Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Steve Beckow: The Progress of the Light – Part 1 /3 - 2/3 - 3/3 Written by Steve Beckow,

Steve Beckow: The Progress of the Light – Part 1 /3 Written by Steve Beckow,

The Golden Age of Gaia, June 19, 2014

Angels Bring the Light of Enlightenment to Individuals

Photo: Moses was enlightened by an angel who appeared in the likeness of a burning bush Moses was enlightened by an angel in the burning bushSo very often in our sacred texts, angels are portrayed enlightening humans. This relationship has been true as long as what we’ve been considering has been the enlightenment of discrete individuals, rather than the enlightenment of an entire planet.

With the whole planet ascending, more beings of a higher-dimensional nature are more deeply involved in the process of bringing of Light to the planet. Let’s consider for a moment the angels’ traditional role in bringing Light to people. Later we’ll look at the situation that exists when Light is brought to a whole planet.

Stepping down the light of God to the worthy is one of the services that angels offer us. Let me give you some of these scenarios.

Paul said in Hebrews 1:24: “Are [angels] not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” Salvation is what we now think of as Ascension. It brings with it Moksha or liberation from the round of birth and death.

Full Ascension is what Sri Ramana Maharshi calls sahaja samadhi. He says: “Sahaja Nirvikalpa [Samadhi] is permanent and in it lies liberation from rebirths.” (1) I don’t think full Ascension occurs when we simply enter Fifth Dimensionality as the gatekeepers have done. If the situation is the same as on the the planes of life after death, I think it will occur deeper inside the twelve subplanes of the Fifth Dimension. (2)

Light 33

Photo: Angels mediate enlightenment

Here are other instances of angels mediating enlightenment in our sacred texts. Moses was enlightened by an angel. “The angel of the Lord appeared unto [Moses] in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.” (3)

When the prophet Isaiah looked upon “the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up,” he said to himself ‘Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.’”

“Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar:

“And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.” (4)

This action was the enlightenment of Isaiah.

Daniel, who saw the Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) ministered to by a “thousand thousands” of angels, (5) Tobias who was told of his impending enlightenment by an angel, (6) Mohammed who was enlightened by Gabriel on the Night of Qadr (the Night of Glory), (7) – all were enlightened by or ministered to in the course of their enlightenment by angels.

Not only were the ancients enlightened by angels. Here is the case of Alfred Lord Tennyson, who stood on the shores of Africa in modern times and was enlightened by a descending seraph.

I stood upon the Mountain which o’erlooks The narrow seas…. A curve of whitening, flashing, ebbing light! A rustling of white wings! the bright descent Of a young Seraph! and he stood beside me

There on the [mountain] ridge, and look’d into my face With his unutterable, shining orbs. So that with hasty motion I did veil My vision with both hands …

… my human brain Stagger’d beneath the vision, and thick night Came down upon my eyelids, and I fell. With ministering hand he rais’d me up:

Then with a mournful and ineffable smile, Which but to look on for a moment fill’d My eyes with irresistible sweet tears…

“There is no mightier Spirit than I to sway The heart of man: and teach him to attain By shadowing forth the Unattainable….” (8)

Tennyson 22

Tennyson’s experience helps us understand a comment like Archangel Michael’s, that “for my full presence to suddenly apparit [appear] would probably cause you to drop dead.” (9)

Photo: Tennyson: Enlightened by a Seraph

I checked with Archangel Michael on An Hour with an Angel the validity of this perspective and he agreed that angels mediate enlightenment.

Steve Beckow: We often say that we “get” enlightened, and we sometimes say that God graces us with enlightenment. But is it not the case that angels actually mediate enlightenment, in other words, bring enlightenment to us?

Archangel Michael: They assist in your enlightenment process, yes. That is one of the gifts to them and to you. (10)

Angels not only transmit Light; Archangel Michael says that “the Angelic Kingdom amplifies [it].” (11)

He described his own work in bringing Light to humans. He says that ascended masters act as an example of Creator’s Light but he does not say in this passage that they enlighten others.

“It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realising yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation.

“In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator’s light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.” (12)

On another occasion, he described in detail the role the angels play in enlightenment.

Archangel Michael: The angels, particularly what you think of as the second and third spheres, but particularly the archangels, the angels, and the virtues, actually, play a great role in bringing that enlightenment that you asked for, that you seek, that you open your heart to receive, and acknowledge that is already within you.

So what we do is in many ways we blow on the flame until it becomes an inferno. And their breath is the breath of wisdom and love and joy and sweetness. …

I guess this is one of our greatest joys! To beckon to you, to travel with you, to embrace you, to point you in certain directions. …

But that is our joy, not simply to serve the Mother, but to bring and to be the bearers of her gifts, the greatest of which is enlightenment. (13)

Tomorrow I’d like to look at the progress of the Light that the Earth is being bathed in. We’ll see that not only angels now but ascended masters, both from Earth and off planet, now assist in the planet-wide enlightenment and Ascension that is taking place.

(Continued tomorrow in Part 2.)

Footnotes (1) The full quote is: “Sahaja is also Nirvikalpa. You are probably meaning Kevala [sic] Nirvikalpa, which is temporary, while the Samadhi lasts. The Sahaja Nirvikalpa is permanent and in it lies liberation from rebirths.” (Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 88.) Nirvikalpa refers to a trance state in which the mind falls silent or rather does not move. Kevalya refers to seventh-chakra enlightenment or Brahmajnana (God-Realization). It is a temporary heart opening. Sahaja refers to a permanent heart opening beyond the seventh-chakra, when the kundalini reaches the heart or soul, beyond the hridayam or heart aperture. (2) On the inner planes of life, Ascension to the equivalent of the Fifth Dimension, which is there called the Mental Planes, sees the aspirant enter the first subplane with his astral body intact. Then follows the Judgement, a lengthy full-life review in concert with one’s spiritual director, and after that occurs the “second death” of the astral body and the attainment of full expansion of consciousness. See the chapters on the Mental Planes in New Maps of Heaven at (2) Exodus 3:2. It’s noteworthy in passing to see that Kryon thinks a burning bush a fair approximation of the actual body of an angel: “It was probably Moses who described the appearance of an angel in the clearest way: as a burning bush. Fire that does not consume itself and a spinning ball of iridescence are good descriptions of angelic energy. Indeed, the burning bush was an angel.” (“The Benevolent System of Angels and Guides Kryon through Lee Carroll,” 25 Jan. 2014, at (3) Isaiah 6:1 + 5-7. (4) Daniel 7:9-10. (5) St. John of the Cross in Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez, trans. Complete Works of St. John of the Cross. Washington: Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1973, 75. (6) Koran, 27. (7) Alfred Lord Tennyson in Marghanita Laski, Ecstacy in Secular and Religious Experiences. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1961, 401-2. (8) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 26, 2012. (10) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” July 7, 2013, at (9) “Archangel Michael – Assuming Your New Galactic Mission,” transmitted through Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe – December 28, 2012, at (11) “Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: Spiritual Protection for the New Age,” channelled through Natalie Glasson, April 19, 2013, at (12) “Archangel Michael: The First Form You Assumed was Angelic,” ibid.

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Comment by Besimi on June 22, 2014 at 3:04pm

The Progress of the Light – Part 3 /3 - steve-beckow

The Progress of the Light – Part 3 /3

The Golden Age of Gaia

Written by Steve Beckow

 June 21, 2014 

Light 22From the Midst of the Tsunami of Love
Now something occurs that has never occurred before.
he highest level of knowable reality, the only aspect of Source that has a voice – the Divine Mother – tells us directly that she generates and sends the Light to us. Never before that I know of has the Mother been heard directly on subjects like these.
Here she acknowledges it : “I continue to send, directly from my core, my love, my clarity and my expansion.”  (1)
And here she acknowledges the route by which she sends her Light:
“Normally, it would come from me to my realms, to the dominions [a realm of angels], to the seraphim, to the archangels, et cetera, to the masters, to your guardians, and then to you. That is why each of you is shining like a star with many facets. You are being bombarded by all of us. You see, there is no shortage of what I have to share.
“Because of my plan, I am doing it in this way…. This is a group effort by all who serve, and is even being brought in in physical signals by your star brothers and sisters, both above Earth and on the ground. Receive.  This is an exception in terms of how we penetrate.” (2)
The exception is Ascension itself. And ours is the first mass and physical Ascension in the universe.
She shares with us that, now, not only the angels, but also the ascended masters, our guardian angels and our star brothers and sisters are transmitting the Light.
“I will tell you two things because this infusion is in some ways an exception to the rule. Now, when I have begun this outpouring from my infinite being — and yes, our infinite being —  it is moving directly from me to you. Very few can stop anything what I send directly, but when I begin such an outpouring, all come to my side!
“Just as you all have outer form and have said, ‘Mother, let us assist, let us help,’ so the seraphim, the cherubim, the archangels, the legions of angels, every ascended, enlightened being, your star brothers and sisters — and there is a very strong component, by the way, that the channel also did not talk  about, with your star brothers and sisters – in this gift [of clarity], they are all acting as transmitters.” (3)
Sanat Kumara offers a partial description of the route it takes.
“Now, throughout the universe, we work with what you think of as creative chaos, to call in all the energy at our disposal. And this is what we have done, directly from the Mother/Father One, to the archangels, to the seraphim, to the angelic realm, to your star brothers and sisters, the entire Company of Heaven.
“Everybody has been sending the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies to the planet and to each and every one of you.” (4)
Archangel Michael offers a fuller description:
“From within the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God, these newly infused cosmic Rays, which contain the new Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe, are then radiated outward into each succeeding Galaxy. These powerful new Rays then pass through the Central Sun of each solar system, the sun of each planet, and eventually to humanity on planet Earth.” (5)
It’s a new wave of light, he tells us, which purifies and magnifies everything.
“The light dispensation that I bring forth from the Creator, through the Angelic Kingdom and into my being is a vibration and wave of light which I wish to channel directly into the souls of humanity. It is a new wave, light and consciousness focused upon power and empowerment directed at the soul.
“In this new Era of Love, where love is pouring into your being and reality asking to be expressed and experienced, everything is being magnified and purified. The soul is being summoned to step forth and embody the physical being in order to experience and create in the new vibration of love.” (6)
At the same time it is stirring up all that is incomplete, all the need to be healed, Saul tells us.
“The tsunami of Love is flowing powerfully and intensely through your illusory dream-scape.
“It is very effective and it is stirring up all your unaddressed issues which have been lying like mud or sand at the bottom of the pond that is your unconscious, the vast hidden area of your mind where all that you could not bear to face has lain hidden for eons.
“All that ‘muck’ has to be released and cleared away so that the Light that each one of you carries with you constantly can shine forth brightly as divinely intended. As It does so you will become increasingly aware of the divine Light shining forth from others – your heavenly brothers and sisters, the beautiful children of God.” (7)
Many channels describe this Tsunami of Love. Let me cite some of them to demonstrate that it’s a matter the sources agree on.
The Constant Companions through Aisha North: “You have perhaps heard the term ‘tsunami of love’ mentioned lately, and this is indeed an apt description for what you are taking part in. You are truly part of this tsunami, an intimate link between your world and this oncoming wave of blessed light, that, together, will ensure that no stone will be left unturned when this is well and truly over. …
“It is impossible to overstate the importance this event will have for you all.  …
“This tsunami of love will never cease, it will simply continue to strengthen, and widen, and deepen – in every sense of the word, and in every part of this world. As it continues to gather momentum, it will also continue to touch deeper, and deeper, into every single soul inhabiting this planet. (8)
Jesus through John Smallman: “We have been talking for some time now about a Tsunami of Love, well right behind it is an avalanche, and that avalanche is unstoppable! Prepare yourselves to be enveloped in its brilliant white Light, open yourselves to it, float to its sunlit surface, then get up on your snow boards or skis and glide gloriously across its shining surface in a state of ecstatic enjoyment.” (9)
Master Serapis Bey through Natalie Glasson: “With the powerful wave of love entering through your being and into the Earth, so your understanding and experience of duality is challenged and can be shifted with tremendous ease. The Creator’s vibration of love brings forth an awareness and greater experience of unity. …
“Love is breaking down the perspective of duality, asking you to realize there are no opposites; no separation, no division, only unity, with the truth and experience of unity.
“The presence of unity within your being, and within the consciousness of humanity, will manifest a greater embodiment of love, but also a deeper embodiment of the Creator in all manifestation. It will feel as if you are seeing, sensing, and recognizing the Creator with every moment of your reality.” (10)
Ashtar through Philipp: “The Tsunami of Love is in full flow and you are ready to receive the major wave. And here we would like to remind you that this major wave is not coming from outside – it is beginning and developing inside you. Open your heart to the Tsunami of Love and you will be totally prepared for the arrival of this major wave that is in its final approach and will clear you at the right time.
“As we have said, the Tsunami of Love is a forerunner of your Ascension – it is preparing you for your Ascension with your physical body.” (11)
Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua through Fran Zepeda: “Oh, dear ones. You are in for such a surprise. The new energies building as we speak are delivering to you a blast of Love like none other you have ever experienced. So ground and center yourselves and prepare for the increasing beautiful onslaught of soft yet strong gusts of Love and Light energy penetrating you now at a deeper level than ever. …
“Feel it now, as it builds. You may be compelled at times to stop what you are doing to receive it and embellish yourselves, to absorb and process this Light and Love of the June Solstice energies, deeply restorative and reformative as they are and will be increasingly so as the days move on.” (12)
This transformative flow of Light will not subside, Archangel Michael says, but grow and grow.
“As you have discovered, as you have been filled with the higher frequencies, with the endless downloads, it is not a matter of a download here, a download there, a frequency adjustment and attunement. You have been penetrated 24/7 for years, and it is only increasing. It is only going to continue to increase. The clarity gift is one of many. So yes, get ready.” (13)
In the face of it, some people (the gatekeepers and early risers) have already partially ascended and the rest of us are going through a process of gradual Ascension.  SaLuSa describes to us the enlightenment we’ll experience with full Ascension.
“One day you will suddenly realise that life has to give you more than it does, and once you see the Light, your consciousness opens up. For seekers of the truth there has never been a better time, as so many channels have been opened up to cater for everyone.” (14)
“The great awakening continues to take place, and many souls are opening themselves to enlightenment and becoming one with those who have found the Light.” (15)
When we discover who we are, we’ll be greatly surprised, he says.
“You are in strange times to what you normally experience, but, as the veil is lifted, the Light will illuminate your mind with the truth of who you really are. In reality you are great Beings of Light, who stepped down into the lower realms for no other reason than that you wanted to expand your evolutionary experiences.” (16)
For us this is a wonderful opportunity, Diane of Sirius reminds us.
“Now is your opportunity to awaken to your true potential, as the Light is being beamed to Earth.” (17)
“The energies you are now bringing into focus are the means of your upliftment and they will continue for quite some time.” (18)
Ker-On of Venus urges us to take advantage of it.
“What many thought would never come in their lifetime has suddenly arrived: The opening of a new pathway that is glowing with a Golden Light that is going to become more intense, one that beckons all who have desired the opportunity to ascend and requires only your intent to live the remainder of your life to your very highest understanding of what it means.” (19)
Ascension is neither the end of the journey of enlightenment for us nor for the ascended beings who are helping lift us up, as the Arcturian Group makes clear: “You are not expected to suddenly become fully illumined, for that is the journey of enlightenment.  We too are making this same journey and are simply a little further ahead.  This is evolution and this is what being is all about.“ (20)
Spiritual evolution itself goes on and on, in a virtually endless journey from God and back to God again. (21) And then, as we’ve found out recently, we may choose to leave Home again and return to help others on the sacred journey. (22)
Footnotes (1) “The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at (2) “The Divine Mother: The Role of Clarity,” channeled by Linda Dillon, October 7, 2013, at (3) Loc. cit. (4) “Sanat Kumara: Silence is Golden – Part 2/2,” Sept. 10, 2013, at (5) “Archangel Michael: Love is a Natural State of Being, channelled through Ronna Herman, September 29, 2013, at (6) “Archangel Michael: Soul Connection Power,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, May 28, 2014 at (7) Saul, May 21, 2014, at (8) “The Constant Companions: A Short Update on the Energies – June 9, 2014,” channeled by Aisha North, May 26, 2014 at (9) “Jesus: The Forces of the Dark are in Disarray! Chanelled by John Smallman, June 3, 2014. (10) “Master Serapis Bey: The Journey of Separation to Unity,” channelled by Natalie Glasson, June 11, 2014, at (11) “Ashtar Speaks: Update on the Present Clearing Process,” channelled by Philipp. May 13, 2014, at (12) “Ashtar Speaks: Update on the Present Clearing Process,” channelled by Philipp. May 13, 2014, at (13) “Archangel Michael: I See You! I Love You! I Will Engage, Nov. 8, 2013, at (14) SaLuSa, Aug. 14, 2009, at (15) SaLuSa, Nov. 5, 2008. (16) SaLuSa, May 31, 2010. (17) Diane of Sirius, Feb. 2, 2009, at (18) Diane of Sirius, Dec. 24, 2008. (19) Ker-On of Venus, 21 January 2009, at (20) Arcturian Group, Jan. 23, 2011. (21) See “The Purpose and Design of Life – 4″ at (22) Private conversation between Steve Beckow and Archangel Michael on June 13, 2013.

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Comment by Besimi on June 22, 2014 at 3:01pm

Steve Beckow: The Progress of the Light – Part 2/3

Central Sun 22Written by Steve Beckow, The Golden Age of Gaia, June 20, 2014 –

The Progress of the Light in the Last Six Years

Leaving behind now the situation of individual enlightenment, mediated by angels, we turn now to look at the situation of planetary Ascension, in which a large number of higher-dimensional beings are playing a coordinated role.

The Light being beamed to Earth, as with all Light, comes from Source.  But we’ll see that ascended masters, on and off planet, are also now playing a role.

Out of the darkness, SaLuSa tells us, “a grand Light beams out and reaches all around the Earth.” (1) This Light comes from Creator Source, Archangel Michael tells us.

“We have told you that the Supreme Creator has begun to emanate the rarified Love/Light Essence from the heart core of Its Being (Adamantine Particles of Pure Divine Light substance). This Essence contains all the facets of Creation, which include the Seed thoughts, energy components, and grand designs for never-before-experienced new creations. …

“The Creator is sending these Rays as a gift throughout this Universe, for they contain the stillness of the Great Void, which will be accessible to all who are brave enough to tap into the magnificent power of the Void of space, in order to be a participant in the creation of future worlds and galaxies.” (2)

This Light is enveloping the whole planet and promoting the creation of our future world of Ascension.

In 2009 SaLuSa told us that the Light has been steadily building for more than a hundred years.

“For over a century the amount of Light being brought to bear on you has increased tenfold, and has been instrumental in lifting many of you up. This is in accordance with the Divine Plan to release you from the lower vibrations, and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up.”  (3)

We heard many years back that one of the milestones for Ascension was the Earth reaching the galactic plane and how that would allow Light to stream from the central galactic Sun. We are now at that place, Jesus tells us. Not only are we on the plane but no other solar system lies between us and the central Sun.

“Your scientists have been tracking and watching to see the various patterns of the solar systems, and you have come to a place now where there is from holy Mother Earth a clear pathway to the center of your galaxy. There is no other solar system between you and the center of what you call the Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy that you are in.

“And with that now is an opening for much energy to be streaming to holy Mother Earth, truly to your own sun and to your solar system. And as you are part, with holy Mother Earth, of the solar system, you are in a direct pathway to access and to feel energy from the very center of your own galaxy. That is what the shift that you have been hearing about for some years now is all about. It is a shift in energy that can be measured and accessed; your scientists are doing that now.” (4)

This light of love, SaLuSa says, “has truly broken through and will continue to grow more powerful.” (5) This increase “is a very good sign of the progress [towards Ascension] being made.” (6)

St. Germaine explained what awaits us as a result of the increasing Light: “The lower vibrations are heavy and have kept you in a state of unknowing of your true reality, but now that is rapidly changing. The glory of being in the Light and realising your true potential far exceeds any dreams you have had of raising your selves up.” (7)

Saul tells us that “your times of sorrow, pain, and confrontational disharmony are almost at an end, as God’s divine light and grace washes over the planet, healing, repairing, and renewing, so that the pristine beauty in which all was created may be gloriously re-established.” (8)

He described this energy’s effects and appearance.

“Planet Earth is enveloped and wrapped in the most glorious cloud of divine Energy, which is revitalizing and invigorating her and all the life forms she supports. It is most beautiful and awe-inspiring to behold. It shimmers and shines with a brilliant intensity of constantly shifting colors.” (9)

All of us are bathed in it, said the light beings speaking through Phoebe Lauren.

“This new energy that is coming to earth now is stronger and purer than any which has come before. … This is an energy of pure light and pure love. (10)

We must understand, as SaLuSa tells us, that “all is energy in its various light forms, and that everything has levels of consciousness. That knowledge is perhaps what has been lacking on Earth.” (11)  As the Arcturian Group reminds us: “You are beings of light in your true essence.” (12) Not only that, but a “vast web of Light …  binds all life together throughout this Universe.”  (13) In the past, we’ve heard this called “the grid.”

The Pleiades High Council explains “the inner workings of your DNA and how the new energies are affecting your vehicles.”

“All of this is occurring on your subatomical level, and thus your consciousness is not aware of the various communications between your cells and the cosmic rays from the Central Sun that passes through the seven heavens of the Pleiades and arrives in your own sun and then delivered to you through the rays of the sun and offshoots of the moon.” (14)

The higher beings are not only transmitting Light to us, Archangel Michael says. They’re also transmitting codes that are timed to go off in a planned manner.

“Yes, we are conduits as well, allowing the energy of all the various codes, variables, unfoldment of her plan, to fully enter and be anchor, translated, transmuted, through us, through the realms, to each of you, not just to the select few who are lightworkers, light-holders, love-holders, but to each and every being.” (15)

These energies and codes are changing our bodily structure, SaLuSa says, which in turn allows us to hold even more Light.

“Each day you get nearer to the end of this cycle the energies are rapidly lifting you up. A whole series of inputs that are carefully planned to do it, are changing the structure of your body cells as they become crystalline. It will have been completed by the time you ascend. You will then have become a Being of a higher consciousness, ready to move into the 5th. Dimension of beauty and harmony unlike anything you have experienced upon Earth.” (16)

Archangel Michael describes the impact of the Light on us at the deepest, soul level.

“My light dispensation at this time brings forth the energy and consciousness of power and strength to be anchored into your soul and every soul upon the Earth. My light dispensation empowers the soul offering the soul the courage and magnification that it requires to emerge and project its purity and creations from the physical body.

“As I channel light into your being I am focusing solely upon your soul, surrounding it with supreme love and power to create an activation within your soul to encourage its deeper emergence within your physical being and reality, as well as encouraging your greater recognition of your soul.

“My light is also opening and awakening many channels within your being and physical body to allow and support the increasing surge and flow of your soul. …

“A powerful surge of light flows into your being and surrounds your soul gradually merging with your soul. Let the integration occur and feel vibrations of strength, power, empowerment and courage activating from within your soul. Sit with your soul and observe its growth and empowerment as I, Archangel Michael, support you.” (17)

In 2011, SaLuSa described our anticipated progress: “The Earth [is] becoming a Planet of Light. The dazzling points of Light coalesce. … So it shall continue until the lower vibrations hardly exist, and then you will be near to the end time and Ascension.” (18)

Tomorrow we’ll look at the impact of the Tsunami of Love and the gradual approach of planetary Ascension.


(1) SaLuSa, Feb 2, 2011, at

(2) “Archangel Michael: Are You Ready to Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy?” Channelled through Ronna Herman, November 29, 2013, at:

(3) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009, at

(4) “Jeshua: Galactic Energy,” as channeled by Judith Coates, December 2013, at

(5) SaLuSa, Jan. 26, 2011.

(6) SaLuSa, Feb 2, 2011.

(7) St. Germain, Aug, 3, 2008, at

(8) Saul, June 19, 2009, at

(9) Saul, Sept. 23, 2009.

(10) “Message from Light Beings [or Angels] through Phoebe Lauren,” email from Mark Huber,, Oct. 5, 2008.

(11) SaLuSa, Jan. 19, 2011.

(12) Arcturian Group, Feb. 5, 2011.

(13) “The Council of Nine: On Expansion of Self-Awareness,” channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara), May 17, 2014 at

(14) Loc. cit.

(15) “Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 19, 2012, at

(16) SaLuSa, Feb. 9, 2011.

(17) “Archangel Michael: Soul Connection Power,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, May 28, 2014 at

(18) SaLuSa, Jan. 17, 2011.


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