Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Christ Consciousness Grid One Who Serves and Shoshanna By James McConnell and JoAnna McConnell

Christ Consciousness Grid
One Who Serves and Shoshanna
By James McConnell and JoAnna McConnell

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum. Greetings to you!

One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here. And we are ready to continue on. No message here from we, the One Who Serves, at this point.

For we have many things that are going to be shared in the times coming ahead here, and certainly when you’ve come together in your next Advance. That is going to be quite something here.

When we speak of Advance, for those that may not understand here, we are speaking of a time where you all come together, whether it is in person, or whether over your video contraptions, however it might be. But you come together as one, one Family of Light, reunited once again, that you can move forth and spread the truth as Archangel Michael has given, and many are giving now from many different sources where the Light is coming forward, the truth is being revealed. And it is going to be revealed. And we have quite a surprise for you in your next Advance. But that is all we can say on that for right now.

We are ready for your questions if you have them.

Guest: Hi. I have a question.

OWS: Yes?

Guest: When it’s time for me to meditate, just like we finished doing, I have a problem of keeping my mind fixed on one thing, one place or another, such as when we should be up in the outer part of the Earth with the Christ Consciousness grid, which I imagine myself there. But also I imagine myself here on the ground. And then also I imagine myself, I’m thinking of other things, of other memories, etc., and I just wanted to know if you have any suggestions on how to keep my mind fixed on one place...+

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