Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter

Is this the Ascension pre-curser we have been speaking of all along?



The angry sun

For months mounting fear has driven researchers to wring their hands over the approaching solar storms. Some have predicted devastating solar tsunamis that could wipe away our advanced technology, others voiced dire warnings that violent explosions on the surface of the sun could reach out to Earth, breach our magnetic field, and expose billions to high intensity X-rays and other deadly forms of cancer-causing radiation.


Now evidence has surfaced that something potentially more dangerous is happening deep within the hidden core of our life-giving star: never-before-seen particles—or some mysterious force—is being shot out from the sun and it’s hitting Earth.

Whatever it is, the evidence suggests it's affecting all matter.

Strange and unknown

Alarmed physicists first became aware of this threat over the past several years. Initially dismissed as an anomaly, now frantic scientists are shooting e-mails back and forth to colleagues across the world attempting to grasp exactly what is happening to the sun.

Something impossible has happened. Yet the “impossible” has been proven to be true. Laboratories around the globe have confirmed that the rate of radioactive decay—once thought to be a constant and a bedrock of science—is no longer a constant. Something being emitted from the sun is interacting with matter in strange and unknown ways with the startling potential to dramatically change the nature of the very Earth itself.

Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable. Indeed, using the decay rate of Carbon-14 has been a method to date archeological artifacts. The process, known as carbon dating, measures the quantity of Carbon-14 within organic objects. According to the numbers, Carbon-14 has a specific half-life of 5,730 years. Physicists have proven through exhaustive observation and experimentation over the course of a century that it takes 5,730 years for Carbon-14 atoms to decay into a stable Nitrogen-14. 

The values don't change—or at least they never have in the past. With certain evidence that radioactive decay can be significantly affected by an unknown effect from the sun, much of science is turned on its head.

Rate of decay speeding up the underlying reality of the quantum universe—and by extrapolation-the nature of life, the principles of physics, perhaps even the uniform flow of time.

In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause—and matter is being affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up and there’s no way to stop it.

Worst of all, if the decay rates of matter are being mutated then all matter on Earth is being affected including the matter that makes up life. 

The mutation may go so far as to change the underlying reality of the quantum universe—and by extrapolation-the nature of life, the principles of physics, perhaps even the uniform flow of time.

In fact, some evidence of time dilation has been gleaned from close observation of the decay rate. If particles interacting with the matter are not the cause—and matter is being affected by a new force of nature-then time itself may be speeding up and there’s no way to stop it.


Neutrinos the cause?

Researchers have correlated the anomalies in the decay rate to a 33-day period. That time frame matches the 33-day rotation of the solar core. Such a match strains credulity as being a mere coincidence. 

Since the sun's core is known to blast out continuous streams of particles called neutrinos, some scientists are attempting to find evidence that neutrinos are the culprits behind the mutation of matter. 

There's a problem with that hypothesis, however, as neutrinos are like ghost particles. They're extremely difficult to detect. Normally, neutrinos pass through the Earth without any interaction at all. To a neutrino, it's as if the Earth doesn't exist.

Other than discovering a previously unknown property of neutrinos, or finding a new particle altogether, the possibility exists that no particle is behind the changes recorded in the radioactive decay rates. What could be causing the phenomenon is a previously unknown force.

Unknown dangers

As the sun builds towards solar maximum and a period of dangerous intensity never experienced by any living person inexorably approaches, strange, uncontrollable forces could be building deep within its fiery nuclear furnace. 

It's already been proven that the sun's mass warps time, bends light waves and accounts for mutation of species on Earth. Now this new force may be directly interacting with matter in a way that could not only change Mankind's understanding of physics, but change Mankind itself…and not necessarily in a beneficial way.

Yes, the e-mails will continue to fly and the hands will continue to wring. But in the end, we are all just observers. 

Whether the phenomenon has no real impact on humanity, or the worst impact imaginable, nothing can be done to stop it. Once again, the titanic forces of nature rear up to overwhelm our technology—and we find ourselves like the playthings of gods. Utterly helpless.



In short, nobody knows.

If neutrinos are the culprits, it means we are falling terribly short of understanding the true nature of these subatomic particles. But if (and this is a big if) neutrinos aren't to blame, is the sun generating an as-yet-to-be- discovered particle?

If either case is true, we'll have to go back and re-write those textbooks.




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Comment by Juan on January 4, 2011 at 4:15pm

Very interesting article.


I agree that the article doesn't have built-in meaning but the one that you give to it base on your beliefs. For the ones like us that expect changes, it's not a surprise. Maybe for the ones that don't expect changes  will be a red flag to make then aware that in fact something is changing within us and all around us...



Comment by Ravi Raju on January 3, 2011 at 4:36am

Dear Ullan,

I didnt want to tinker with what was posted on the "" link pasted above including the title of the article..

I just wanted for everyone to see what was posted on that site as is.. and the title doesn't ring alarm bells to the ones in the know, but is specifically for those cats on the wall and the ones who refuse to believe that anything can change on that magnitude.. its scientific evidence to jerk them awake into reality from their ignorance that it has started !


Regards, R

Comment by Ullan on January 2, 2011 at 11:36am
Dear Ravi,

I fully agree with you that something is happening, and has been happening for a long time now. But I fully expect these changes to be positive.

The article has very negative overtones, and the title 'Terrifying Scientific discovery' implies that we should be afraid of this.

Information is always neutral, and the impartial author takes care to avoid words which would place it into an emotional context.
Comment by Ravi Raju on January 2, 2011 at 5:14am



This information is for all those  who thought we guys were nuts when we spoke of upcoming changes within and around us..

Just show them this ... its irrefutable evidence that the planet, our science from ground up and us human beings as we have known ourselves to be are being changed..


A lot of people out there were saying it impossible.. well the impossible seems to have turned possible..

We have 16,000 grams of Carbon-14 within our body.. this is the next most abundant element in our body after water (H+O) and the radioactive decay of this is being affected by these unknown particles..


Now let me see someone claim that nothing is happening to us or the planet..



Comment by Simmy on January 1, 2011 at 10:39pm
Ditto! 100%

Comment by Ullan 

'Terrific' rather than 'terrifying', in my humble opinion. Earth has always been at the whim of its star, it does no good to worry about it.


While I'm glad to read this article, in that it represents a far more open scientific community than we have seen in our lifetimes, I'm a bit disheartened to see the sudden flurry of negative emotion, and the barely masked attempt at fearmongering that is clear in the text of the original author.


Can we shield the Earth? No. And why would we want to? Why would we want to cut off Earth from the rest of the universe? Because we're afraid of what's out there is going to harm us?


Have we learned nothing in the last three years?


Let fear go.

Be light.


Comment by Ullan on January 1, 2011 at 9:45pm

'Terrific' rather than 'terrifying', in my humble opinion. Earth has always been at the whim of its star, it does no good to worry about it.


While I'm glad to read this article, in that it represents a far more open scientific community than we have seen in our lifetimes, I'm a bit disheartened to see the sudden flurry of negative emotion, and the barely masked attempt at fearmongering that is clear in the text of the original author.


Can we shield the Earth? No. And why would we want to? Why would we want to cut off Earth from the rest of the universe? Because we're afraid of what's out there is going to harm us?


Have we learned nothing in the last three years?


Let fear go.

Be light.


Comment by Ravi Raju on January 1, 2011 at 3:22pm

To conclude if the Unknown emissions from the SUN might affect us ... Let's consider the source of the nearly 8000 radioactive events that take place in our bodies every second.





Half Life


Isotope Mass
in the Body

Element Mass
in the Body

Activity within 
the Body

Potassium 40

1.26 x 109




Carbon 14


1.6 x 10-8



Rubidium 87

4.9 x 1010




Lead 210


5.4 x 10-10



Tritium (3H)


2 x 10-14



Uranium 238

4.46 x 109

1 x 10-4

1 x 10-4

3 - 5

Radium 228


4.6 x 10-14

3.6 x 10-11


Radium 226


3.6 x 10-11

3.6 x 10-11




In the table above are listed those radioelements that produce most of the radioactive decays that take place within the adult body. Three of these, Uranium-238 (238U), Potassium-40 (40K) and Rubidium-87 (87Rb) are termed primordial radioisotopes, for they were present when the earth was formed. The fact that they are still present in our environment is due to the fact that their half lives are comparable to the age of the earth, and thus they have not yet decayed into stable elements. 

Three of the above listed isotopes, Lead-210 (210Pb), and the radium isotopes 226Ra and 228Ra are present today because they have primordial parents; 232Th, with a half life of 1.41 x 1010 years, is the parent of 228Ra, while both 226Ra and 210Pb are daughters of 238U. The remaining two isotopes, Tritium (3H) and Carbon-14 (14C), are both continuously being created by cosmic rays in the earth's upper atmosphere. Today, much of the Tritium in the atmosphere is manmade in nuclear reactors, but prior to the nuclear era the only source of 3H was cosmic ray bombardment of carbon.

There are many other radioisotopes in the body in addition to those listed above. Most of those omitted contribute very few decays per second, and are thus trivial compared to those in the table. These include familiar isotopes that are found in the fallout from nuclear weapons, such as Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. Other primordial radioelements may be present, such as 232Th, and radionuclides used in diagnostic procedures by the medical profession may also be present in some persons. Radon, in the form 222Rn, is always present in the air we breath.

No attempt has been made to express the dose that might be delivered to the body by the isotopes incorporated within the body. The are two reasons for this. First, dose is defined as the energy delivered to a sensitive organ or tissue, divided by the mass of that tissue or organ. It is this author's belief that we do not know the target we should use to calculate dose for any of these radioelements. Consider the radium in the body. We do know that radium mimics calcium within the body, and thus most of it is found in bone. Historically, such doses have been expressed as the total energy emitted by the radium and its daughters divided by the mass of bone in the body. Since many of the radium daughters emit alpha particles, which can produce a lot of damage, this alpha energy is multiplied by a factor to account for this increased damage. In actuality, most of the alpha particles never reach a sensitive tissue, such as a cell, and thus most of this energy is wasted. Indeed, most of the times an alpha particle does hit a cell, it kills the cell, but dead cells don't give rise to malignancies.

The second of my reasons for not calculating dose has to do with my belief that the cell is actually a proper target for dose calculation, but we do not know how to account for repair processes which we know do exist within the body. I like to consider 40K as an example. Potassium within the body is primarily within the intracellular fluids; 98% of the intracellular fluid is within cells. Thus 98% of 40K decays occur within cells. In this location a radioactive decay has an excellent chance of doing damage to that cell's DNA. Since every person on earth experiences about 4400 potential cell damages from 40K every second of their life, how is it so many of us are still here to ask such a question?

How do these radioactive atoms get into our bodies? Read on if you are interested.

Potassium-40 is the most radioactive of the normal body radioelements, and enters the body within all the food we eat. Potassium is an abundant element, is an essential constituent for plant growth, is found in most soils, and is thus incorporated in growing plants. It is also an essential part of the human diet. The level of potassium in the body is maintained by a homeostatic process. The average adult consumes about 2.5 grams of potassium each day. There are three different potassium isotopes: 39K, a stable isotope, is the most abundant, at 93.26 % of the total; 41K is next in abundance at 6.73 % and is also a stable isotope. The potassium isotope of interest is 40K. It is primordial radioisotope present in all potassium at a very low concentration, 0.0118 %. 

Carbon-14, produces almost as many disintegrations per second in the body as does 40K. The 16,000 grams of carbon in our bodies is exceeded by only one other element, the 43,000 grams of oxygen. Since one out of every 1018th carbon atoms is 14C, that results in a large number of radioactive 14C atoms in every person on earth. This radioactive tracer in all carbon is the result of the continual bombardment of the earth's atmosphere by cosmic radiation. These cosmic rays contain neutrons, which produce 14C in the upper atmosphere by hitting nitrogen atoms and transmuting them to 14C. This process has been going on for as long as the earth has had an atmosphere, with the result that about one out of every 1018th carbon atoms is now 14C. All living things, trees, plants, animals or fish, as they grow and consume food, continue to add and replace carbon in their structures. However, after death, no new carbon atoms are added, so their 14C content slowly decreases as the 14C decays and thus allows their age to be determined by 14C dating. Similarly, 40K and 87Rb can also be used for dating, but only over much longer time periods.

Rubidium-87 is the next most abundant radioisotope in the human body, yet rubidium has no known biological function in the body. It is remarkably abundant in the earth's crust, about equal to the abundance of carbon, yet it is not an element that one hears much about. Rubidium probably mimics potassium in its patterns of absorption by and distribution within the body, but, unlike potassium, it is not under homeostatic control. The body mass of this element was obtained from ICRP 23 The Standard Man.

Lead-210 enters the human body primarily through the diet, but some fraction is inhaled from the air (from the decay of 222Rn), and some enters as a consequence of smoking cigarettes. Polonium-210 (not considered separately in the table above) also may enter the body by these routes, but a much larger fraction of its intake is from the smoking of cigarettes. Thus in smokers 210Po can contribute a significant fraction of the total radioactivity in the body. It was not considered in the table for it is not a "normal" constituent of the body, and because the body content is variable, depending on both the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the length of time the individual has smoked. The decay rate given in the table above for 210Pb includes its two radioactive daughters, 210Bi and 210Po.

Tritium, like 14C, is also produced in the atmosphere. The bombardment of nitrogen in the atmosphere by cosmic-ray neutrons produces 3H, (14N + neutron = 12C + 3H), which combines with oxygen to form tritiated water . However, since the introduction of nuclear reactors, which produce small amounts of 3H, more tritium has entered the atmosphere from these sources than from the natural process. Thus the tritium in humans today is somewhat greater than would have existed in mankind prior to the nuclear age.

Uranium-238 is also found in all humans, entering the body as a contaminate with various foods. This heavy element is the first radioisotope in a long chain of radioisotopes which includes 226Ra. However, the 226Ra in the table above does not originate from the 238U in the body, for after two prompt daughter products of 238U the decay process is effectively halted while the third daughter, 234U grows in, for it has a long half life, 2.4 x 105 years. The calculated decay rate, 4.6 disintegrations per second, includes only the two prompt daughters which may stay in the body after the decaying atom is transformed from uranium into Thorium-234 and then into Protactinium-234.

The two radium atoms listed in the table enter the body incorporated in all the foods we eat, and in some areas, in the water we drink. Radium is found rather uniformly distributed in all soils, and thus in the products grown on these soils. From our studies of radium in the human body it has been observed that a representative 70kg man contains about 32 pCi of 226Ra in the skeleton and 4 pCi in the soft tissues. The values for 228Ra are not as well known; a value of 18 pCi in the skeleton has been assumed for this isotope. 

Each 228Ra decay is followed by eight radioactive daughters which in turn decay before a stable isotope of lead (208Pb) is created, so the decay rate given above includes these daughter products. However, the fourth isotope following228Ra is the noble gas, radon (220Rn, half life 55 seconds). Some of this gas may escape from the body before it decays, so a value of 90% for the retention of radon is assumed. Under these assumptions the decay rate for 228Ra and its daughters within the body is 5.7 disintegrations per second. 

Following the decay of 226Ra the first daughter created is the noble gas, radon (222Rn, half life 3.8 days). Only 30% of this longer-lived radon stays in the body, so only this fraction of the daughter isotopes following 226Ra are included in the calculation of total decay rate. Further, after five daughter products decay, the isotope 210Pb is created. This isotope of lead has a half life of 22 years, so the calculation of decays from 226Ra in the body is considered to be halted at 210Pb.



Comment by Lee on January 1, 2011 at 5:36am
Yay!!! Wonder if it has something to do with that huge supercollider they cranked up slamming all the particles?  Wouldnt that be a hoot.

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