Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Bridge Vastness of Being By Nancy Wallace Ward

The Bridge
Vastness of Being
By Nancy Wallace Ward

Tuning in to the Vastness of Being and the Wisdom of Source.

Wisdom of Source is coming through – stepping up the communication at this time. Feel your energy flowing out from you tapping into timelines – they are like threads of light – there is one that is prominent. Journey forward with your heart…

I see high winds, fires, floods… climate issues – bringing Humanity to its knees. Dark night of the human soul. I also see awakening blossoming like flowers of light within people. Our awareness is expanding into knowing and experiencing all life as sacred. A true experience of sacredness. There is joy amidst the chaos, for people are opening to experience their connection to all of life and to each other.

I have been contemplating the issue of “dark energy” and how some people seem to be aligned with dark energy. They run it through their energy fields, and they want to control all people by keeping the old patriarchal energetic prison structure in place around Human Beings, keeping fear alive and love and creativity suppressed, limiting creative thought and expression. They decide what is “good” and “bad”...+

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