Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Synchronized Events for the Equinox Gateway March 20th – Sandra Walter.

Synchronized Events for the Equinox Gateway March 20th – Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, We have a major Gateway opening on the Equinox, Thursday March 20th at 9:57 AM PDT, 16:57 UTC. (Check your local time for the Equinox here.)

The energies we are experiencing right now are the prequel to this new light wave – and it is 12 days away as of this post. It is that vibrant!

It continues through Solstice, with amplifications in April and May. It is a perfect storm of Ascension energies.

You might feel like you’re standing aboard the great ship Gaia as she sways in this new light wave. This new light provides BALANCE, ORDER, PEACE and SOLAR COSMIC CHRIST initiations.

Since we all have the game book now, we may utilize this cosmic trigger to accelerate divinity, purity and a cosmic dissolvement of all which does not compliment the whole.

Our participation may change everything – and quickly We have tremendous support at the Ascended Master, Archangelic, Supreme Light Creator and Galactic levels.

As the high-vibe tribe understands, Cosmic Law must be obeyed – so the collective consciousness can only receive the maximum benefit of any incoming light by welcoming it in and transmitting it to the collective and higher realms.

In order to receive this new light which holds codes for Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Unity, we must send out the same to all of creation.

To every Brother and Sister on the planet, in divine neutrality. The focus here is on HUmanity – we must welcome in and broadcast this pure lovelight as it enters on the Equinox in a Unified way.

Separation is over, we have to prove that we desire that reality, right now. Feel into this message

I know many have received *pay attention on the Equinox* messages, however we have an opportunity to anchor pure light and amplify it – that means welcoming the light and being in a state of reception and transmission on the Equinox itself.

Preparation includes everything we have been writing about – purification of body, mind, ego, emotions and a focus on heart-based peacefulness.

End all of the conflict and disharmony possible within your own beingness. Do not attack others or throw opinions around.

Stop those energies in their tracks, resist the push-back or sharing of unsolicited advice/opinions. Those energies will get the full boomerang effect of this new wave; Zero Point dynamics are going to become intense for many with distortions or disharmony in their fields or body vehicle.

We’re beyond the put up or shut up cutoff, please get through whatever keeps you from your Mastery. We need the true you on the Team! Set aside the symptom frustrations and focus on the greater good.

Equinox Unified Intentions All Sources are encouraging GATHERINGS and UNIFIED FOCUS on the Equinox itself.

Get together right where you are placed – FIND the local collective (hang up a flyer, try, holistic centers, anywhere awakened folks tend to gather).

You will be surprised at how widespread the awakening has become. No assumptions that your town or neighborhood is asleep.

That is impossible at this point. Let’s all step into the Leadership roles with grace and harmony. If you are guided to a Sacred Site, gather with others – don’t avoid each other, this light is set on Peace and Unity consciousness.

Any kind of peaceful meditation at the Equinox hour is appreciated. As always, visualize the harmonious new paradigm in the Now.

Gridwork, Gatekeepers and Benevolent Intentions I AM receiving some grid setups to connect with others on the planet participating in Equinox activations.

Light-grounding the same grid (small crystal setup) alongside your own personal expression/guidance would be helpful in UNIFYING our intentions to serve as a Light Service Collective.

We can use them all the way through Solstice when this light wave quells. I will post them in the next few days.

Please share your own with friends, colleagues and groups. Let’s use our high-vibe creativity and plan on being in meditation – perfect inner balance and harmony – for the Equinox hours.

On the Equinox As awakened and Ascending beings – wayshowers – we have a Gateway which holds light-encodements, electronic surges, photonic-magnetic demands, and a big acceleration of the Solar Cosmic Christed state.

All of these can be your intentions before, during and after the Equinox. On the day itself, be offline and tune in to the collective intentions for Peace, Love, Light, Harmony, Balance, and the Ascension of HUmanity.

We know it is easier to work with elementals and kingdoms, however our focus is on HUmanity, who are the main decision makers for the planetary experience (that’s YOU and everyone around you.)

We may provide beautiful results if we are able to Unify. We are proving to the Higher realms and our Higher beingness that we are ready, willing, and capable of holding more light and peaceful intentions.

If we hold this intention in our meditations, ceremonies, and gatherings, the amplification of that light will be miraculous.

Vibration = vibration. Higher vibration = Higher vibration. Give more lovelight = receive more lovelight. Please share or repost this message if you resonate with its intentions

Please share this message in Unified Intention to receive and transmit the embodiment of Divine Love, Peace in all nations, Balance in all systems, and Divine Will in the hearts of all of HUmanity. Source:

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Comment by Besimi on March 8, 2014 at 6:24pm

AURORA CREW UPDATE MESSAGE FROM MULTIDIMENSIONAL OCEAN Message from higherSelf by Multidimensional Ocean – Experience

Experience every day on Earth as the true gift that it is. Experience all aspects of your being at anytime.

It is not possible to experience yourself alive, and from above. Sometimes, or most of times, you are engulfed in your existence on the planet, identified with your life.

The expression of this can be joy, love, peace, but also stress, anxiety, work, anger and all rainbows of experiences available to you on Earth.

You have been experiencing many aspects of life on Earth over time. Again and again, you have incarnated into life in 3D under multiple forms, aspects, positively or negatively polarized.

The aim of those incarnations is no other than to experience all the facets of your being, of the One, which you are part of.

When you look into the mirror, what do you see?

Do you see atoms making up your body, do you see an empty body with a spark of love inside of it, who expands and controls that body?

Do you see the illusion of reality? Do you see the One that you are.

All good, bad, deceptions, you can experience.

You can know all that you wish to know, for you have helped create it.

You can know all the conspiracies, all the plans within plans, all that is going on behind the scenes, for you are part of it all, and help create it all indirectly.

For all of it is You, all you don’t see is you. All the universe is you.

The bad, the good labeling is you, see that animal climbing the tree, it is you.

See that little child running to his mother, it is you. See that leave in the tree, it is you, and you are also the tree, the Earth, the wind, the pain, the joy, the suffering, the chem trail, the ocean, the rain… it is all you my friend.

It is all part of the one being, of the one love.

That person who irritates you, it is you, a lover undecided, it is you.

Be kind to others, to your environment, to animals, for it is all part of you.

Updates will arrive more frequently this weekend.

Love is all that is.

Laura Multidimensional Ocean


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