Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Galactic Federation - The Larger Picture of What Has & Is Going On !

The Pleiadian High Council Speaks

Welcome to the Pleiadian High Council, I am Melik.

We welcome you Home, Blessings.
We are here at Earth now, with our Mothership--the Pegasus.
We are working in coordination with the Intergalactic Federation.
We have enthusiastically worked with you to assist in many ways with Earth Ascension.
Arcturians are known for their light technology, Sirians are known for their libraries
and Pleiadians are known for their work with nature spirits.
We are partnering with you on Earth in reintegrating to Gaia now,
the physical manifestation of all the magical realms back to Earth.
Our Mothership is here carrying representatives from the higher elemental, plant, animal, devic, and nature kingdoms.
The Pleiadians have a long history of working with these kingdoms and serving them.
We are their Guardians.
We have shared our knowledge with those on Earth since the beginning. You are our family.
We helped seed earth and we are the ancestors of many living there.
We are what Native Cultures call the Grandfathers and the Grandmothers.
We have telepathic resonance with all in the animal kingdom, including birds, butterflies, ants, whales,
dolphins, elephants, zebras; all animals and creatures.
We have telepathic resonance with all those in the plant kingdom.
We use the Force and teach these ones to be in harmony with each other, as they are all part of All That Is.
The elements of water, air, earth, and wind likewise live in harmony together.
We desire to help bring harmony back to Earth. We are experts in what you call Green technology.
Our sentient computers coordinate with weather, elements, animals, plants as well as rivers, oceans, mountains and sky.
We harmonize these to work together for climate control, clean water, clean air, clean seas and rivers,
We will, immediately after First Contact link our computer system into the Earth Grid.
We will bring forth free electricity and power for everyone involved.
We also work with the merfolk, unicorns, fairies, elves, sylphs, salamanders, and many other magical beings.
They have never left where we are. We are working to reintegrate them on to surface Earth.
They will work in harmony with you and the Earth energies to create complete unconditional harmony.
There will be more fun to life, more life in fun.
We want you all to know that we are here now and waiting on the cusp of the new phase where we may come in
and help with all of the new green technologies.
We will have projects on ocean cleanup, farm-crop redistribution, energy source sharing and clean water and clean air technologies.
We are available to you now. You may call on us to work with you to reintegrate the magical kingdoms into your individual lives.
You may have a Fairy or Elf or other partner with you, just as Angels do. Angels are part of the natural realm.
Call to Maab, Queen of Fairies and call to Melik, of the Pleiadian High Council, we are Twin Flames.
Ask us to Guide you in your pursuit of a new relationship with these precious ones.
We will help you understand how they may help you more in your everyday lives.
We are here to partner with those on Earth to restore her pristine beauty in all her realms, back to love.
We invite any and all of you, especially those, whose Mission this is, to call on us often to work with you.
We invite you to come during dreamtime at night for more training on our ships. All you must do is ask.
Maab is on Earth full time now, coordinating these efforts and working directly with you.
We have waited a very long time for this
and we are very well pleased at recent developments opening the portals and pathways back to Earth.
We Bring Peace.

The Andromedan High Council Speaks

We leave and leap to Andromeda. Andromeda is a Gateway Galaxy.
It is a translator of light and energy. When there it feels dreamy, it is overwhelming how different the energy here is.
There is a sea of millions upon millions of pinpoints of light, each its own star.
There is no Planet here, only star lights. This is a place where consciousness is translated into Higher Dimensions.
Our consciousness is expanded here to the Cosmic level.
That is the feeling One gets. It is the knowledge, with every fiber of the Being,
that we are each and all these; extraterrestrial, Starseeds, Source, Light and All There Is.

Question asked of the Andromedan High Council:
Post NESARA, post Mass Landings, when you come to live with us,
what will be the main thing you want to share with those here?
We wish to give holographic lessons on the Ships of the Impulse, inside, each One.
This Impulse connects us back to Source Light, Source Energy, Source Love.
By experiencing this, One may transcend the human condition and see All is One.
Andromedans are a Group Consciousness, or a Collective Consciousness.
We are sentient and we blend ourselves into One Light. As we Create, we CO-Create together.
We pulse our thoughts back to Source and what we have thought comes back to us as formless form made manifest.
We will help Earth humans recognize there is nothing outside of themselves. This sounds so simple.
We will holographically represent, for even a small child to understand, we are each connected.
We will be able to teach Ones to master instant manifestation on the physical. You must ask and you must allow.
You may learn this now with us, if you like. Before going to sleep at night, just before sleep comes, ask,
with a grateful heart, to join us on the Ships and learn instant manifestation.
We will show you in dreamtime. Ask to remember the demonstrations. Write it down. Practice it.
Don't worry if you do not get this the first time, keep trying. I assure you, it is meant to be fun.
Any stress brought into these thoughts will co-create more stress.
We will, after Mass Landings, bring those who wish to see, here to Andromeda, just for a short excursion.
Seeing this will help Initiates understand their connection to abundance.
Those who Master it, then may, I say even, must, teach it to others.
It is about connecting to Love and pulsing it back to Oneself, by impulses of liquid rainbow light and love energy.
You have done this before.
By Mastering this, anything in the New Earth is possible.


~The Andromedan High Council

The Lyrian High Council Speaks

ABOUT LYRA: Lyra was frequently visualized as an eagle or vulture as well as a lyre;
both are shown on this engraving from the Uranographia of Johann Bode (1801).
Near the tip of the vulture’s beak is the bright star Vega, here spelt Wega;
Bode also gave it the alternative name Testa in reference to the tortoise shell from which the lyre was supposedly made by Hermes.

To the Council of Lyra we ask:
We are now visioning through all of the Round Tables from above and below,
we are envisioning Twin Flame heart, male female balancing spirit.
And we understand this is visioning an energetic system matrix that is holographic.
What we are asking, we want to bring forth something new, something that includes and benefits us all.
Something that joins us in a joyful peaceful loving harmonious way:
How may we procede?
We invite the AFERs, progenators, a collective, Ancient Elders who originally gave us this model in the 100th Dimension.
We are getting our energy from the Great Central Sun, we want the angelic/galactic/awakened human to be one.
We want to be energized and activated within Source, which we each have within.
We want our new Earth Plan to honor all, from all out into cocreative sensual reality.
From the heart-mind and equal armed radii, spiraling up through the dimensions, in a never ending healing harmony,
embracing change, being the change. This is all inclusive, we all have a beautiful divine purpose.
When we open to that, we have a holographic perspective instead of a linear perspective.
We want representatives of all, who can talk about the substraights and quantum entanglement,
which effects the omniverse, which is expressive, so we can see the blank slate technology
so we can envision the higher dimensions to look for ways to recognize all energies, all frequencies.
So they too will change. Their Source Level Guidance is getting best visions best hopes best dreams
where we can cocreate together so all value the highest dynamic of the coconsensus reality Will you help us present this,
or express this or describe how we get from where we are until we get to the new Plan
where we do it with reverence and love for all others.
Headquarters for the Ashtar Command, (Ashtar, Soltec, Hatonn) a 12 D World
where we sprung up into the Adam Kadmon template started-this one holds the greatest capacity to get the job done,
to take us back to the hundredth dimension and beyond. This will take us back to the Godhead.
We bring representatives the natural and magical realms as well as sound and light.
We arrive at Lyra. It looks like a cosmopolitan city. There all tall buildings with twinkle lights.
One of the structures is a geodesic pyramid.
We arrive to a large building and an enormous door on the side of the building opens
so we may "fly" into it and we land on a platform there.
As we disembark there are greeters who welcome us and gift us with flower leis. It smells tropical and fresh here.
The inside of this landing area is royal red. We walk past a thirty foot high statue of Mother Sekhmet
as we are ushered into the round table room.
Here the Lyrian Council Members sit alternately around a table with AFERs.
The AFERs are quiet a bit taller than the Ones from Lyra who are humanoid.
They all stand as we enter the room. We bow Namaste and take our positions at the round table.
We ask them to please comment, if they will, on any portion of the above question.
One of the AFERs stands up to address us:
There are Councils all over this Universe who have been meeting recently to answer this same question.
This is a very important question. No longer will there be allowed an energetic frequency
of exchange which has the ability to be controlled.
We are looking at creating a model of energy frequency exchange (money) which is all inclusive
and flows in and out in a never ending rhythm.
This new exchange system has a requirement of being immortal, being infinite, having the ability to evolve.
As the needs of the organism evolve, so too will the energetic flow evolve to meet its growing needs.
These Councils have been meeting so they may come up with some viable models.
These models will be brought, in love, light, balance, freedom and reverence to Earth.
These potential possibilities will be brought to roundtable discussions which will be viewed by all throughout the World.
We will have roundtable meetings and we will have mentors
to work with anyone wanting to know more about these discussions.
We will have expert representatives from all parts of the World meeting,
post NESARA, to implement ways to put the New Earth Plan into place.
This new plan with be the Highest possible, spinodal joining of balanced holographic representation of the Whole.
One of the Lyrian Council stands and continues:
Thank you for bringing us this question today.
We wish to offer our perspective on this important question about energetic exchange.
The next step in this process of earth and individual ascension
is to dissolve the old matrix core fear beliefs surrounding money.
The whole point of NESARA is to remove the survival programming from our consciousness, wipe it clean.
After this, joining monies will become the balanced fulcrum approach to providing all that is needed to All That Is.
The first concept to teach those on Earth is sharing, pooling, flowing, and sustaining the energy through cooperation.
All will have everything they need. No one will be left out.
This will be an exercise in Divine Love.
It must be implemented as a coconsensus reality.
In order to introduce this possibility all fears of lack must be completely removed.
This is why we are moving to a metals backed currency. There will be a tiered approach to energy exchange.
Economics 101 will begin as a metals backed currency and after many years of All on Earth having all they need,
we will evolve out of that low level dynamic to something even more substantive.
We will do away with money as we know it today and move to a system of debit and credit exchanges.
There will be no currency standing in for the energy exchange as time goes on. We will realize it is not necessary.
We will grow to the point of understanding that love is its own currency, as is light.
There are others, colors, sound, and others still.
The new currency exchange will happen in tiered phases and the Ones creating it will be the ones to determine
when the next phase may be phased in. As this continues, the old dissolves and is returned to light for more creation.
The beginning of this is to decide the importance of each needed solution, its place on the priority list,
and the means by which it will be distributed. This is not as complicated as it sounds.
We of Lyra, with the AFERs Elders, are at your service for counseling.
We cannot do it for you, but just ask, and we will help you include all the necessary cocreative forces,
working with all elements involved, to solve all the necessary changes and not allowing any unintended consequences.
We will do this as a group in All That IS, to deliver love, light, color and sound,
in a balanced holographic model to all on Earth.
Another Council Member from Lyra adds:
We now wish to be available to help all the Leaders, who will head up these Councils on Earth,
to begin imagining ways these things may be accomplished. These may begin, as has been proposed as:

Integrity Team's Round Tables can be established for many purposes namely:

1) To replace the banking system as we know it.

2) To replace the government divisions as we know them.

3) To replace state and city and governor systems as we know it.

Integrity Team's Round Tables will serve as a Trustee of trusts who as a group can be set up as:1

) Teams – Representing functions representing such as a type of lending

2) Divisions – City and Town counselors

3) Sections – Representing groups of states

4) Possibly Arbitration Boards

We wish the Leaders of Earth, those serving in the Galactic Federation, and other associated Groups,
to begin to imagine the possibilities of how they may serve in one of the above capacities.
The purpose of being embodied now on Earth is spiritual service.
There is nothing else. Once NESARA comes it is not a holiday present to squander.
It simply removes you from servitude to the cabal, feeds, clothes and offers the security needed,
to move ahead, to evolve out of "jobs" and beginning to do your "work" as spiritual service to a New Plan for Earth.

We salute you! Namaste.

~Members of the Council of Lyra

The Arcturian High Council Speaks

This [excerpt] is [from] the second of four meetings where Beth and Mark travel
around the galaxy seeking opinions on Holographic ideas for the new coconsensus reality plan.
We ask the counselors how we may from the heart mind center, bring forth a progressive plan,
from a current top down system, which only benefits a few, to a heart mind level playing field
for all to contribute and present to Galactic and Stargate Round Tables
that they may themselves draft their own questions, versions,
and ideas to the Galactics, including the angelic, galactic-human and human Earth Councils
to be a mutually benefitting construct to be used by all. Thank you for considering our questions.

Here is a proposal from a GRT-Intel writer:

The dynamics of a group are a Source of Creation,
but a group by itself can not expand it's consciousness without a leader and observers.
Expansion of a group consciousness occurs with the awareness of leadership's movement
of the observer outside the group moving towards the group.
The observers beliefs are of the utmost importance as the movement of the observer along with the belief energy
will be transmuted upon the group as a unit or molecule and the group unit will expand in consciousness
and comprehend the observers love, will, and direction of truth or light thus creating or generating more fluency and currency,
called synergistic energy exchange.
This acts like a business transaction, so this creates the need for fluent group management as groups
can then evolve into different types of networks and different types of currents or currencies or cosmic consciousness.
The result is an expanding of Higher Awareness of Self and I Am creation.
Thus become a rhythm of expansion of the Energy of God and Co-creation of collective energy.
Post NESARA a new model will be put into place.
Joy will be abundant as people hear Lady Master Nada instruct them that their new found wealth may be used to improve lives of all on Earth.
Every man, woman and child will feel inspired to add their creative energy to these new projects. Joy, pride, and love will run rampant.
The new found freedom of it will have people giddy.
The new conscious collective will look and function as a lotus blossom.
The whole is represented as the fruition of all that is possible, which is a holographic and infinite representation of fractal energy.
The core is the love found in Oneness, the pestle and stamen, the male and female balanced core of synergistic co-creation.
The petals each represent another section, another program, another part of the New Plan.
Each petal has its own fragrance and as it opens to wholeness,
all are able to sample the sweet succulent smells coming from that new creation.
The Galactics wish to provide mentorship on beginning the new process.
We offer suggestions and models that may be utilized. These will be step by step processes.
As the World releases the old model of servitude, it will be challenging to see new solutions to old problems.
This is where the Galactic Council comes in with nonjudgmental Guidance and Support as Earth segues in its own New approach.
This new model will be an approach that works for everyone. We will be teaching discernment.
We will show, by example, how if a new design works, it is able to grow, evolve, change, and be all inclusive.
As long as it is feeding more light to itself and sustaining constant increase in growth, it is indeed the right model.
This is our role now.
There are advanced models of abundant co-creation, which up until now, have not been shared in this time and this space.
As each Human Being receives their packet, as long as they are 51% positive, they will receive a packet.
As each One comes into abundance, it comes with a mentor who will teach new facets of
abundant co-creation here to for not understood in 5D.
Everyone will be upgraded with the skills to make choices which will benefit All That Is.
This is how we know that the New Plan will work. Each person who participates sees quite quickly how Being Abundant,
Acting Abundant, and Sharing Abundance only brings more abundance.
Everyone will want to play the new game.
~The Arcturian Council of Light

The Mars High Council Speaks

Beth and Mark visited the Mars Council.
Visit to Mars:
We jump to a shuttle craft driven by Ashtar and in the jump seat is KOS. They take us into an inner tunnel at Mars.
We see in the distance a domed city, a very, very tall, dome on the interior core of Mars.
A door on the side of the dome opens and we are allowed access.
The architecture in the City here is minimalist and futuristic.
There are floating oasis' with water and green plants.
The structures they float on are artificial but the living things are natural.
Sunlight is tunneled in from the surface and the dome city is full with sunlight.
We enter a building which has no outer distinguishable characteristics.
Inside is a meeting room with large monitor screens surrounding the table and chairs on all walls.
These monitors are connected to the Ships.
There is a Galactic Federation Symbol on the wall of the room.
There we meet Commander Korton and Commander Mon-Ka, the Mars Council, Ashtar and KOS.
Commander Mon-ka speaks:
Dear Friends, You have been expanding your understanding of higher dimensions.
You know a little about parallel Planets
and you have been exploring stair-stepping the dimensions and also Higher Octaves.
In exploring these ideas, minds have expanded to a place where we may talk to you
about how things really are.
In preparation for First Contact, one must expand and mature their thoughts regarding how things work.
When your Hubble Telescope views and photographs Mars, it is sending back 3D photos of a burned up shell of a Planet.
Long ago there was a 'change point' at which time the people and the Planet of Mars evolved into a Higher Dimension.
When you link with us OOB, as now, you are linking with us in a parallel dimension, a Higher Dimension.
As Earth ascends-- as do the individuals on Earth--all who choose to ascend, will travel through the 'change point' on Earth.
You are traveling through this now, it is a process.
Everything you have been discussing of late regarding Earth changes, individual ascension, as well as politics,
world peace, end of pollution, eradication of disease, and the end of financial slavery and bringing justice to all,
lead up to moving through the 'change point' for Earth.
When NESARA is announced it is a beginning of change, not an end of the old regime.
It is a beginning of living on the parallel Earth, the Higher Dimensional Earth.
It is what you have been calling the Master Plan or the New Plan.
The Face on Mars is an implosion of our Gateway Temple, it is the face of Creator.
Earth going through this 'change point' means... it is moving to a Higher Octave.
Earth will remain the same, only it will be perceived from a Higher Frequency.
Those not ascending will not join Terra Nova.
They will instead go to a Planet in a parallel dimension of a different frequency.
Nothing is lost.
Now-- here in this meeting point-- in this room, we are not speaking to you from the old shell
of the 3D Mars perceived by your current technology, no.
You are seeing us in a meeting place which is on the parallel Mars, in a Higher Frequency.
We greet you with cheers of celebration. We are very pleased you are able to perceive us this way now.
A large number of you are asking for change and able to understand how things truly exist in this Cosmos.
We on Mars continue to work and evolve in our underground domed city.
We, along with 10 other Planets-- in various phases of ascension--
along with the 12 Planets which make up your local system,
are participating in the plan for terraforming Mars back to its Pristine condition.
We Planets have a long history of telepathic communication.
We also traveled in spacecraft to Earth and stars and the 12 Planets in our local system.
There were times after Earth became inhabited with dense form humans that our relations were not always civil.
We are evolving past that time now. I work with the Galactic Federation as a protector of Earth.
I work on the Saturian Council and work closely with the Ashtar Command in furthering Earth's Master Plan for Ascension.
All of the Planets in our 'time space realm' are firing up our crystalline cores and preparing for the Great Shift back to love.
Everything you are experiencing on Earth, we too are experiencing in our own way.
Everything you do effects us. If you are successful, so are we, we cannot abide a failure.
There is a joint effort from the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds to see to it that nothing stands in the way of Earth Ascension.
This is a very exciting time, and we all celebrate with you.
I am working with Sanat Kumara from Shamballa using their Hall of Records.
It is here that we have digital records of every human on Earth.
We work with Commander Soltec who heads up all Intergalactic Communication.
We join our work with the Silent Watcher on the 172 Dimension with their communication system.
Ashtar links into them with Hatonn and the Protection Forces. All of these share Intel with KOS and Korton,
Commanders of the Protective Forces of Earth. They work with the Cosmic Secret Service.
You have heard of Project Blue Beam and FOBOS, the artificial satellite as well as secret satellite stations and on and on.
Ashtar and his Protective Forces have dismantled or neutralized all of the mentioned negative nanite technology
and systems put into place as a subversive measure to Earth Ascension.
These negative influences have been removed and the final tipping point are arrests.
We require all negative influences, all those involved in deception, greed, genocide, injustice,
to be removed as they are not able to ascend into the parallel frequency with Earth.
In the words of KOS "It is happening now".
Bless You All ! We rejoice in your Knowing !
Starseed Claude

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Comment by Trudy on December 18, 2010 at 4:31am

Thank You Starseed Claude, this is a wonderful read :)))

SoE Visitors



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