Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It is Time for God’s Jubilee 2022 By Mother Earth, El Morya, Arcturian High Council Through Caroline Marie Mohler

It is Time for God’s Jubilee 2022
By Mother Earth, El Morya, Arcturian High Council
Through Caroline Marie Mohler

Dear Ones,

It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, streaming through the Collective Voice and Heart of One. The Energies of Celestial and Elestial Sapphire Blue Frequencies flow into this message for you and for all of humanity today . . . and through this Summer Season of 2022 for all those in the Northern Hemisphere on Planet Earth, and this Winter Season for those in the Southern Hemisphere as well.

Blue Frequencies bring with them the energies of Quiet Strength, Calm Neutrality, and Organic Empowerment, which are all aspects of your Divine Sovereignty. And this we wish to remind you of as you enter more of the Seasons of Floods, Tumult and Change, and what may be experienced by the Greater Masses as a Great Degree of Uncertainty. Sapphire Blue grounds. It empowers. It opens your eyes to seeing through lenses of strength, fortitude, inner power, and inner connections with The All That Is. While sadness is sometimes associated with this Sacred Sovereign and Divine Color, as in someone is “feeling blue” today, that is in many ways a serpentine misnomer and miscommunication through misinformation about what the Color Blue is really meant to impart to all sentient life on your world, especially at this time. And it is not surprising then that efforts have been made to associate weakness or imbalance with the color energy of Blue in your lives. For it can not be further from the Truth.

You as a Divine Soul and Sovereign Being are made of Wholeness. You are made of Strength. You are made from Fortitude and Faith, and Oneness Frequencies. And thus, we stream through these messages today to call into your awareness the Energies of Celestial and Celestial Sapphire Blue Frequencies.+++

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