Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Someone asked me a final blog post - so i'll speak about what is love for me

Someone asked me a final blog post - so i'll speak about what is love for me

i guess this will be the first time i speak about it.
this is how i see love between two persons.
there are other kind of love, of course but i was asked to speak about the first item.
i used to dream with a love that would never end.a love that would make me feel nervous with butterflies on my belly all the time.
that kind of love that only a look in the eyes could say more than 10.000 words.
poems,musics,the sunrise,the moon,staring at the river or just be together in a sofa watching a movie.
someone strong enough to fight for what is right.someone that never let me down.someone that will look at me with the same passion from the first day.
speak with me about adventures,fantastic stories,live all adventures with me.
someone equal to me,that can understand my silence and my need of my friends.respect my need of independence and my need of family.
but first of all someone that support my dreams as i would support his.
passionated kisses.the touch of the hand that makes my body vibrate.Someone that knows exactly how to love me.two bodys that fit together in a miracle way only twin souls know about it.
someone that write me a poem or a song.
someone that would go through out the world to reach me and shout out loud that I AM THE ONE.
that is love for me.
i would give my life for the ONE if the ONE could understand it.
i'm not dead inside.i'm alive.
but since i can't be understood i'd rather keep it all hide inside...this way i can't be hurt no more.
If i could write something about the ONE,it would be this:
i love're my death.the sun and the moon.i could cry a million rivers and none of them could show how much i've waited for you.
just say the magic word,take my hand and let me flow on your heart.Together we are ONE.we lived all this,went through all this pain, to grow up and to finally found out each other in this planet.
Today i'll rest my head on the bed and will dream with you, and will kiss your lips and whisper on your ear - I'm here!

that's love for me.was it clear enough?
that was the voice of my heart.

Views: 46


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Comment by simpleman on December 30, 2009 at 1:56pm
Replace the "ONE" with your own name and read it again.
Comment by Ciska on December 30, 2009 at 5:52am
Love your thoughts :)
I once share this Love and we both had to follow our own path...
We can not hide if we don't leave this kind of Love, because we do not know what our path is... Just living it every day .... :)
22 years later i found him again, and it was just like yesterday... we realized that there are things that we had to live for our own growing...
And yes i agree: there's nothing like our twin flame!!! :)
We were just kids at the time, but we knew exactly what we were for each other !

Bless all souls that search for their own path...
Keep the good work Rainbow
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on December 28, 2009 at 10:52pm
Keep writing... Its very healing and it helps manifesting things that we want in our lives.
Comment by patrick on December 28, 2009 at 2:57pm
Thank you for sharing this. I hope you have found the One.

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