Saviors Of Earth

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A million library books to be sent down the mines

ONE million books from Manchester's Central Library – including valuable volumes dating back to the 15th century - are to be put into temporarily storage with many going deep underground in the Cheshire salt mines...




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Comment by Ullan on February 25, 2010 at 9:51pm
This is an article about the Manchester Library remodeling, and partially closing down while it does so. Considering the age of the building and its amenities, this is long past due. If anything, this is a cause for cautious optimism because eventually more manuscripts will be available to more of the public when the new system 'goes live'.

I think the issue here stems from the images conjured up by the phrase 'sending the books to the mines'. What most people outside of the UK normally don't realise is the chronic lack of space here. When a major civil engineering challenge like this takes place, the entire library contents simply can't be transferred to a warehouse, a 'storage shed' or any other empty building that might be handy. Quite simply, there isn't the space, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to find an empty yet /secure/ building in Manchester. Not to mention a place with a controllable atmosphere to preserve the older manuscripts. The least bit of moisture would be absolutely fatal. The old mines, on the other hand, are empty, easily climate controlled and easy to keep a close eye on.

Good solution all in all, I say.
Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on February 24, 2010 at 10:35am
hehe..haven't they ever heard of a storage shed lmao... But seriously this does seem a little Over the top to be just for the remodel.. Storage of books okay fine..but to be sending them down into mines where obviously it would be a lot 'safer' from what??!! i guess that's the million dollar question..
Comment by Pat on February 23, 2010 at 8:52pm
I smell a rat too...must be something they are trying to hide....mmmmm
Comment by Bishop on February 23, 2010 at 8:32pm
i live down the road from that library, maybe ill check it out :)
Comment by nonya on February 23, 2010 at 7:55pm
Am i missing something here or is this supposed to mean something other than a library remodel?

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