The Final Rising and Ascend
By Ramona Lappin have the deepest Transformations, Clearings, Healings, Upgrades and Expansions happening. All polarities become amplified before their final full collapse within the Zero Point Field of Divine Neutrality and Love.
Also a little check in how everyOne is FEELing, as I myself have been busy mastering the art of BEing and doing nothing again. So very much needed with our CNS (central nervous system) receiving much healing along with the Upgrades to our vagus nerve, many of us are being guided to go deep within and just rest in the beingness of their Eternal Self. As this relaxed state is what allows us to merge with our higher identities and Source. As we connect within the stillness with all those places that still require integration, healing, release, more love, alchemisation and transformation.
We’re accessing Cosmic God Source Consciousness, our Original Divine Blueprints and Patterns of Perfection, connecting with the God World’s, which is way beyond 5D!
MASSIVE CLEARINGS of the Collective Shadow Body, fallen Timelines, inverted Consciousness and limiting programmming/ belief systems has been ongoing but especially heightened over the past two days, along with all negative entities, aliens, energies, frequencies, interference patterns, reversals, artificial materials and signals, all and everything that we are clearing at an individual and collective level that was part of the old distorted Blueprints and Templates, and it’s no small feat, yet it’s also coming to it’s final completion. Better to hide somewhere in a cave as the lower energies release haha.+++
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