Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 23rd 2015 ~ 18 posts.

Inter-dimensional Communication Portals. ~ Arcturians via Suzanne Lie.

Inter-dimensional Communication Portals.The Arcturians.Through Suzanne Lie. 2015.10.23 Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities. Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once perceived as yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, you are beginning to release the confines of time that were bound to your third-dimensional, or even fourth-dimensional, thinking. Your fourth dimensional thinking moves ... more »

A Vision for Enhanced Perceptions

*The Vision Alignment Project* *A Vision for Enhanced Perceptions * One of the main characteristics of the changes we are all going through at this time has to do with an enhancement of our perceptive capabilities. Of course, one would not read about this extraordinary information in the mainstream media because it is threatening to the status quo. But the status quo contains too much sorrow and suffering - and all of that is about to change, in large part because our perceptions are opening up, revealing new insights and information about our world and how it really works. We are r... more »

Saint Germain, 2015.10.23 ~ Wake up Call via Nancy Tate.

Wake up CallSt. Germain, October 23, 2015.Through Nancy Tate. Dear ones, it is time for me to update you on what is coming in the next few days, weeks, etc. We will be finding all kinds of allowances for the ones who have been creating their own tirade of events for what they termed to be the betterment of their world. I say now that they are seeing the truth of what they thought was in their best interest, regardless of what others thought, and how they were affected, These ones that so many have called the cabal, and illuminati, are in the last throes of what they have created, ... more »

The Mysteries of the Universe. ~ Wes Annac.

The Mysteries of the Universe.By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.2015.10.23 I can’t claim to know the secrets of life, and in a way, they’re unknowable. I’d like to get closer to them like everyone else, but even if we devote ourselves to the pursuit of a higher consciousness, we can only get so close and understand so much. There are ways we can get closer, but for the most part, we won’t see the big picture until we’re released from the physical body and we can explore it all. Just because we leave the earth doesn’t mean we’ll see the full picture, but we can grow from there unt... more »

Boundaries. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Boundaries. The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley. ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner 2015.10.23 What do you do if someone has hurt your feelings or violated a boundary you have set for yourself? The most important thing to remember is that your energy has played a part in the situation. This is not saying that you are wrong….it is saying that you have a choice on how to react to it. Was it an honest mistake? Then take a deep breath and forgive the situation. However, if you choose to set a boundary, allow others violate it, then loudly proclaim your hu... more »

Mayan Messages: Choose Gurus Carefully.

Choose Gurus Carefully. Mayan Messages, October 22, 2015 We wish to extend our congratulations as you awaken and continue your journey to enlightenment. There are many gurus who have led the way for you, yet many go too far when they push their ideas on to you. It is one thing to offer advice and opinions, yet another to take the innocent and lead them to the belief that they must solely follow one guru’s path. Know that each of you walks a unique Path. It is wise and comforting to study the words of others, including us. Yet it is imperative that you take in only those things tha... more »

Canada’s New PM Issues Challenge To US – “We’re Ending Wars And Leg...

Canada’s New PM Issues Challenge To US: “We’re Ending Wars And Legalizing Pot” From, October 22, 2015 (Thanks to Collectively Conscious) If the phone conversation with President Obama is any indication of Justin Trudeau’s commitment, Canada will be giving its southern neighbor lessons in peace and freedom. Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister-elect, told Obama on Tuesday that he will withdraw their fighter jets from Iraq and Syria. Both of these campaigns represent U.S. military aggression based on deceit and manufactured consent. By withdrawing machine... more »

USA: Feds Have To Keep Their Dirty Hands Off Legal Medical Pot Shop...

Bombshell Ruling: Feds Have To Keep Their Dirty Hands Off Legal Medical Pot Shops By Jay Syrmopoulos,, October 21, 2015 (Thanks to Collectively Conscious) San Francisco, CA – In a landmark decision, a federal court found that the federal government has no standing to block the legal operation of medical cannabis dispensaries, provided they comply with state laws. The decision was a direct result of a congressional act last December, in which Congress cut off federal funding for the prosecution of cannabis clubs, provided they were operating within cu... more »

On Being Enough. ~ Steve Beckow.

On Being Enough By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, October 23, 2015 I feel impelled to write. I notice that it’s just hours after having worked on the transcript for my last reading. The lessons that are packed in it are starting to sink in, one by one. As a result, the love I feel has taken a dramatic turn. Until now, it was always love for the beloved. And that is a sweet and rapturous love. It was transformative love: it could sweep away conflicting emotions. But today I’ve reached the same levels feeling an impersonal love, a universal love, a love for everyone. I can ... more »

Monsanto in Another Huge Lawsuit for ‘Lying About Roundup-Cancer Li...

Monsanto in Another Huge Lawsuit for ‘Lying About Roundup-Cancer Link’ By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, October 22, 2015 Lawsuits filed against agribusiness giant Monsanto are mounting, with the latest one being filed last week in Delaware. That lawsuit is just one of a growing number of suits alleging a link between glyphosate exposure and cancer. Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Three law firms are representing the plaintiffs in the case, which claims that Monsanto “led a prolonged campaign of misinformation to convince government agencies, f... more »

Human Expectations. ~ Adjuster via Oscar.

Human Expectations.*Thought Adjuster.*Message received by Oscar.Alabama, USA, February 6, 2012. *Thought Adjuster: “Human expectations are the cause of the communication problems between the Father and His children. All those legends about voices sounding like thunder from the sky and bright flashes of light have made a big impression on your minds. So much so that a simple internal and personal dialog with your Creator seems ‘insufficient’ and it is discarded because it does not come framed in special effects. * “The reality is that every day your Father communicates with each ... more »

Let Jah In. ~ Cedella Marley.

Let Jah In.By Cedella Marley. Positive Vibrations, A Nice Time, October 21, 2015 Before starting any new task, take a little time to connect with the most high. Open yourself and allow the divine guidance to flow in. Anything you set your mind to can be done. Let go of human limitations and let Jah in. One Love… Cedella *Tanks to * ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *... more »

7 Meditation Myths. ~ Chopra Wellbeing.

7 Meditation Myths. Thanks to Here are seven of the most common meditation myths dispelled.By Chopra Wellbeing2015.10.23 In the past forty years, meditation has entered the mainstream of modern Western culture, prescribed by physicians and practiced by everyone from business executives, artists, and scientists to students, teachers, military personnel, and – on a promising note – politicians. Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan meditates every morning and has become a major advocate of mindfulness and meditation, as he describes in his book, A Mindful Nation: How a Simple Practice... more »

Artist Creates Incredible Paintings Using Fallen Autumn Leaves as C...

Artist Creates Incredible Paintings Using Fallen Autumn Leaves as Canvases. From The Mind Unleashed, October 22, 2015 [image: fallen autumn leaves] I don’t know about you, but for me fall has long become my favorite time of the year. This season with its melancholic beauty has something special about it. Falling leaves, gloomy sky, the murmuring of the rain – all this creates a magical atmosphere that can be felt only in the autumn air. It’s no surprise that many artists and designers find inspiration in the charm of this season. However, self-taught Polish artist *Joanna Wirazka* ... more »

NASA Has Discovered A Buddha Statue On Mars. ~ Higher Perspective.

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 2 hours ago
NASA Has Discovered A Buddha Statue On Mars. From Higher Perspective, October 21, 2015 Alien hunters worldwide are thrilled with a new photograph released by NASA. It shows a formation that looks a lot like the statue of a man. It was taken by NASA’s curiosity rover. Numerous photographs have been taken of odd formations on the planet, from ones that look like people and animals to smiley faces in craters. The detail of this image, however is pretty clear. ACCORDING TO SCOTT C. WARING OF UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: “This photo alone should be enough to convince the United Nations that ... more »

The Transitions of Your Soul Group. ~ Celestial White Beings via Na...

The Transitions of Your Soul Group. By the Celestial White Beings, Channelled through Natalie Glasson. 22rd October 2015 Original Source Sacred School of OmNa. The shifts occurring in this moment of ascension are likened to the energetic transformations which have been taking place throughout this year, the only difference is that the intensity of the energy is now being enhanced and magnified dramatically. The Goddess energy and Crystalline vibrations continue to support a transition of cleansing, purification and renewal upon the Earth and within your being, however their energet... more »

Love is who you are, always. ~ Saul via John Smallman.

Love is who you are, always. Saul *[Paul]* through John Smallman 2015.10.23 Saul Audio Blog for Friday October 23rd The news on the mainstream media continues to present an alarming selection of catastrophes and disasters, but things are not as they appear. Yes, there is much suffering, but it is being resolved, as human kindness on a vast scale responds compassionately as never before in human history to those in dire need. And that massive outpouring of compassion is having an enormous effect, as well as further empowering humanity's collective decision to awaken from the illusio... more »

Matthew Ward, October 19, 2015 ~ Suzanne Ward

Message from Matthew Ward. Through Suzanne Ward.October 19, 2015 With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth is orbiting in astral planes wherein vibrations are impacting your society at a quickening pace. As linear time is “crunching up,” everything in your world is being pushed more swiftly toward remedy, resolution or final moment, and third density karmic experiences are moving faster toward completion. This acceleration is causing the Illuminati to take irrationally desperate measures to cling to their remnants of control in New York City and ... more »

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Comment by Besimi on October 24, 2015 at 12:17am

thank You Manuel , ..thnx brother.

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