The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
I think it is fair to say that the majority of you who are headlining this story regarding Wilcox and Fulford have not been paying attention to the details along the way. This very site that was predicated on a woman who was easily fooled by her channelings has really taught us nothing here. Instead of asking the hardline questions and looking into the facts of every one of the known channelers and disinfo agents that have been proven false time and time again, we continue to prop them up with absolute blind faith.
If you want to have blind faith in Source, your guides, your higher self, it seems only natural that you have to submit to it being on the earthly level. What you should be questioning is your continuous blind faith in channelings that NEVER come true, disinfo agents that NOTORIOUSLY spread lies (for years I might add) and a worldwide web loaded with a mix bag of truths.
Only now, has Blossom Goodchild realized that she is being duped according to her last channelings with the “galactic federation”. How long did that take? Almost 4 years to realize she has been taken for a ride. I would think by now many of the people on this site would have trained eyes to read and a mind for questions, but alas, I still see there is a lack of critical thinking going on here.
Case and point… As much as I can’t stand David Wilcock, I still frequent his site to see the comments left for him from his articles/blogs. I have watched over the past 5 years his gaining in popularity from his “immanent disclosures” to his 50% decline in viewers for the past year. For the past two months, someone from David’s site or maybe David himself has been combing the youtube channels looking for reasons to slap copyright infringements on youtube channels. I follow two of the many he has done this to and I assure you, NO ONE was taking his content but these two youtube channels had a still picture of him and linked David’s Enigma info for people to go to and watch for themselves. Why on earth would someone do this to the very people trying to promote his info? It seems to me that he doesnt want anyone possibly profiting (ads on youtube) from his photo or his info. How silly and sophomoric is that? This recklessness means of slapping copyright infringements on people instead of sending them an email directly isn’t a display of someone who is coming from love and light. It’s a display of random judgments against people without cause nor justification. If you need proof I will link the 2 people out of about a dozen that I know of so far that he has done this to. Too bad I don’t have the original videos so you would be able to see the nonsensical reasoning behind this man’s madness.
David’s road shows cost people in the vicinity of $200 per person. Lately he has not been getting a full house. Along with his decline in viewers, Im sure that his book sales are waning as well. Recently there have been a couple of whistleblowers (one of them being Richard Hoagland) that have scoffed at the fact that David is aligning himself with known disinfo agents. There is no bigger of a disinfo agent than Ben Fulford who for years has been spreading lies with vigor. He is an Illuminati puppet/clown for any of you who still have not done your research or who have not yet picked it up with your own intuition. Put Fulford and Wilcock together and you have a modern day dog and pony show. AND ALL OF YOU ARE BUYING TICKETS!!! LOL!!!!
Besides what I have mentioned above, let me put out more information that you need to take a critical look at before jumping into the bandwagon of “david received death threats”. THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS!!!
1. This is taken directly from his site,
“I am told the most critical period is the next 3-4 days, depending on how fast Part Two spreads. I was also told if I make it through that, it will be impossible for anyone to hurt me. Once we hit a critical mass of views, they must completely back off.”
NOTICE!!!!....... Once we hit a critical mass of views.
2. Another quote from his site “This is not a joke or a publicity stunt. The best way you can help is to send us your prayers and good thoughts, and SPREAD THIS INFORMATION AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.
NOTICE!!!!!......spread the info so his site can get viewers
3. The lawsuit David is in supposed trouble for was put out on the net long before OPPORTUNIST David got a hold of it. This info was passed around the net for the past few weeks and it came from this source NOT David
This is PUBLIC RECORD. There is no secret here. If you bothered to read all 114 pages of the lawsuit and done some homework, you would realize that the people suing have lost money from the West due to promises of allocating money towards humanitarian purposes and in the end ripping the donators off of trillions of dollars. David and his bloviated ego have not only sensationalized this story but are now in essence claiming it for themselves when that is far from the truth.
4. Here is an amusing video that is going viral along with this death threat story. Check out the guy talking on this video. If he is even remotely asian, then I am Pocahantas. You have to turn off the captions (red box at the bottom of the video) to get a good look at him. This is a Fulford rabbit trick and judging by the comments, people are follishly falling for it….
5. By now most of you should know the path of the people who are a threat to the elites. They don’t get any warning, they are just killed. Period. Making this story of David’s more of a hoax and a pile of publicity rubbish. Keep in mind, David has a degree in psychology and by now knows the ropes of what sells and how to garner attention to a story. Stop falling for it. As of this moment he has got so much attention from this bullshit story that his viewership has all but been restored and one of 2 things will happen. Either it will blow over or he will disappear for a while giving this story some backbone.
6. Then the kicker is David blathers on in the Camelot interview yesterday regarding gold and east versus west tensions which is almost verbatim to a story that’s about 10 years old and was published in Nexus Magazine by a man called David Guyatt. Some of it the info can be found at this website
One other thing you should take note of. Why is it that the worst of disinfo agents that Project Camelot has presented in the past few years become so popular? For example, Leo Zagami, Zacharia Sitchin (a known 33 degree mason), Richard Hoagland. Does anyone read Kerry Cassidy’s blog? Has anyone bothered to ever notice how she claims the site needs money to stay afloat but manages to frequently jet off to far away places like Egypt, India and England (which are not cheap trips to take)? Why is it that Alfred Labremont Webre seems to get some great interviews by simply using skype? Apparently that’s not enough for Kerry. It’s also not enough to share her donations with some key people that help her site and interviews to function. She also frequently asks people to “volunteer” their services to help her. Normally these volunteer positions are for jobs that require a decent amount of skill and expertise yet they are asked to donate their time in exchange for having their name linked with a famous website. CMON!!!
I’ve also watched as Bill Ryan’s views and latest aspirations have been turning sinister with the launch of Project Avalon. Where as many will attest to and I have witnessed, if you challenge a particular subject and or have a wealth of knowledge that contradicts Bill, you are promptly kicked off the site and if you are lucky, you will get a warning, a censoring of provided material or suspension of your account. WTF?!! Mind you, these are not people who are being mean or belligerent, they just ask the hard questions.
I have provided sufficient evidence here to make you think twice about all of this hype that is being spread around in hopes that you will stop believing everything you see and hear without doing some research. How are we supposed to be saviours of earth when we can’t even save ourselves from falling for lies. We need to wake up and pay attention to the details people NOT just take things at face value. We dont help anyone by spreading false are however helping the people in spreading lies and disinfo and Im sure they are grateful for all your efforts.
Your concern over others having discernment is very admirable. It seems that you would like to have the last word on this, so I will not say anything else. Blessings.
MAIA - Considering that the courts and the laws are owned and operated by the cabal, this issue will not get any traction. Fulford has lied for years and if he was a threat to the cabal he would be dead by now, but he has close ties with them. Given those facts along with the meat of the lawsuit, this will fade away like everything else. Think about it, if corporate, governmental, and religous crimes against humanity havent been brought to trial already, chances are this little blip on the radar will remain just that....a little blip.... not to mention the small amount of money that said party is suing for.
I happen to think there is more to this than we realize and the full effects will be realized very soon. The hundredth monkey is out and gold is now worthless
TRUDY - Thank you for your commentary. Once again, Im not telling people what to believe, I only ask that they take into consideration the mounting evidence collected on this story alone, the lies David is telling regarding being the first one to break this story and his theft of info from another source without giving due credit. This type of behaviour just to get views and possible sales of his products is a blatant display of ego and greed. It makes me sick. Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, and many others have recieved death threats, yet its only David who is carrying on with the drama and making such ridiculous martyr speeches, followed by an urgent call to go to his website so they wont hurt him....Cmon.
I do not think it's all bunk with David Wilcock and Benjamin Fullford. Although I think David is surfing on the wave of information that Fullford produces. And yes he does this with the necessary ego.
When he burst out in tears, he was realizing that stirring in the mud brought him the attention he didn't want.
But hey were talking here about the dark cabal, and that isn't small talk, if you realize where they are capable of.
Personally I hate it when people claim to be enlightened, but then also demand large sums for their information. And information which is given without a link to the source of the story happens way too much here on SoE.
There are some good sources of channelers, and by much reading, you can distinguish. I have someone here on SoE already held accountable, I get a message back that if I don't leave him alone he will make sure I get banned from SoE... yeah sure ;)
But I take everything with a grain of salt, see it as one big soap opera, take distance on the information when it doesn't resonate with my heart.
Love You Nonya , glad to see you take the bull by the horns!!
SIMPLEMAN - glad you are better. Good news to my ears ;-). Like PA and I were saying, none of us know the truth about any one thing. All we can do is look for the clues (fragments of truth) cross reference, research and try to connect the dots. As far as what Gerd said, I agree with him whole heartedly.
Im really happy you are feeling better and again thanks for your time in looking over this info and leaving your comments. xo
I just dont know what to believe any more. There is so much information out there, I like doing the research and finding new ideas. Some of it has to be truth, because the best place to hide something is in plain sight. You really have to feel you way through the muck instead of looking.
I like what Gerd said "And a person who starts believing something (and stops looking for truth and takes his truth as the only one possible) somehow also stops evlolving and learning"
Feeling much better. Thank you NONYA.
hej, thank you for the nice words nonya. really nice to hear and glad to hear that it is at least a little helpful :-)
Take care!
GERD - you have always been a smart guy who has a neutral outlook on much of this stuff and I value your opinion and your outllok. I always appreciate your input on my posts as you always have commentary that in itself is enlightening. Much love to you and thanks again ;-)
ha, yeah. I meant what all those channelers / gurus / whatever.....say are just ideas in my opinion. Nothing to keep standing on, as everything is changing and evolving constantly anyways (although sometimes interesting and uplifting too, but nothing to take for granted of course). And a person who starts believing something (and stops looking for truth and takes his truth as the only one possible) somehow also stops evlolving and learning, no? :) (just some additional thoughts on believe systems)
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