Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Cause Of The Enormous Diabetes Epidemic

Dear Dr. Fairchild:

The article below quoting you was forwarded to me by Mission Possible UK. We're a global volunteer force warning all consumers off the deadly neurotoxin, aspartame, marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, E951,Canderel, etc. This is the answer to the epidemic of diabetes. First of all, aspartame is reportedly used by 70% of the US population and 40% of the children. It's not an additive but a deadly neurotoxin that can precipitate diabetes, simulates and aggravates diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, keeps blood sugar out of control, destroys the optic nerve, causes diabetics to go into convulsions and even interacts with insulin. This is the recipe to kill a diabetic. A report recently spoke of 65% of diabetics already having Alzheimers. Diabetic specialist and world expert on aspartame, H. J. Roberts, M.D., says aspartame is escalating Alzheimers (Defense Against Alzheimers Disease, Indeed memory loss is so prevalent that it is #9 on the FDA list of 92 symptoms you will find on

Aspartame is a molecule of three ingredients, aspartic acid, (40%), an excitotoxin, a methyl ester which immediately becomes methanol (10%), and phenylalanine (50%) which as an isolate is a neurotoxin, goes directly into the brain, lowering the seizure threshold and depleting serotonin. Lowered serotonin triggers manic depression or bipolar, suicidal tendencies, mood swings, insomnia, hallucinations, panic attacks, etc. The molecule breaks down to a witches brew of toxins including diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent.

An Italian Study (3 years) just recently released on aspartame proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that aspartame is a carcinogen. It caused malignant brain tumors, leukemia and lymphoma. You can read the entire study on click on aspartame.

This product liberates free methyl alcohol which converts to formaldehyde and formic acid even in the retina of the eye and destroys the optic nerve. It triggers in victims everything from retinal detachments and optic neuritis to macular degeneration and blindness. The late Dr. Morgan Raiford who was the "the specialist in methanol toxicity" in this country tried desperately before his death to get aspartame removed from the market. He said if vision is in the "wet stage" it can return and, indeed, in many we have warned in time who were legally blind, we have seen their vision return. So when a diabetic goes blind, the physician may think, well he's a diabetic so he went blind. But the cause most of the time is aspartame in those who use it. It's a given. To make matters worse aspartame is very addicting. The methanol causes chronic methanol poisoning. This effects the dopamine system of the brain and causes the addiction. A report on addiction and aspartame can be read on In l986 the Community Nutrition Institute in Washington, D.C. petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame because so many people were going blind and having seizures. The FDA refused.

Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, wrote a paper on sudden cardiac death explaining that aspartame damages the cardiac conduction system and causes this. You can also read this on Aspartame triggers an irregular heart rhythm and interacts with all cardiac medication. In fact, because it damages the mitochondria or life of the cell it also interacts with all drugs and vaccines. You can now understand why the athletes are dropping dead. One athlete and body builder who played basketball three or four times a week was addicted to aspartame laced diet drinks and other products. His autopsy showed methanol poisoning. Even though his wife took a lie detector test and the police admitted she was truthful and didn't kill her husband she was indicted and sentenced to 50 years in prison, 20 and 30 to be served concurrently. You can hear her story in the documentary on aspartame, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,
In this movie you will also see Doctors H. J. Roberts and Russell Blaylock.

Dr. Roberts realized aspartame was a poison when it was approved because his diabetic patients began going blind, being confused and their blood sugar could not be controlled. He testified before Congress and in his first press conference said if something was not done then in 5 or 10 years we would have a global plague on our hands. Indeed, it was Dr. Roberts who declared aspartame disease to be a global epidemic and published the 1038 page medical text on it. Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, or 1 800 827 7991. In this masterpiece you can read exactly the mechanisms by which aspartame destroys the diabetic.

The FDA never wanted to approve this poison and even attempted to have the original manufacturer indicted for fraud. Both U.S. Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. The FDA refused for 16 years to allow aspartame on the market but at the time Don Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle and said he would call in all his markers and get it approved anyway. See and hear the incredible story of how that was done in the movie, Sweet Misery, as told by James Turner, Washington Atty. Turner along with Dr. John Olney attempted to prevent the approval of aspartame.

And as to obesity, we have a saying: "If you want to get fat NutraSweet is where its at." The Trocho study has proven that the formaldehyde converted from the methanol accumulates in the cells and damages DNA with most toxicity in the liver but substantial amounts in the adipose tissue (fat cells), kidneys, brain and retina. In the protest of the National Soft Drink Association you will read that aspartame is really a drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. It's on This is an affidavit by Dr. Wurtman at MIT. Dr. Wurtman was threatened by the VP of Searle if he did studies on aspartame and seizures his research funds would be rejected, and they were. But today MIT gets research funds and Dr. Wurtman no longer speaks out against aspartame. He was, however, a tiger in Congress and left a paper trail he can't destroy. However, MIT has now withdrawn his book, and they are probably trying to get it off the market.

Likewise, the manufacturers fund the professional organizations like the American Diabetes Assn and American Dietetics Assn and they push their propaganda with full knowledge of the toxicity of aspartame. Those responsible to solve the problem are the problem. We walk with the diabetics at the diabetic walk sponsored in part by Equal and give out material to save their lives. See Dr. Roberts position paper on aspartame and diabetes and hypoglycemia on One year I met a young girl addicted to Diet Coke wearing an insulin pump. I finally told her I would give her a doctors packet on the toxin if she would agree to abide by what her physician told her. Most physicians have no knowledge because so many are funded by the manufacturer who could alert the medical community. Hospitals are full of this toxin. Instead the young girl gave the packet to the ADA.

Dr. Roberts practiced medicine for 50 years graduating medical school when he was about 21. He's a brilliant physician who was selected at the Best Doctor in the US in the l980's. His first text on medical diagnosis was used by 60,000 doctors, especially to prepared for their Board examinations. You only have to take your Boards once and its a compliment to a physician if he does it again years ago to show he is current with medicine. Dr. Roberts is Board Certified and Recertified in Internal Medicine. The ADA saw that on his stationery and actually told the young girl I was trying to get off aspartame that it meant he had lost his license. That's how far these professional organizations will go to keep being funded by industry. They simply sacrifice the consumer.

There are front groups all over the Internet that lie and deny. It's awfully hard to find a virgin in a domicile of illicit pleasures.

The aspartame obesity issue has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Sharon Fowler's study (University of Texas) just recently released has proven diet drinks link to obesity using 8 years of data. The sweetener in those drinks all these years has been aspartame, Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. In the Italian aspartame study release on you can click on WebMD to read this.

On Fox News Sunday, Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld, reported the Italian study on aspartame while Michael Jacobson of CSPI actually said there should be warnings on soda pop, one to drink diet soda. We've written him too for years. Makes no difference how much data you give him he still pushes diet soda. CSPI stands for Center for Science in the Public Interest. They ought to call it NSANPI, No Science And No Public Interest. It's absolutely sickening.

And diabetics and the rest of the world needs to be warned about Splenda going into diet drinks because it is a chlorocarbon poison. See the report on The Lethal Science of Splenda.

Dr. Fairchild, everything is a matter of public record. We are now taking case histories for aspartame brain tumors in New York, New Jersey, Mississippi, and Madison County, Illinois. The diabetes and obesity epidemics are now explained. See if you can get the FDA to explain their loyalty to industry. I filed a Citizens Petition to the FDA over 3 years ago based on the fact I have their records showing aspartame to be a chemical poison and they continue to lie to the public. The law states they have to answer in 180 days. When asked why they hadn't answered they said they had more important things to do. And so diabetics as well as other consumers continue to be disabled by aspartame and I shudder to think of the amount of deaths from the symptoms and diseases it triggers. We are looking at what may be one of the largest plagues in world history! While Big Pharma now wants our supplements, the only thing we have to fight the diseases they cause.


Dr. Betty Martini,
Founder, Mission Possible International
9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599 and

Big Brother Wants To Be Diet Cop

Wired News

(AP) -- At least half a million New Yorkers have diabetes, many of them at risk for blindness, kidney failure, amputations and heart problems because they are doing a poor job of controlling their illness. The question is, how much privacy are they willing to give up for a chance at better health?

A century after New York became the first American city to track people with infectious diseases as a way to halt epidemics, officials here propose a similar system to monitor people with diabetes, a non-contagious foe. Conceived after a sharp rise in diabetes deaths over the past 20 years, the plan would require medical labs to report to the city the results of a certain type of test that indicates how well individual patients are controlling their diabetes.

"There will be some people who will say, 'What business of the government is it to know that my diabetes is not in control?'" said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the city's health commissioner. The answer, he said, is that diabetes costs an estimated $5 billion a year to treat in New York and was the fourth leading cause of death in the city in 2003, killing 1,891.

By pinpointing problem patients, then intervening ever so slightly in their care, Frieden said the city can improve thousands of lives. "I don't think we can afford not to do anything," he said. The Board of Health vote on the proposal isn't likely until at least September, but it has already attracted attention from other public health experts and privacy advocates.

The list of illnesses reported to public health authorities has grown over the years, but it still is almost entirely contagious diseases, like HIV, or conditions related to environmental toxins, like lead poisoning. Diabetes is different, threatening no one but the people who have it.

"This isn't smallpox," said James Pyles, an attorney who represents health-care groups concerned with medical privacy. "The state, or the city in this case, does not have a compelling interest in the health of an individual that overrides that individual's right to privacy." Pyles praised the intent of the program, but said unless diabetics are asked for their consent, it would be "an outright violation of the constitutional right to privacy" for the government to obtain their identities.

The city's program wouldn't initially get consent to collect data, but would allow patients to opt out later. The database would also be tightly controlled, off limits to anyone but department staff, the patients and their doctors, health officials say.

Over time, doctors could receive letters, telling them whether their patients have been getting adequate care. People who skip checkups might get a note from their doctors, reminding them of the dangers of untreated diabetes.

The plan is akin to the surveillance system put in place in 1897 to fight tuberculosis. At first, doctors were outraged they had to report TB cases to the government, but it became a model after deaths plummeted. The American Diabetes Association supports New York's plan. It could be a great tool for doctors who find it difficult to track patients over long periods, said the ADA's Dr. Nathaniel Clark. Currently, he said, people who aren't aggressive about their care can easily fall through the cracks. Some switch health-care providers, and many people living in poor neighborhoods where diabetes is common don't have a regular doctor.

Dr. Paul Simon, of Los Angeles County's public health department, said other big cities could follow New York's lead. "Some people are uncomfortable with public health departments expanding their scope beyond infectious disease, but I would say we have to do it," he said. "Chronic disease really accounts for the major portion of years of life lost to illness these days." New York's program would involve collecting the results of A1c tests, which indicate blood glucose control over a few months, unlike the daily glucose tests diabetics give themselves.

The A1c test is given for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, the latter linked to obesity and accounting for about 90 percent of American diabetics. The program would cost between $1 million and $2 million a year, the health department said. Dr. Amy Fairchild, an expert on public health ethics at Columbia University, said disease-monitoring programs have historically been able to overcome privacy worries if the health threat is sufficiently frightening.

"We respond with surveillance when we believe something has reached epidemic proportions," Fairchild said. "And this may fit the profile. Have we become a nation of obese people who are all going to get diabetes?" The program's success, she said, may depend partly on how patients respond. "It's not necessarily that someone has that information. It's that they're pestering you: 'The next thing I know, you'll be telling me what I can and can't eat,'" she said.

Nationally, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It afflicts about 18.2 million Americans. Sandye Poitier-Johnson, 57, a public school principal in Harlem who was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago, said most people could use help monitoring their condition. "People say diabetes is serious, but they don't take it seriously," she said. "I wouldn't think that this was Big Brother or Big Sister watching me. I would welcome the help." She urged the city, though, to get patient consent first. "There is enough privacy invasion already in our society," she said.
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