Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


I think it is fair to say that the majority of you who are headlining this story regarding Wilcox and Fulford have not been paying attention to the details along the way. This very site that was predicated on a woman who was easily fooled by her channelings has really taught us nothing here. Instead of asking the hardline questions and looking into the facts of every one of the known channelers and disinfo agents that have been proven false time and time again, we continue to prop them up with absolute blind faith.

If you want to have blind faith in Source, your guides, your higher self, it seems only natural that you have to submit to it being on the earthly level. What you should be questioning is your continuous blind faith in channelings that NEVER come true, disinfo agents that NOTORIOUSLY spread lies (for years I might add) and a worldwide web loaded with a mix bag of truths.

Only now, has Blossom Goodchild realized that she is being duped according to her last channelings with the “galactic federation”. How long did that take? Almost 4 years to realize she has been taken for a ride. I would think by now many of the people on this site would have trained eyes to read and a mind for questions, but alas, I still see there is a lack of critical thinking going on here.


 Case and point… As much as I can’t stand David Wilcock, I still frequent his site to see the comments left for him from his articles/blogs. I have watched over the past 5 years his gaining in popularity from his “immanent disclosures” to his 50% decline in viewers for the past year. For the past two months, someone from David’s site or maybe David himself has been combing the youtube channels looking for reasons to slap copyright infringements on youtube channels. I follow two of the many he has done this to and I assure you, NO ONE was taking his content but these two youtube channels had a still picture of him and linked David’s Enigma info for people to go to and watch for themselves. Why on earth would someone do this to the very people trying to promote his info? It seems to me that he doesnt want anyone possibly profiting (ads on youtube) from his photo or his info. How silly and sophomoric is that?  This recklessness means of slapping copyright infringements on people instead of sending them an email directly isn’t a display of someone who is coming from love and light. It’s a display of random judgments against people without cause nor justification. If you need proof I will link the 2 people out of about a dozen that I know of so far that he has done this to. Too bad I don’t have the original videos so you would be able to see the nonsensical reasoning behind this man’s madness.


David’s  road shows cost people in the vicinity of $200 per person. Lately he has not been getting a full house. Along with his decline in viewers, Im sure that his book sales are waning as well.  Recently there have been a couple of whistleblowers (one of them being Richard Hoagland) that have scoffed at the fact that David is aligning himself with known disinfo agents. There is no bigger of a disinfo agent than Ben Fulford who for years has been spreading lies with vigor. He is an Illuminati puppet/clown for any of you who still have not done your research or who have not yet picked it up with your own intuition. Put Fulford and Wilcock together and you have a modern day dog and pony show. AND ALL OF YOU ARE BUYING TICKETS!!! LOL!!!!


Besides what I have mentioned above, let me put out more information that you need to take a critical look at before jumping into the bandwagon of “david received death threats”. THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS!!!

 1.    This is taken directly from his site,

“I am told the most critical period is the next 3-4 days, depending on how fast Part Two spreads. I was also told if I make it through that, it will be impossible for anyone to hurt me. Once we hit a critical mass of views, they must completely back off.”

NOTICE!!!!....... Once we hit a critical mass of views.


2. Another quote from his site This is not a joke or a publicity stunt. The best way you can help is to send us your prayers and good thoughts, and SPREAD THIS INFORMATION AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.

NOTICE!!!!!......spread the info so his site can get viewers


3. The lawsuit David is in supposed trouble for was put out on the net long before OPPORTUNIST David got a hold of it.  This info was passed around the net for the past few weeks and it came from this source NOT David

 This is PUBLIC RECORD. There is no secret here. If you bothered to read all 114 pages of the lawsuit and done some homework, you would realize that the people suing have lost money from the West due to promises of allocating money towards humanitarian purposes and in the end ripping the donators off of trillions of dollars. David and his bloviated ego have not only sensationalized this story but are now in essence claiming it for themselves when that is far from the truth.


 4. Here is an amusing video that is going viral along with this death threat story. Check out the guy talking on this video. If he is even remotely asian, then I am  Pocahantas. You have to turn off the captions (red box at the bottom of the video) to get a good look at him. This is a Fulford rabbit trick and judging by the comments, people are follishly falling for it….


 5. By now most of you should know the path of the people who are a threat to the elites. They don’t get any warning, they are just killed. Period. Making this story of David’s more of a hoax and a pile of publicity rubbish. Keep in mind, David has a degree in psychology and by now knows the ropes of what sells and how to garner attention to a story. Stop falling for it. As of this moment he has got so much attention from this bullshit story that his viewership has all but been restored and one of 2 things will happen. Either it will blow over or he will disappear for a while giving this story some backbone.


6. Then the kicker is David blathers on in the Camelot interview yesterday regarding gold and east versus west tensions which is almost verbatim to a story that’s about 10 years old and was published in Nexus Magazine by a man called David Guyatt. Some of it the info can be found at this website


One other thing you should take note of. Why is it that the worst of disinfo agents that Project Camelot has presented in the past few years become so popular? For example, Leo Zagami, Zacharia Sitchin (a known 33 degree mason), Richard Hoagland. Does anyone read Kerry Cassidy’s blog? Has anyone bothered to ever notice how she claims the site needs money to stay afloat but manages to frequently jet off to far away places like Egypt, India and England (which are not cheap trips to take)? Why is it that Alfred Labremont Webre seems to get some great interviews by simply using skype? Apparently that’s not enough for Kerry. It’s also not enough to share her donations with some key people that help her site and interviews to function. She also frequently asks people to “volunteer” their services to help her. Normally these volunteer positions are for jobs that require a decent amount of skill and expertise yet they are asked to donate their time in exchange for having their name linked with a famous website. CMON!!!


I’ve also watched as Bill Ryan’s views and latest aspirations have been turning sinister with the launch of Project Avalon. Where as many will attest to and I have witnessed, if you challenge a particular subject and or have a wealth of knowledge that contradicts Bill, you are promptly kicked off the site and if you are lucky, you will get a warning, a censoring of provided material or suspension of your account. WTF?!! Mind you, these are not people who are being mean or belligerent, they just ask the hard questions.


I have provided sufficient evidence here to make you think twice about all of this hype that is being spread around in hopes that you will stop believing everything you see and hear without doing some research. How are we supposed to be saviours of earth when we can’t even save ourselves from falling for lies. We need to wake up and pay attention to the details people NOT just take things at face value. We dont help anyone by spreading false are however helping the people in spreading lies and disinfo and Im sure they are grateful for all your efforts. 

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Comment by nonya on December 19, 2011 at 12:14am

Yes I do among many other nut jobs and disinfo agents. There are more oof them then  people selling the truth unfotunately.

Comment by nonya on December 19, 2011 at 12:01am

MAIA - I wrote you a lot of things below, but I failed to thank you for taking time to read and contribute to this thread. Your opinions and comments are always appreciated and valued. Thank you.

Comment by nonya on December 18, 2011 at 11:59pm

PT - So nice to see you around!!! You have been missed and thank you so much for putting in your opinion as you usually have a strong leaning one way or another. As you know, its not in my interest to sway public opinion and you know that I dont narrow in on someone unless I feel that they have served up a load of injustice which is what I know to be true in this Wilcock/Fulford drama.. I also know that you have been reading Fulford for years and the onfgoing disinfo that is wrapped around him.

Do you remember about 2 years ago when he had everyone believing that the cabal hacked his site and that he was in serious trouble? If you remember, Simone was thinking something really bad happened. She wasnt alone in that feeling and once his site went back up so did the amount of people that went there to check out the latest news. Do you remember that by chance? Since he has used that tactic before to garner attention, this is yet another feeble minded attempt at the same thing and of course he had to think of something new. What better way to grab people's sympathies than to say his life has been threatened and to go to his site to get x amount of views so that he can live Come the fuck on!!!! What a shitty maneuver. Anyway enough of my rant. I am glad you are back and I hope you are feeling better since your internet purge. Please forward a hello and love to Tetra.

Your theory of disinfo being a psychological tactic is right on the money (no pun intended)

Much love to you sis


Comment by nonya on December 18, 2011 at 11:17pm

MAIA - One other thing. So far in my research I have found no substantial proof of the cabal weakening. In fact to the contrary, the laws that have recently been enacted in the US, the intentional tanking of worldly markets, the brutal take over of the mideast and the growing numbers of unemplyed, homeless and hungry means they are right on course and show no signs of weakening. The only people who are convinced of such happening are the channelers and new agers.  As predicted the cabal are doing everything they had planned and are getting everything accomplished. Dont get me wrong, I would like nothing more than to see them and people of like mind to be bound and taken to some lower vibratory planet where they can kill eash other off, but as of now, its not happening. Every morning I wake up to start an intensive search that lasts for hours searching for the kink in the chain that would hold some promise of the cabal going away. Every night I go to sleep disappointed that something has not shown one ounce of weakening. Not an ounce :-(

Comment by nonya on December 18, 2011 at 11:10pm

TONY - waving back like my arm will fall off ;-)

MAIA - Let me touch on a couple of things you said. First if you detect an energy that is ready to "pounce", you are correct. That energy is woven into my disgust of what Wilcock is doing, not anything you said. I have been with SOE since its inception. I care very deeply for people on this site and those who know me can attest to that. They can also attest to my boiling anger at attention whores, egomaniacs, incosiderate behaviour towards others, and the list goes on.  Im not someone who wants the last word nor will I attack anyone unless really provoked. Your assumption of my character is correct, but if I was that mean, I would have taken immediate offense to your statement that I want the last word. I didnt because it wouldnt be fair unless the accusations continued without knowing me or justified cause.

Secondly, I never said anything regarding the content that David gathers. As I stated above, I still frequent his site to see if there is anything new and to gain a pulse on his viewership numbers and what people are saying. Thats why I said above that the views to his site have plummeted to almost 50% to where they were a year ago, hence his "hurry" to get more viewers so his life wouldnt be threatened (which is hogwash). Its only a ploy to get back an audience. Anyone who is a seasoned researcher and has watched him the past 10 years can see this trick. He does employ it from time to time, this would not be the first.

The cabal does not have a history of toying with people in such an adolecent manner. If you have disrupted them, you are dead...period. They are not going to wait until you have a certain number of viewers to pull the trigger or not. There is an unquantifiable amount of deaths to prove this to be true. Ben Fulford has worked for them for a very long time and is a known disinfo agent thru out the research community. That said, NO ONE has all the answers, but there are certain sites and individuals to steer clear of because they are 100% of the time full of shit or outright liars. Fulford is one of them.

You are absolutely corrrect when you say gold is worthless, it very much is a useless tool as is any fiat currency or precious metals that fall under the sway of the markets. What was destroyed in Building 7 was more about documents than gold. The gold had to be removed way before that building collapsed but the agencies and the records housed in building 7 were a wealth of information in of itself.

I have only one vested interest in what David is doing otherwise I could care a less what he does or how he goes about doing it.  David is leaning on the sympathy, prayers,energy of well meaning individuals from all around the globe to attract attention to his site that was starting to hit the skids. He did something similar about 3 years ago only it wasnt a death threat. So here we have an individual who is amassing all this energy from good people around the globe and point for point its a ruse. So what about the rest of the people in the world who really need our prayers, our intentions and our energy? How about the children all over the mideast that are being tortured, beheaded, chopped to pieces by thugs hired by the US who want to exploit the mideast for our own purposes? Where is the energy, prayers and intentions for the multitudes of elderly people this holiday season who are getting carjacked, mugged and murdered from people who are suffering from an intentionally induced bad economy? Where are all the prayers, energy, and intention for all of our brothers and sisters on this planet that are homeless and hungry due to governmental greed? Or what about this earth that is continuously getting hammered because of our oil consumption, need for lumber, or the country sized rubbish that floats in the ocean? Do you see where our priorities should be and not someone who is crying wolf? That is my beef with David

Comment by Trudy on December 18, 2011 at 5:31pm

Maybe the gold was the reason for 9/11 , either way I am  convinced that it has to do with money. Cause 1 day before the pentagon was hit there was a  great discovery of fraud, there was definitely missing $ 2.3 trillion!!! 9/11 happened and  gone was the fraude and nobody ever talk about it again, oh yeah Russo did and he is dead now:(

Comment by Maia Makalii on December 18, 2011 at 4:56pm

Peace is more important to me than being right.  I do not know what the truth is.  But my words were what I meant to say. If you think I was saying something against your words, that is not true.  I do not wish to argue. I sense energies from Nonya that she likes to teach others what is right, which is a good thing. But if one is open to discussion then that is better.  I do not know why I sensed this energy.  But it was like she was waiting for a reply, waiting to pounce like a tiger.  That is the energy I sensed.  I see the softness now in your last response. I also sense from David Wilcock that he enjoys the attention and he is an opportunist and needs a lot of validation from others for his work. On the other hand, he is extremely intelligent and has a talent for research and gathering information and forming it into a bigger picture.  He has a large following. There is some truth in what has transpired.  It makes sense to me that there is much much much more gold than that which is accounted for and it seems to be true to me.  And if that is true, then the value that we place on gold as a means of exchange is meaningless.  It was always meaningless, but now we are beginning to acknowledge it to be true and the number of responses to his website indicates that people want the truth to be acknowledged. The Dark Cabal did not want us to know that there was more gold, so that we would think there is scarcity to keep its value.  Now that they are losing control, I think they want us to know it is worthless to create chaos and panic so that they can have another excuse to control the populace.  They have told David that if he reaches over 200,000 hits on his site, that he is safe.  So they want this information out. He is being used and Ben F is being used. And yet the Cabal do not know that they are actually the ones that are shooting themselves in the foot. And yet it is the truth. It makes a lot of sense that gold was hidden under building 7 and that this is one of the reasons why 911 happened. I think David merely wants this truth out because he does want a better world, I think he is sincere in that respect and I think that he thinks that the truths he is revealing will bring the Dark Cabal to justice.  The Dark Cabal thinks that we are useless and unawakened and need to be controlled, so they also think they are doing the right thing.  Everyone actually wants to do the right thing, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are doing the right thing.  In any case it doesn't matter.  There are other things that are pushing the momentum forward, so whether DW is a blip or not does not matter, he is one of many many many blips and perhaps he is the blip that will push things over the tipping point, or it could be another blip that pushes it. Gold is valuable as a metal for other uses just as the Anonymous caller said.  The details do not matter as much as we think and what is important is that we love. The fact of the matter is, I think, that the hundredth monkey is out and gold is now worthless just as I said.  Whether one believes DW or not is besides the point.

Comment by Tony on December 18, 2011 at 4:04pm

Oh here you all are *waves*

Comment by Trudy on December 18, 2011 at 3:40pm

dear MM If you can not argue, you should refrain from a discussion because in a discussion there's never a last word, but if you think so ... then think of your own words, should that be the last words?

Comment by nonya on December 18, 2011 at 3:15pm

MAIA - Im not trying to have the last word on anything. I always acknowledge what people post on my threads and usually leave everything open to debate. Thats the decent thing to do when you post blogs. Im not so arrogant as to have the last word, its not my nature.

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