Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The End of the Present Age and the Fall of Rome: On the Brink of a Global Spiritual Reclamation

The End of the Present Age and the Fall of Rome: On the Brink of a Global Spiritual Reclamation

A Crucial Message for those with Hearts to Receive

from Reverend Kevin Daniel Annett

ITCCS Field Secretary and Convenor of The Covenanted Congregational Community

April 4, 2014

kevin annett The End of the Present Age and the Fall of Rome: On the Brink of a Global Spiritual ReclamationFor many years, I have engaged the most murderous forces on our planet in the defence of children, and to confront a blood-soaked church and state for their historic crimes. But only in October of 2009 did I begin to learn what stands behind these powers, and what it is that I have actually been battling for so long.

On the eleventh day of that month, I stood outside the thing called the Vatican and by God’s grace commenced a spiritual exorcism of the sick and monstrous entity that inhabits it. And the tornado that struck Rome the next morning shook loose more than the truth of Pope Benedict’s complicity in child trafficking and murder; for within me, a strong wind cleared away my own illusions and brought me the knowledge of the end that is rapidly approaching all of us.

That October morning, I named the entity of Rome and exposed it for what it is. And as a result of a second exorcism God conducted through me in Rome the following year, its ancient presence began to depart from the Vatican and that oldest of corporations started collapsing from within.

The proof of this collapse is something we have all beheld since then: the continual exposure of crimes within that church, the unprecedented resignation of “Pope Benedict” and top Cardinals after their public trial, and the present, final gasps of life by the Vatican as a pseudo Pope named Francis tries to distract the world from the horror that we have unearthed.

Every exorcism has three stages, and the first two have taken place. The Entity of Rome that gave life to the Roman Catholic Church has been named and expelled, and with it has vanished the substance of that institution. And now, in conclusion, that Entity that has for so long controlled the minds of men will be replaced by something else.

That replacement will take place in a fortnight, at Easter, between the dawns of three days, from April 18 and 21. During those 72 hours, the entity of Rome will be replaced by the living reign of God. The Vatican and its anti-Christ spirit will be gone for good, lingering only in illusion, the Lie and human credulity. And those with eyes to see and hearts to understand will witness the end of one world and the commencement of another.

On that day, I will be present in Rome to help complete the spiritual downfall of the Vatican, in prayer and invocation of the living presence of God in Yeshua the Christ. And I have been given the task of knocking down the lifeless facade of the Vatican so that all the world can see as one the living reign of God among us.

This has been my purpose in this incarnation, much to my own surprise. It was not a task I sought or ever imagined for myself, but it is now undeniable, and constantly confirmed by daily events. And so even all of our best efforts at prosecuting the guilty in our common law courts and exposing their crimes to the world has not been the decisive moment, or weapon in this battle that is being waged in heaven and on earth. Soon, the real action will begin. For after Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014, religion as we know it will be pointless and disestablished, as will every other human authority and law: for God will be present, unmediated, and active as the new law written in the hearts and lives of those whom God has chosen for the next stage in human history.

That stage will not be a pretty one, and involves the end of all that we know. But from out of the coming chaos will emerge a new and better world and humanity, chosen from a remnant of our people who have already been set aside to not only survive the conflagration, but transform.

Many spiritual elders have come to me recently with this same understanding, and will be uniting with me in two weeks to complete the final exorcism and replacement of the Entity in Rome. I ask all of you to join us in fasting, prayer and cleansing during those three days, to not only bring about the end of Rome but to allow your inner minds the freedom and the understanding to prepare our people for what is to come.

Our people: and by them, I mean that remnant, set apart from the beginning of time for this moment; those of you who have always known yourselves to be strangers in this Satanic-run world of greed, violence and lies, but who have never known why your conscience and heart kept you apart. Now you know. For you are the seed of humanity’s future.

Some of us have already covenanted together to be a witness and a guide to others like us who have yet awoken to their purpose as part of this holy remnant. We unite as the Covenanted Congregational Community under its Salem Confession to spread this truth and gather God’s chosen for the coming end. ( But all honour and glory lies with God, who has made this happen for the divine purpose.

The dying Entity of Rome and its armies of blind followers know of what I speak only too well, and are trying every old trick to distract humanity and delay the inevitable. Being not only mass murderers but confirmed atheists, the Vatican rulers thus think they can somehow out maneuver a God in whom they have never believed. But none of that will save them, or most of humanity.

These are the times that do more than try our souls. Only our boldest hearts and truest souls will come through the fire prepared for our species and this planet. But that task is before us now, as inevitable as mortal death, and those whose hearts bear God’s law will understand and respond to these words.

Although prepared for this purpose since time immemorial, I am but a vessel of the living God in Yeshua the Christ, risen now among us as our friend and brother, the first born of a new humanity. To him be given all praise and loyalty, in this world and the next.

It is done.

Thus says God: Set yourself against all the holy places, O man, for I am against them all and will draw my sword against them and will cut them off from both the righteous and the wicked. For the end has come, and all the world will know that I the Lord God am present. I have drawn my sword from its sheath, and it shall not be sheathed again.

Ezekiel 21: 2-5

See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at www.itccs.organd, the site for the Common Law court network.

An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:

The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: – Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada  (Part One) – 1 hr. 46 mins. – Common Law Court Proceedings – Genocide in Canada  (Part Two) – 1 hr. 47 mins. – Final Court Verdict and Sentencing – 8 mins. 30 secs. – Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses – 10 mins. – Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 – Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada

Kevin Annett is a Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013).Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573call skype logo The End of the Present Age and the Fall of Rome: On the Brink of a Global Spiritual Reclamation250-591-4573 (Canada) or 386-323-5774call skype logo The End of the Present Age and the Fall of Rome: On the Brink of a Global Spiritual Reclamation386-323-5774 (USA). His personal website is

“I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him.” Chief Louis Daniels – Whispers Wind Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 2:02am
Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 1:57am

FLIGHT 370 , GO-AROUNDS   :) :) :)

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 1:56am

Divine Cosmos: Flight 370: The Straw That Breaks the Cabal's Back?

Flight 370 could have become the most devastating terrorist attack in recorded history. Could this Boeing 777 -- or one just like it -- have been used to murder the leaders of the top 53 nations on Earth?

Why were 20 scientists with Cosmic Top Secret clearances on Flight 370 -- and did some group feel it was absolutely necessary to stop them?

Did one of the passengers on Flight 370 successfully send out a message indicating he was being held on a "prison ship" near the biggest US/UK military base in the Indian Ocean -- and that the other passengers were still alive?

The secret powers running the military-industrial complex, the Federal Reserve banking system and key Western nations -- i.e. the Cabal or "Illuminati" -- may have just tried to achieve the ultimate world coup. Thankfully, they failed.

Had their plan succeeded, it would have become the defining story of our time -- and almost certainly would have started a world war.

Thankfully, the shadowy, elusive group that was likely responsible for this "botched job" may be on the brink of true defeat.

By not fearing them, and being brave enough to objectively examine the evidence, Flight 370 may well be the straw that breaks the Cabal's back.

[Re-envisioned Cabal graphic by David Wilcock,]




Views: 391

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 1:49am

The Latest Benjamin Fulford post...Again from Alexandra Meador's Galactic Connection...In my opinion , Ben has about a 75 to 80%  Accuracy rating as to what's "Really Going on,"  in the cabal-world...He's more often correct, but sometimes gets "disinfo" from his many connections across the World...His posts are always fascinating, Nevertheless!...Use Discernment!

Benjamin Fulord’s Lots of high level threats and murder taking plac...

Mon, April 7, 2014


Posted by benjamin – April 8, 2014

blue benjamfulfordcopy Benjamin Fulords Lots of high level threats and murder taking place as cabalists turn on each other High level cabalists have begun killing and threatening each other in a sign that their unified centralized control grid is falling apart. The recent shooting at Ft. Hood was an attack against George Bush Sr. and other members of the Bush clan, according to Rothschild and Rockefeller family sources. However, it is not clear if the attack was successful because of a total information black-out following the incident. The death of a CIA agent last week is also believed to have been part of an anti-Bush/Nazi campaign now underway.

Then last week a photograph of a T-shirt with the number 44 written on it being held in front of President Obama was widely publicized.

The number 44 symbolizes death in many Asian languages and the T-shirt incident appears to have been to remind Obama that he needed to stop blocking the new financial system.

Also, the murder of former ABN Ambro Bank CEO Jan Peter Shmittmann, his wife and his daughter was part of an ongoing Rothschild plan to eliminate any people who would testify against them, according to CIA sources. The list contains 250 names, including 50 bankers, the sources said. The Rothschilds also believe the Rockefeller family is about to be rounded up and jailed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, for his part, thinks the entire Rothschild family

needs to be killed in order to end the ongoing financial crisis. The Slavic nations are particularly bitter about the destruction of Yugoslavia and the theft of its mineral resources, which they blame on the Rothschilds. They see the recent shenanigans in the Ukraine as yet another Rothschild resource theft. The Russians are now occupying Eastern Ukraine and have offered the Western portion to Poland in a sign they are no longer going along with the cabal controlled group of sock puppets known as the United Nations.

Since all the major players are now pointing fingers at each other, perhaps this is a good time to review the forensic trail followed by the White Dragon Society agents to try to find out who was behind the plan to “save the environment” by killing 90% of humanity.

The first suspect was David Rockefeller because he sat at the top of well-known globalist institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

However, Rockefeller’s people said they were not the problem but rather it was George Bush Sr. and his Nazi faction that were the true bad guys.

The Nazis, for their part, said they were allied with the Gnostic Illuminati and said they were opposed to bloodline rule. They believed it was the Rothschild/Saxe Gotha bloodline that was the problem. The Rothschilds then came out and said they were junior sub-contractors and that the real center of the Cabal was the P2 Freemason lodge in Italy.

A visit to the P2 lodges in Rome and Milan by this writer revealed that they considered themselves to be the descendants of the Caesars and that they were given a mission by extra-terrestrial beings 26,000 years ago to manage history according to an astrology based script. They said their god was the black sun, an alien being living the gamma rays that can control human minds. Their other name for it was Lucifer.

This is probably a myth but, the forensic and historic trail does clearly indicate there has been a 2000 year old plan by the descendants of the Roman Empire to create a single, centralized, fascist world government known as the New World Order.

The P2 said there was a faction in their group that was behind the plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest in order to create thousand year Reich. This group was subsequently purged, which is the real reason why Pope maledict resigned to make way for Pope Francis.

Now that their plan is falling apart we are seeing a situation like that at the fall of the Soviet Union when all sorts of long held secrets started coming out. In this case, the P2 are making public details of how they created Christianity and Islam as propaganda tools in their long war against the Jews.

The latest revelations about Islam were sent to this writer in a PDF file which we will try to attach to this week’s newsletter. The part about Islam and the Vatican training of Muhammad starts on page 26. More detail on the people who wrote the New Testament was also published here:

It is probable that they based Jesus on a popular Jewish rebel leader they had executed and renamed Isis as Mary and the Sun god as Jesus.

These revelations are coming at a time when many top Western leaders are visiting the new Pope. President Putin of Russia and Obama of the United States of America Corporation were followed last week by Queen Elizabeth.

The Queen was 20 minutes late for her meeting with the pope because her talks with the President of Italy ran overtime. It is a good guess they were discussing financial matters but no inside information from this meeting has leaked so far. In the meeting between Elizabeth and the Pope, the Pope gave an orb (symbol of power) of lapis lazuli (symbolic of wealth). The Queen gave the pope beer, eggs and whisky probably in recognition that having sworn an oath of poverty, he would have refused more lavish gifts.

Since the P2 are very into Astrology, we must now wait and see if the upcoming blood moon on April 15th will coincide with any big announcements.

If not, then pressure on the cabal is going to be increased to an entirely new level with an unprecedented attack on the petro-dollar.

Members of the group known as Cobra resistance went to Taiwan recently after visiting a WDS representative in Tokyo. Last week they contacted this writer via skype and showed a video of Taiwanese mass production of free energy devices. They said they were now being manufactured by over 20,000 different groups, more than oil company men in black could deal with.

They promised to deliver one to this writer before the end of this month. If it runs my home electrical appliances as promised, then I will take it to all the big Japanese manufacturing firms for mass production.

IF this is really true then it would be a total paradigm changer for the world economy and would definitely doom the petrodollar.

The Russians and Iranians are also attacking the petro-dollar with an announced plan to start selling their oil using a barter system that will by-pass the dollar.

In China as well, the money trail is being investigated very thoroughly and all officials found to have been corrupted by Fed money are being removed.

Mohamed was a creation of the vatican

Views: 62

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 1:40am

Scientific Proof That Ancient Egyptians Used Tesla Free Energy

It is now clearly evident that Egyptian Pyramids were part of a World Grid of Electrical Power...and Egyptians, Mayans, Assyrians and other Ancient Cultures were far more advanced than even our present "modern-day" culture!  A fascinating short video is at the bottom of this post, which helps to explain the following info in a more understandable way.  Just the thought that every Ancient Egyptian home had Free Wireless Electric Lighting is mindblowing, in my opinion.  How misled and "In the Dark" they have kept us!

By G. Hunter Apparently  Nikola Tesla regarded the Earth as one of the plates of a capacitor, the ionosphere forming the other plate. Recent measurements have shown that the voltage gradient between the two is 400,000 volts.
With this principle, he said he was able, through his invention, to provide free energy to anyone, inexhaustible in quantity, anywhere on earth. That is why he had built a first prototype, the Wardenclyffe Tower, in which was to apply his famous pyramid effect. What is it exactly?

"The lines of force of the electric charge additioned to the fields from the sun act on the walls of a pyramid.
The magnetic equipotentials show a high magnetic density in the summit. The voltage of the electric field increases of 100 V per meter. The terrestrial negative field reaches its maximum value at the summit of the pyramid; at the top of the pyramid of Giza, the voltage is 14,600 V. This pyramid is itself a capacitor, it accumulates an electrical charge. If an excess load is added, a discharge occurs at the top, and, as we know currently, that top was adorned with a solid gold capstone, an excellent conductor."

Tesla wanted his tower to be high to increase the voltage at the top. He wanted to create an artificial lightning in the tower. In the discharge tube of a natural flash , the temperature rises to 30 000 ° C. Tesla did not want to manage such high temperatures because it is a waste of energy. Tesla's Wardenclyffe tower would have used a transformer to produce a high voltage, which would have generated, instead of a natural lightning, a "discharge of high energetic ion abundance".


To accentuate the pyramid effect, he had imagined to give the tower the octagonal shape of a pyramid topped by a half sphere. Why octogonal? Tesla does not explain, but when we read his memoirs, we understand that he sensed a scientific discipline that did not yet exist, geobiology, and the theory of waves of forms. From the perspective of traditional physics, the fact that the tower is octagonal is insignificant. It could be square or have an infinite number of faces, that is conic.
"In all cases the voltage would have been the same, its shape just gave it stability."
This raises two objections. The octagonal shape is not a guarantee of stability comparing to the square shape. If he was really looking for stability, a hyperbolic rise, like that of the Eiffel Tower, would have been better suited. The octagonal shape has very special wave characteristics, it is possible that this pure genius sensed it without being able to theorize it.
As for the square shape of the pyramids, the engineer Gustave Eiffel has chosen it for his tower, precisely because it is a guarantee of stability, as the four legs and the widening elevation. Built in 1889, our national tower was already fairly well known to be his model. As Wardenclyffe Tower, the Eiffel Tower has a pyramid effect which makes it pick at the top, even without a storm, a DC current. Its lightning rod "makes" thus some electricity that goes down in a cable to be delivered to the earth.
This waste is not limited to the Eiffel Tower. All roofs and metal frames make the same production, stupidly given to the earth. The Vril energy is free, it is its biggest flaw in a world of profit.
The fact that it is completely environmentally friendly and inexhaustible has no interest for the capital. The fact that it is beneficial for both the human mind and the health of people, animals and plants thanks to the virtues of water of lightning, has even much less interest for profiteers.
Unfortunately, Tesla was never able to finish his tower. He did not have the opportunity to carry out the planned experiments on Long Island that sought to bring rain in the deserts. Others before him had managed that. We know that Egypt has not always been desertic. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that "Egypt is a gift of the Nile." But it was in the 5th century BC. Since then, its climate has not changed much, and yet it has not always been so. The predynastic Egypt was rather a gift of the pyramids...
"In the pre-dynastic period, the Egyptian climate is much less arid than it is nowadays. Large areas of Egypt are covered with savanna and traversed by herds of ungulates. The foliage and wildlife then are much more prolific and the Nile region is home to large populations of waterfowl. Hunting is a common activity for the Egyptians and it is also during this period that many animals are domesticated for the first time."
Seeing these merry bands of ungulates, this waterfowl and those hunters never empty-handed, we figure out a very different climate.
And if you go back even further, at a time when, according to Egyptologists, this region of the world was uninhabited, you will discover a startling rainfall. For a millennium, at least, a downpour fell on the Nile Valley. Witness of these continual showers, the Sphinx and its sides deeply marked by rain erosion. According to climatologists, the Sphinx must have more than ten thousand years old, and come from a period of higher rainfall. One can imagine that the great pyramids of Giza date from this period.


Numerous are the authors who have, trusting the climatologists more than the Egyptologists, still bogged down in a phony chronology, of recent manufacture, and in their turf wars. Of course, the latter refused the thesis of climatologists, however well supported. Never would an archaeologist let the geographers trample his flowerbeds. Continuing to dream like Tesla, one can see how these enormous masses, topped by a conductive gold capstone and coated with gold plates, were used as lightning-catchers by triggering continual storms.
The rain came down to no end on these regions as the pyramids, under the supervision of skilled technicians, continued to function. Gradually, knowledge has been lost, the pyramids were robbed of their precious metal, and Egypt has shifted towards aridity.

Unlike the Wardenclyffe tower, "the function of the pyramids was not at all to produce lightning. Since their construction there are thousands of years, the pyramids function as negative ion generators. In order that they ionize permanently the ambient air, they had to be connected to sources of negative ions. the basement of Giza contains water in abundance. Through a piezoelectric effect, these ions accumulate in the pyramids that then discharged them at their peak.
These pyramids are made of a stone containing crystals that capture the electric charges of underground water."

This is what happened in the Great Pyramid, but lightning was playing part too. As for the piezoelectric effect, if it is perhaps playing a part too, we must not neglect the natural conductivity of the rocks in alternating polarization. in addition, the author of the article cited in reference ignored the discharge bows, whose function is not architectural at all. Egyptologists have not understood their use, however a resorting to the Akashic Records allowed them to give them a perfect name: the discharge bows were electric arcs that actually sent discharges!


Connected to the top capstone by surfaces and metallic rods, they received the atmospheric energy, accumulated it and emitted "a discharge of high energetic ion abundance" in Isis' Chamber where the candidate to awakening was lying in the stone sarcophagus ...could this be the "trunk of Isis" where "kings" would have received enlightenment?

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