Russian Foreign Ministry sources are reporting to President Medvedev today that the Governor of South Carolina, Mark Sanford [photo top left], arrived at Russia’s Ottawa Embassy seeking ‘immediate assistance and protection’ for his plan to succeed from the United States over what he states is the ‘planned annihilation of his country’ by a ‘criminal cabal’ headed by the current US President Barack Obama.
According to this bizarre report, Governor Sanford, who has been reported as “missing” for the past week after evading his security detail, pleaded with Ambassador Mamedov to have Russia become the first country to recognize the ‘New Nation’ of South Carolina upon its succession from the United States and promised in return that Russian Military Forces would have ‘total and immediate’ access to his States ports and airfields.
Russian legal authorities state in these reports that Governor Sanford’s statements under US law could be construed as treasonous, though they doubt that Obama would seek prosecution opting, instead, to ‘neutralize’ this threat as most US Presidents have done in the past, most notably Louisiana Governor Huey Long who was assassinated in 1935 after his threats to succeed from the United States during the Great Depression.
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