Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Talking July 19, 2008 about landings

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Channie Talking July 19, 2008 about landings

There have been a lot of meetings in the Universe. Some of the things from the meetings, I have been asked not to talk about it. Because it is not in a balanced way and it could disturb things. I can talk about some of it at least.
Even though this information may not give a solution or anything, even this information wasn’t to be shared at all until the right timing.

If I start from the very beginning. First we had 20 landings. Then 45 landings with the 20 people doing it again and 5 new ones. Then we had 84 landings that were done with Masters and some other persons. Then there were all these rumors about 200 landings. There were rumors about 3 landings that had been done. They said well, those 200 landings would be done and they would maybe start taking people out. Well, what happened was that, in one way, they don’t want to really say that those 200 landings have started. [not regular landings and contact like people have been waiting for.] But I know for a fact that 15 landings have been done since the 84. They [the pilots] took with them biologically dimensional mass[es] in a non-physical way. That is nothing that is alive. They took with them that substance to Earth and then took it back out there to Space. They did this with 15 different places on Earth.

What was the reason for that? What should be said is there is nothing that has to happen on Earth. Like there is not a war, or a disease, or earthquakes, or something strange that has to happen so that we can go out and start having the landings. So there is nothing left to happen.

But the energy of the 6 pt. systems and the frequencies and vibrations within the ley lines, 6 pt. systems and also round rings, smaller and bigger and different other kinds of clusters of things and lines that have always existed on Earth. Some of them are not exactly in the balance that they should be.

When things are going to start, the first who go can only be 5 people. Then when they come back, each individual can take out 5 people and they would not be counted for. If 5 people went out, and 5 people came back again and picked up 5 people, there would be 10 in the ship; those 5 who had been out for 3 days don’t count anymore. So something is biologically happening with us when we are out. We have to be out for 3 days to have that happening. That is like 3 Earth Days to have that happening. If we have 3 Earth days, that would be a lot of time in Space. So on those 12 days [a day is longer in Space] if we take between 3-5 of those 12 days, it is like a class or a course. That’s not listed as something that you really could say what it contains. It is something they want us to learn. One thing is: vibration language. This can basically be done in one day. They will open up this, so we remember how to use it. That is important. And I know for a fact also it is to learn about our own vibration. That is for de-materializing and materializing if something goes wrong.

There’s no person of the persons who have done the previous landings, who has been hurt or destroyed. But there is something that is not quite right, because World 2 is a different dimension. It is a different consciousness level. There is something that we are doing with consciousness level and biological level and something more. Because the thing is that I think there is something with the connection with the World 2 craft. It doesn’t matter how many ETs are on board. But not more than 5 humans can be aboard when landings begin.

If you de-materialize, you spread out your atoms and you collect new ones wherever you materialize. And if you materialize, you pick up energy from the surrounding, sort of. This means, I think that it could be that when we travel in a ship, that there is a slight de-materialization occurring. Because the dimension that World 1 is now in, in the quality where we stand before we go up on New Earth and the quality of World 2, is very far apart.

Why didn’t this happen before?
It has never, ever occurred. I think it is something which I can understand from the meetings, in that when the goofy dimension was surrounding us, something happened with Earth that wasn’t supposed to happen.

Now if you are more than 5 people on a ship, people who don’t know about these kinds of things, it could be that something is leaking in-between. Almost like a small amount of atoms leak over between each other and in the air, or whatever. And it is so small of an amount that you would probably not be able to say that you get 1/5 of a pound less in weight. It could be a micro pound less, maybe. But the thing is, as I can understand it, I think there is a loss of energy in the form of atoms. But there is also something that has to do with the sub-conscious and the conscious level of consciousness. So with both the subconscious and the conscious level, there is something to do with that.

So they want to hurry up everything. They want it to be very fast. So basically when people go out, like the first time, they want things to kick in kind of fast. They want people to realize or understand or absorb as soon as they can and as much as they can and then they would come back to Earth with the frequency level of actually bringing down parts of World 2 in their experiences, their feelings, and their physical things. Because if you leak out a little bit of yourself within the ship; then when you come to a planet, you absorb up that small amount again from the surroundings. You don’t de-materialize or materialize on the ship. But it is just something occurring because you have a standard of what you have in your amount of frequency, vibration, atomic level and structural level. Even though this is a micro amount of space, it still is wanting to draw back what it has lost. And so you will probably absorb back whatever is lost and that would be then, from World 2, of course, because you are there. So you basically alter your energy level and your vibration level changes.

And then, with the knowledge that you will have and be given and then the subconscious part that you take in, in different other ways of realization of who you are, whatever type of things. Maybe you know kind of a lot but maybe there are people who travel out who don’t quite know that much or they are not on that level but they are supposed to be taken out because of some reason. So all of these people will realize things on different levels of realization but all of that will be doing things with the mind so that they come back to Earth and they bring up the consciousness level. But it is not that the consciousness level on Earth is too low. Because then it is a problem and then it would be something that needs to be done or changed. That is not the reason that things are taking time.
If you ask them (Extraterrestrials), there is absolutely nothing standing in the way. But still, you could say, of course, because of all the other things that have been spoken or said, there is something goofy going on that isn’t quite normal. I mean, we never had these kinds of problems or these kinds of ways before. But, as I can understand it, they have realized what they need to do.

The strange dimension around us, not the dimensional wall, caused the problem. It sort of has done something with the totality of the frequency that has to do with dimensions. Because we were in a dimension that did not exist. We were in a dimension that no on ever heard of. Because all dimensions are accounted for and known of. But that became a strange blended dimension that wasn’t really a dimension that was supposed to exist.

It affected our biology and it affected us in other ways. Because we have been screened off from World 2. in our memories of things when we dream or take it in. We are not as much connected to World 2. as we were 1.5 years ago. So since 1.5 years ago, we are very much screened off in remembrance and experience of this feeling of being connected or being taken care of, or embraced, or held, or protected, or being educated, or having a connecting cord to or ray to World 2. All of those kinds of things have been very screened off.

The feeling very clearly and very much deep in people’s heart is that they haven’t been feeling as connected as they usually do. As I can understand, there is something also, it is almost like inside of people, usually when we have our normal Spiritual connection with ourselves and our Higher Self, we have hope and we feel all these kinds of feelings. And there are very many people who have lost their hope and lost their will to search for Spiritual energy and to experience Spiritual feelings and understand the way of things in a way that they haven’t been able lately to connect with. And all of these things are not stopping us in any way to get out. But it is just a fact that they underline, they talk about and they brought it up more than once. And because they have done that, I think there is something of a feeling within that, that they want to point out. That people aren’t as happy as they used to be, not as believing in things or feeling connected to things in the same way as they used to be.

Spirituality has blossomed on Earth, in one way. It has opened up very much. But it also has been held back, in one way. You could say that the people who used to be Spiritual have taken a step back. And the new ones who didn’t have absolutely nothing have taken a small step forward. So, altogether for the new opened ones who have taken a small step forward, things are on the bright side, looking good, because the amount of people of that kind of new Spiritual feeling, is very many. That is good for Earth. It is almost like the ones who used to be sure of things themselves, in Spiritual ways, have lost a little bit. One of the things that happens is that people lose a little bit of hope and faith and stuff like that. And that means that they don’t work with Mother Earth the way they used to. So many people who used to meditate, do healings, do prayer circles or whatever kind of groups they did, working with things, they have almost stopped. And, instead, there are all these small new ones that have started to see the Spiritual world. They don’t really meditate. They don’t really connect with each other in their Spirituality. They more carry it in the heart and connect with the Earth. So that is strengthening Earth in many ways. But it almost has been the feeling of chewing gum and glue when it comes to working with Spiritual energy and reaching out in the Universe and reaching out to the Higher Self. And they very much have said, in these meetings, that we still have to try to do something. And they want people to connect and work with each other to do things because it would be simpler to work with that.

Of course the question in everyone’s thoughts is How long will it go on? And so they say that it will take 2 months more, no matter where we are, on the New Earth or here, before the energy of feeling connected will be there again. They have this thought also that as soon as some people go out and then come back, then Spiritual energy and Spirituality will be a little bit more of a flow. But still, by itself, it will still do things in about 2 months forward any time.

That time table doesn’t have anything actually to do with the first people going out, does it?
No. It has nothing to do with going out or the New Earth or anything. That means we can go out tomorrow and the New Earth can be tomorrow and it still will take 2 months before people really will be connected with their Higher Self again.

Going back just a little bit to talk, when we see the energy on the ground level of Earth, when we talk about the 6 pt systems and leylines and rings, and all these lines and stuff, we in some way have a physical problem here and it affects our bodies. The residue, after feeling after that strange dimension has made many people sick. One of the most common ways is that people get enormously tired. But it is not only that. It comes with a lot is different feelings. It usually makes us tired and unconcentrated. We can’t concentrate. And by that, we can’t focus a regular Spiritual flow that we usually have, which affects the chakra cord and affects also the aura. So if we look at people now today, we are just trying to adapt back to normal energy levels on things like aura and chakra cords, and so on. So we are getting back to more normality. It’s not stopping anything from happening. But it is just something that they want to point out. This has happened and here is where we are now.

With all of this, people’s chakras are still growing and people are changing and holding more frequency. But it is more that people are growing in small steps than people growing in enormous steps. This means that the overall normal person on Earth is growing. The Higher Spiritual ones who had already had the beginning of Spirituality, let’s say that in the last 1.5-2 years, they have not gone forward in the way that they should have been able to.

This means that when we have people who don’t remember things, like I do, but they have dreams and have memories still when they come back to Earth. These people, they don’t remember as much in dreams. But many people don’t really care which way because they don’t really see it as something existing. But the thing is that when you are screened off like this for a long period of time, you lose the feeling of hope and you lose the feeling of totally other things in life. The whole feeling of feeling actually pretty good is lost. So there are a lot of things that are lost by the way that things have been.

Now the pocket is gone. The goofy dimension is now gone. And things are slowly getting better, absolutely and back to normal. But on the way to get to normal again, the road to normal, sort of, has been kind of not easy to take. It has not been easy to walk that path to get back to normal frequency.

It is almost like a healing process occurring. But still if
you ask an extraterrestrial, is there something left and if we have to do that healing process for X amount of day or weeks or whatever, they say No. So basically if you ask them, Is there anything stopping us from going out and having our landings and things, is there something that has to happen in a certain way, they say No.

So what are we waiting for? Well, there is something goofy with the biological part of things. To even do the tests with the matter. They surely have something that they do here. But if you ask them What are we waiting for? The answer is: There is nothing left to wait for.

With our normal human mind of understanding things in a time line it feels like we are waiting for something, yes. But if we look at things on the level as not seeing it or thinking as a human, more thinking as they do, the extraterrestrials say there is absolutely nothing left in one way, yet they still do experiments and are trying things and seeing how it works.

Love and Light to you.

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Comment by Betina on January 3, 2009 at 3:46pm
Ok, Andy (UK). A (very) long story short:

Earth is, as our whole universe ascending, and this has been known "forever" that it shall happen real soon.

The state Earth is in at this moment was not in the plan, right, mankind has gone rough on her. So, therefor she needed some "new clothes" and for some time she (Gaia) has with help from "above" made herself a New Earth.

Now, 2012 is the time set for her (and our) ascension. But she need to change clothes as well.

At the very same time there is a "Big Game" going on ("All that is" is in this Game). And the plan was to try to win this Game, but that for another 200 million years from now (in our counting) Now the Game is allready won! This is the very first time The Game has been won, ok. All other times The Game has reached Game Over. Now, the "Game Master" is so happy about the Game being won, that he has been speeding up the Game End.

So, when the Game ends we all go back to ONE. All, everyone in this Creation is allready moving up towards this. All, except Earth. Earth is going through her "stuff", trying to cleanse her body from negative dirt, so that she can move on as well.

In all this, there are difficulties landing on Earth, ok.

And, "The New Earth" is allready here, in an other dimension it is waiting for the energies to be just right. I am pretty sure can confirm this, talking through Clinton.

Love you.
Comment by Andy (UK) on January 3, 2009 at 3:14pm
i dont unerstand what they are saying, it needs to be in less detail, just facts
Comment by Betina on January 3, 2009 at 2:51pm
Yeah, I know.
Just that the information in them is so important. And the thing is that everything is´nt for everyone. Those needed to read them will read them...

Where I should put them is an other question. Where do you recomend?
Comment by Andy (UK) on January 3, 2009 at 2:20pm
these postings are too long winded

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