Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Professor Offer Photographic Proof Of Fairies.

Professor Offers Photographic Proof Of Fairies

Do you believe in fairies? Some do and not all of them are children. Many adults are convinced fairies are real.

A fairy is a mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore.

It is considered a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural.

Fairies are generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers. We find references to these strange beings in many ancient myths and legends.


A resin statue of a Fairy in natural surroundings. Image credit: Rosser1954

However, whether fairies really exist or not has never been a subject of debate for a ery long time.

Professor John Hyatt, a lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University is convinced that he has captured photographs of fairies in the Rossendale Valley in Lancashire.

John Hyatt has been taking photographs of these winged little creatures for two years now.

In an interview with Manchester Evening News, Hyatt said that he was shocked the first time he saw the creatures.

"It was a bit of a shock when I blew them up, I did a double take.

I went out afterwards and took pictures of flies and gnats and they just don't look the same. People can decide for themselves what they are.

The message to people is to approach them with an open mind.

Fairies photographed by professor John Hyatt

I think it's one of those situations where you need to believe to see.

A lot of people who have seen them say they have brought a little bit of magic into their lives and there's not enough of that around."

His stunning photographs are now part of the exhibition, called Rossendale Fairies. It will be on show at The Whitaker Museum in Whitaker Park in Rossendale, throughout the spring.

Professor John Hyatt

Hyatt admits the creatures he snapped are a long way from the characters depicted in children's stories and hopes his pictures will change people's perceptions of them.

"Everything gets stereotyped, whatever it is. But there are stranger things in life than fairies, and life grows everywhere.

I don't believe they are just smaller versions of us and go home and have a cup of tea at the end of the day. And one is suggesting they have any special powers.

Faries photographed by Professor John Hyatt

From my experience they were just enjoying themselves and there was a little dance in the sunlight going on. They are just beautiful pictures and beauty can make people believe, "Hyatt says.

John Hyatt insists his photos are genuine and have not been altered in any way.

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Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 5:04pm

NASA UFOs from nowhere! They show up about midway through the film ~J

Another Nasa STS-75 clip showing a Gigantic UFO fleet arriving in "our neck of the woods"....Blessings to All! 

NASA UFOs from nowhere! . . . they show up about midway through the...

Uploaded on Feb 27, 2009

An STS-75 clip from the Martyn Stubbs NASA Archives. From a promo for the “tube”

Views: 25

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 5:01pm

Gregg Braden Unprecedented Interview! Feelings and what they Mean and how they Help us Grow-J

Gregg Braden Unprecedented Interview. A MUST WATCH . . . feelings a...

Some of you were ‘fussing’ and maybe even feeling a little nervous about the negative information on my blog. As I listened to these words from Gregg, I thought the synchronicity was amazing, because he shares with us the nudge that negative emotions give to us as they try to help us heal. If you can find the time in our busy world, I hope you will listen to this. ~J

Published on Nov 12, 2013

Gregg Braden Unprecedented Interview. A Must Watch

Gregg Braden, world famous author of The Divine Matrix, in a truly life transforming interview. Definitely a must watch for anyone who wants to improve the way in which they see and perceive the reality. 

Everybody knows the power of Positive Thinking, just a few people use it, but nobody seem to understand that negative feeling can improve your daily life.

“Negative feeling can become your best friends”

Views: 14

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 4:56pm

Cobra Interview with Alexandra Meadors 4-8-14…MP3s

Cobra Interview with Alexandra Meadors 4-8-14…MP3s

alexandra_meadors_cobra_interview_140204_video_snip_4These are mp3s created from the original (available here, for those who would like to download the raw mp3). There are three parts here, and one more, after Cobra left the interview, which Alexandra calls “Roundtable”, with two other guests.

The Cobra interview begins at about 3:30 after brief introduction from Alexandra.

These mp3s have been volume leveled and boosted.

MP3s (~25 min., 11 MB each part)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Complete interview (75 min., 34 MB)

Post interview Roundtable

Alexandra’s interviews: Alexandra’s website: Cobra’s website:

Views: 107


                                 Comment by Lydia 3 hours ago           

Thank you Miriam I enjoy listening to Cobra and Alexandra, will share

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 4:54pm

US Constitution can now be changed without Congress

Views: 17


                                 Comment by Magdalena 14 hours ago           

Apologies for this rather strange posting format, as first it would not paste the picture, then the main text.

                                 Comment by Magdalena 14 hours ago           
Apr 092014


The most important political development in 200 years was triggered last week, when the state legislature of Michigan became the 34 th state to demand a “Constitutional Convention” in the United States. Under Article 5 of the US Constitution, if 2/3rds of the states call for such a convention, (meaning 34 states) it MUST take place. During such a convention, the ENTIRE Constitution can be changed; nothing is off-limits. This would even allow the States to dismantle the federal government without its consent, and repudiate the debt which that government has incurred! When it voted for the convention last week, Michigan became the 34 th state, thus meeting the requirement.

A goal has been reached behind what would be an unprecedented effort to amend the U.S. Constitution, through a little-known provision that gives states rather than Congress the power to initiate changes. This is the most significant political development in the entire world in the last 200 years. Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:48 PM 0 comments


Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 2:10am

Related to the Latest Cobra Post… “Windows XP support has ended”, as of April 8, 2014

Related to the Latest Cobra Post… “Windows XP support has ended”, a...

windows_xp_support_has_ended_140408Why is this related to the latest Cobra post? Well, thanks to Ivan, I understand why.

First off, I had NO idea Windows XP support had ended. And I didn’t care about it… Until now. Here’s the Microsoft message about it.

Windows XP support has ended As of April 8, 2014, support and updates for Windows XP are no longer available. Don’t let your PC go unprotected.

Microsoft provided support for Windows XP for the past 12 years. But the time came for us, along with our hardware and software partners, to invest our resources toward supporting more recent technologies so that we can continue to deliver great new experiences.

As a result, technical assistance for Windows XP is no longer available, including automatic updates that help protect your PC. Microsoft has also stopped providing Microsoft Security Essentials for download on Windows XP…

April 8, 2014… that’s today… the same date as the latest Cobra post!!

Now, here is what Ivan messaged to me just a few minutes ago:

WRT Cobra’s Chi Rho news: Now you also know why “Windows Chi Rho” was called “Windows XP”… and synchronistically too: support for “Windows XP” is now officially over, as is the rule of “Chi Rho” on earth.

Recall from the Cobra post, speaking of the Chimera group, and the airport… X = χ = chi and P = ρ = rho

That’s all for this here. Ivan said everything that needs to be said.

Talk about synchronicity!!!

Views: 58

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 2:08am

Portal 2012 - End of Petrodollar, Overunity and the Event

End of Petrodollar, Overunity and the Event

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 03:23 PM PDT

Nixon has decoupled US Dollar from the gold standard in 1971 and this has opened the way for Kissinger to create the petrodollar. This system has been working effortlessly to support the Cabal for many decades but now we are entering a period of tectonic geopolitical changes which old Cabal strategists such as Kissinger will be unable to handle. 
The Eastern Alliance is now working full speed to accelerate the end of petrodollar system:
When Cabalists react, people from the Eastern Alliance kindly advise them to relax and do some yoga:  
Eastern Alliance will not build the new financial system on oil, but will back it up with gold instead.  
Current release of overunity free energy devices will accelerate the disintegration of petrodollar system. High level officials of BRICS nations are actively supporting the introduction of free energy to humanity and will adjust the development of the new financial system accordingly, so petrojuan as the basis of the new financial system is not an option.   
Petrodollar system was only working because the Negative Military was supporting it with US military expansionism:  
There is a very secret negative group, codenamed Chimera, within the Negative Military which has come from Orion and has infiltrated militaries of all major nations during and after the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. This group secretly controls the vast majority of military bases around the world, many of those bases belonging to the US military:  
It is interesting to note that ALF Cabaniss military base is constructed in the shape of Chi Rho, the symbol of Constantine the Great, the Archon who created the Christian cult:      
The Chimera group has enforced secret agreements upon leaders of all national militaries worldwide to suppress and erase all traces of benevolent extraterrestrial contact:
They are in contact with the main Archon and are heavily linked to the Jesuits and the NSA. They successfully infiltrated their agents in groups such as Corteum and the Labyrinth group.   
Through the main Archon, they have limited access to the Archons on the etheric plane. Those etheric Archons enforce soul agreements on the members of the Cabal, forcing them to obey the Chimera group. If a certain member of the Cabal is removed, the etheric Archons simply find another host and enforce binding soul agreement upon him. 
In the past, a certain positive group has engaged long range shooters to remove certain members of the Cabal and they were not successful, because those Cabal members simply returned to the physical plane in a new cloned body which was already prepared for them in a military base under surveillance of the Chimera group. After 2004 all those clones have been destroyed by the Resistance and now long range shooters of the aforementioned positive group would be much more successful in eliminating individual members of the Cabal and no amount of Blackwater/Academi bodyguards would be able to protect them.  
The Chimera group has put physical strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.  
They have also created a planetary network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma scalar devices with full speed.   
There is a silent full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide.   
Current hijacking of the MH 370 flight to Diego Garcia was an act of war of the Chimera group, Diego Garcia military base being one of their main strongholds:   
When this war is over and the Chimera defeated, we will have perfect conditions for the Event.

Views: 38

Comment by Besimi on April 10, 2014 at 2:06am

How to Activate Your Super Conscious Mind! (Great Stuff!)

(Part 2) How to Activate Your Super-Concious Mind

Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of languages.
Follow us on Instagram: youarecreators Check out my blog-spot for more life changing videos! (We update daily!) Join our fast growing Law of Attraction Community at ...Tell us YOUR story!

Views: 25

                    Tags: activate., conscious, mind

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