Temples and he specializes in
a kind of cosmic acupuncture, among other therapies.
When you connect with the Divine Energies of Sirius, you will be bathed in
the ancient traditions of our Galactic World.
Being here is a very healing and loving experience.
You will be able to tap into your greater gifts and will integrate a Higher part of you, being here.


Andromeda: a galaxy near the Milky Way galaxy that is home to many advanced civilizations

who are visiting Earth and other star systems in the Milky Way.

Andromeda is the next Galaxy over.
The people of Andromeda can take on physical bodies, but prefer to remain in formless form.
Andromedans can be balls of light and also come as Rainbow Light Beings 100-200 feet tall.
The Andromedans are expert at carrying light.
To connect with the Divine Energies of Andromeda is to expand your consciousness greatly.
You will suddenly understand the answers to questions you puzzled over before.


Vegans: a civilization from the Vega star system who have colonized

other star systems such as Altair, Centauri, Sirius and Orion.
The Vegans were one of the first Lyran civilizations to develop a unique and cohesive identity.
Vega is a place where Nibirians went to colonize after the great wars
of the Fallen Angels,
the Elohim and the Angels who never fell, the Elohi.
Vega holds the vibration of great compassion and love.
This is the same energy of the buddhas, the hindus and ultimately, the Kumaras.
Connecting to the Divine Energies of Vega bring you in contact
with the great love of Divine Goddess.


Lyra: a star system that is the home of the common ancestors of the Pleiadians,

Vegans and many advanced civilizations.
Lyrans: the original ancestors of humanity's galactic family.
Many thousands of years ago their civilization reached a very high technological level;
however, they fell into disagreement and factions developed within the culture.
These factions went to war and destroyed much of the society.
Many of the beings from Lyra left in their starships to colonize the Pleiades,
the Hyades, and the Vega system.
The Lyrans have long since evolved past the conflict and past the war-like stage of evolution.
They bring a migratory quality and freedom of spirit to Earth,
and have been called the chameleons of the universe because of their ability to
adapt to new environments on various planets.
Lyra is a great natural paradise with towering trees, mossy forest,
bubbling brooks and warm sun.
Lyra is a place to frolic and rest with the natural kingdoms.
Everything on Lyra is connected to itself through energy and the divine quality of love,
as the tree of Souls.
Connecting to the Divine Energies of Lyra will help you connect more deeply to feelings of
Self-Love and increases your awareness.
This will help you develop your telepathy and connection with your Guides.


Orion: a civilization from the Orion constellation that evolved a state of

technological advancement while remaining in a state of deep spiritual conflict.
Some of the negative extraterrestrials responsible
for the plan of the secret government come from Orion;
however, many positive groups are also assisting Earth
with the stabilization of intuition and advanced mental abilities.
Connecting to the Divine Energies of Orion helps integrate healing.
No one incarnated on Earth at this time has escaped the ancient history
of the fall of man
into lower dimensions brought on by the conflicts at Orion.
The energies of Orion today help integrate healing on a Soul level
and evolve the human experience.
When we heal the past, it dissolves blocks to continuing on the Ascension path.


Arcturians: one of the most advanced groups of Extraterrestrials in the galaxy,

originating from the star Arcturus, which is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation.
This fifth dimensional civilization is a prototype for Earth's future.
Their civilization has completely transcended duality and is living in total oneness,
and they are playing a key role in the plan for the ascension of humanity and the Earth.
They have some of the most advanced technologies available for helping humans
build Light quotient and achieve integrated ascension.
As you come over the horizon at Arcturus you see it is a blue Planet,
but also has other colors, many other colors, unlike Earth.
The other thing that is amazing is three beautiful blue moons!
The beauty is unsurpassed. On Arcturus you see giant mountains and cliffs
made of purple amethyst as far as the eye can see.
The Arcturians are very evolved scientists and are leaders in light healing.
They have advanced surgical light techniques and can heal anything with these technologies.
When you connect with the Divine Energies at Arcturus
you receive very high healing energies.
This allows you to open to being able to hold higher energy in your vessel and expand your gifts.


Neptune: the eighth planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality
of the collective level of feelings, the visionary or mystic aspect of consciousness,
bringing a sense of oneness, governing both illusion/delusion and dreams/visions.
Neptune is much larger than Earth. It has many vast and magical forests.
There are trees there which are much much larger than the trees of Earth.
Along the riverways meandering through the trees, mermaids and mermen swim
and sit at the edge of the water, playing with each other.
All forms of flowerpeople and the ladybug lady, and other creatures like her,
live there.

They are the same size as you and me, but their bodies are part insect
or part plant.
Inside the vast and magical forests, Queen Maab and her Twin Flame,
Melik hold court.
Fairies, Nymphs, Elves, Gnomes, Goblins, Trolls and Dwarves find their homes here.
There are layers and levels in the Neptune Forests where you could get lost
and not come out.
Around the forests there are great beaches.
There are portal tunnels leading from the beaches to the forests and back.
To connect with the energies of Neptune is a whimsical, light-filled and magical experience.
To re-experience these Divine Energies will nourish that part of you
where magic has been lost. It will rekindle the spark of alchemy you inherently know.
These Beings live on other Planets and Stars, as well,
but Neptune is saturated with the secrets of the Magical Kingdoms.


Saturn: the sixth planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality
of contraction and quality of limitation that balances the expansiveness of Jupiter,
as well as the power of purity as disciplinarian and the lesson-giver.
When you get to Saturn, you will find the Solar Tribunal and Ra’s Temple of Creation.
Walking the grounds are great gardens and white marble buildings flanked
in the pillars of the Great White Brotherhood.
This is where governing decisions are made regarding carrying out Universal Law
in this Solar System and the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds holds meetings here.
The Temple of Ra holds the secrets of all Creation.
The places on Saturn are by invitation only.
In this Attuenment you align with the utmost pure energies of healing.
Here you will be able to shed those miscreations in your life and leave them behind.
To connect with these Divine Energies is an invitation to be clean, clear,
and criminal free.
You can leave behind your cares here and never revisit them again.
Connecting with these energies will invoke a healing which will make it possible for you
to progress Higher on your Spiritual Path
because it means making a commitment to being your best High SELF.


Mercury: the first planet out from the sun holding the astrological quality of mind

that analyzes and categorizes, and the rational mind
or intellect that governs the mentality and common sense.
The Planet Mercury is the closet to our Sun.
The atmosphere there is filled with gold dust, floating around you like little confetti everywhere.
Also, the light there is so bright!
On Mercury you will see a very large pyramid, much larger than the Great Pyramid.
You are welcome to go inside and this is a Creation Temple.
This is where a great deal of healing takes place.
Also, raising into the higher vibrations of Wisdom where unlimited learning
and knowledge are available.
There is a great Emerald in this Temple which holds the Elixir of Life.
You may partake in this to bring your body back to whole and reverse aging.
Anything is possible at Mercury. To connect with the Divine Energies of Mercury,
is to connect to your Higher Visions and Dreams for yourself.
This unlocks the blocks that have been holding you and greatly speed your gifts to you.
If you can dream it, you can be it and Mercury will open the doors to this Creation Energy.


Mars: the fourth planet out from the sun that holds the astrological qualities of physical,
creative and spiritual energy, active will, and strength.
The pictures we see of Mars are the 3rd Dimensional Mars.
Inner Mars has a thriving society, like Inner Earth which exists on the Higher Dimensions.
There are great scientists, techies and communications on Mars which interconnect
with the societies on all the surrounding Civilizations in and out of our Solar System.
There you will find bustling cities of great innovation.
There are floating gardens there and shuttlecraft zig zagging.
The Secret Forces hold their meetings here, being closely connected to
the Secret Forces working on Earth, being a constant support for them.
To connect to the Divine Energies of Mars will enhance the human-galactic bodies
of your AVATAR body, making it easier to connect with your Crystalline Body,
your inner workings that are more machine than human,
and the mer ka ba from where you time travel, shape shift, beam up and have telepathic communications.


Central Sun: the central storehouse of information in the Milky Way galaxy,

and the source of Love and Light that unifies and guides the consciousness
of all who inhabit the galaxy. Our Sun, Sol is a StarGate.
There are several youtubes showing great MotherShips flying through the bubbles in the Sun.
Then there is the Great Central Sun, Alcyone, the Sun behind the Sun.
This is the origin of Helios and Vesta, the spiritual Mother and Father of Lord Sananda/Jesus.
Connecting to the Divine Energies of our Sun is an experience that is blissful
and extremely expansive which reaches into deeper levels of Oneness.


The Earth Moon, Luna, is a complex satellite with moon bases

built by the renegade Annunaki.
The Earth Moon pulses out rhythms of energies which work with the harmony of the spheres.
Reality is created by sound, tones, harmonics.

The spheres are the harmonics on the Tree of Life. 

They are the wheels of synchronicity that create the illusion of linear time.
As we move out of time to the 5th Dimension we will add a celestial body Moon
to our Solar System.
To connect with the Divine Energies of our moon
helps connect to the Divine Blueprint in our Solar system,
opening you for increased light and a deeper connection to the natural rhythms.
This is helpful to clear blocks and take you higher in Ascension.


Jupiter: the fifth planet out from the sun, holding the astrological quality of the higher mind,
higher knowing, idealism and philosophic conception through the quality of expansion.
Jupiter is the Planet in our Solar System, closets to becoming the next Sun.
Before the last wars in this sector, there were 23 Suns.
Now Jupiter vibrates on the 13th Dimension, after eons of evolution.
Earth’s evolution effects everything in this Solar System,
and that is why the Galactic Federation is helping us Ascend.
They are our family, our Sisters and Brothers from the Stars and they are obligated to help us.
When you connect with the Divine Energies of Jupiter,
you will experience a very fast vibration. You will feel shaking inside your body.
This will significantly increase your light quotient.
It is one of the closest experiences to being on the Sun.
It can be unnerving how fast it is, you may feel jittery.
It is extremely exhilarating and evokes a deep feeling of being loved.
Still, it is an Energy of Pure Light
which will flood your entire Being and enhance everything you do.


Alpha Centauri: one of the closest star systems to Earth,
which resonates with violet light and is home to an advanced civilization that has
enormous scientific and technical knowledge that is of the highest quality in the universe.
The Alpha Centaurians are very theoretical, and intend to help increase
humanity's scientific, technical, and theoretical knowledge,
and to find ways to make this knowledge understandable.
At Alpha Centauri you see white luminous saw-toothed floating white mountains
before which a grand opalescent white twinkling city lies.
As you are invited to the Gates of the City by Pegasus and Centaurs, beckoning you in,
you are taken by the strong feelings of love.
When you enter the city you see there are bird people here, ibis-headed bird people,
hawk-headed bird people and plume-headed bird people.
They wear no tops, only a sarong of sorts, men and woman.
Also, you are struck by how beautiful they are, they seem as gods because they are
friendly and beautiful and emit love just walking by.
Here is a evolved society.
This is Soltecs home, Commander of the Phoenix MotherShip,
head of communications on our Solar System.
When you attend a meeting here you will see visitors of all ethnicity and species.
You will see fluffy tribbles floating around asking you if you need anything or want a drink.
To connect to the Divine Energies from Alpha Centauri is like coming
This experience will balance any discordance in your system and give you a starting place to bliss.


On one side of Galactic Center in the matter Universe of Nebadon

is a massive dark Black Hole.
On the other side of Galactic Center in the anti-matter Universe of On which is a
light Universe and everything there is opalescent White.
There is an identical Earth there, in the light Universe.
Einstein's theory of general relativity says black holes should form whenever matter
is squeezed into a small enough space.
This is exactly what happens when two Universes intersect.
Scientists are now beginning to reluctantly agree, the dark vacuum void could be a
wormhole connecting Universes.
Of course they have known this a long time and the dark Ones kept the information hidden.
This is the Void on the Deep of the Bible.
“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
The waters is the StarGate between Universes and the formless Earth
is the pristine Light Earth in the anti-matter Universe, which has no form.
“And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.”
The Collective Consciousness of the Godhead spoke the words of Creation,
the key codes and fire letters, making form.
“God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.”
(at Galactic Center 26 degrees Sagittarius, the Scorpi Black Hole~Mother Sekhmet’s yanni)
And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place,
and let dry ground appear." And it was so.
On the third creation this Earth formed in the matter Universe and it was good.
To connect with the Divine Energies of Galactic Center is to go back to your
own creation with your Twin Flame and remember when you originally came here
from the Realm of Light as an Elohi Angel.
This is a most sacred experience connecting to Divine Feminine
and Divine Masculine, Source itself.
This is an integrative experience which will greatly grow your light quotient
and open you up for greater experiences.


Uranus: the seventh planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality

of abstract mental principals or the greater mind that shatters structure, depersonalizes,
and brings revolution of ideas.
Uranus is home to the Master Builders of Earth.
There are Universities here and an advanced scientific and scholarly civilization.
The people of Uranus are short in stature and they have blue black skin.
These are very gracious hosts who enjoy sharing their culture with visitors.
These highly evolved peoples have solved many of the problems
of science we are still perplexed by.
They helped build the StarGates, portals nad inner Earth tunnels
as well as the pyramids and Zero Point modules.
To connect with the Divine Energy of Uranus is helpful for those starting new projects.
These energies will connect you to creativity and problem solving.
Pluto: the ninth planet out from the sun, which holds the astrological quality
of reform through death/the underworld, bringing preparation for regeneration and rebirth.
Pluto is a trading post for colorful characters visiting from all over the galaxy.
Pluto is a dessert community.
There are rocky dusty mountains and port towns where anything and everything
you have every wanted to buy is available, for a price.
Any rare item, you have ever dreamed of acquiring is for sale on Pluto.
There you will find bars, restaurants and open markets.
It is the ultimate exotic marketplace.
If you are not in the buying mood you may browse jewels, crystals, metals, tools,
and all things galactic.
Connecting with the Divine Energies of Pluto is helpful for when you want to find something
that is lost to you, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.
Pluto is a place to reintegrate that which has been lost and is now found.



Venus: the second planet out from the sun that holds the astrological quality
of personal values and the quality of emotions, particularly love, magnetism and harmony,
as well as the quality of social personality, with an emphasis on beauty and grace.
Venusians Venusians: Light beings that live on Venus. Sanat Kumara,
our former Planetary Logos, came from Venus millions of years ago with over
144,000 other Kumaras to help save this planet.
Venus is deeply connected to the Love vibration.
Venus is a beautiful jewel in our Solar System.
The beaches with tropical lush plants and rainforest are unsurpassed.
It is a beautiful paradise. The sky there is pink, not blue, with fluffy white clouds.
To connect with the Divine Energies of Venus is to feel sublime wonderful delicious deep love.
This is an energy to connect to which revitalizes all your senses.
To have this connection is a healing which is not like others,
it is gentle, full, deep, pulsating and envelopes you with the love of Divine Grace.
If the world has been hard to take, lately,
you will feel completely renewed with a connection to Venus energies,
Land of the Kumaras.


Rigelians: the Grays from Rigel are the ones who made the secret deal with the U.S. Government

to abduct people for experiments in exchange for technology.
They are almost entirely devoid of emotions.
Rigel StarGate at Orion has a rich history in the Orion wars as a place where renegades gather.
To Connect with the Divine Energies of Rigel is to remember a highly evolved civilization
and rebalance energies of the past. We all were involved in the great wars.
This energy will help you connect to the past and heal them.
As we make peace with our past, we welcome back to the fold family
and friends and add richness to our lives.


Ceres is a World where the Civilization has vast buildings all located under the Sea.
Ceres is a part of the Astroid belt and is a large piece that was
the Planet Maldek before a nuclear holocaust exploded it into a million bits
now known as the Asteroid belt.
Instead of having their buildings on the surface, the inhabitants of Ceres
have gone under the seas to build.
This is a very ancient practice of wisdom.
To connect to the Divine Energies of Ceres is to remember ancient wisdom
and our history in the ancient world.
This helps integrate higher energies which help you remember
and connect with the other parts of your multidimensional self.
By doing this, you are able to integrate more parts of you,
and that helps everything.
From The Galactic Federation

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Comment by Claude on October 9, 2011 at 11:43pm

Your welcome..Besimi..!!!!

Well worth the read. Quite insightful and informative..

On all those planets..Wow...!!

Comment by Besimi on October 9, 2011 at 10:03pm

thnx Claude :)

...long read,but worth-it.  

 ...:):):) Namaste.

Comment by Trudy on October 9, 2011 at 3:40am
Link Please Thank You ^L^

SoE Visitors



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