Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 22nd 2015 ~ 12 posts.

Archangel Gabriel, October 22, 2015 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2015Through Marlene Swetlishoff.October 22, 2015 Image Source Beloved Ones, I want to have discourse on the quality of love known as wisdom. In its essence, wisdom is the truth of the divine. It rises from within one’s inner guidance clearly, purely and simply as a knowing that something is absolutely true for them. One’s inner guidance is always speaking to them and one exercises the quality of wisdom when they attune and listen to its quiet voice. In this way, they are guided to navigate the river of their live with divine intelligence. Following one’s inner w... more »

Video: Inner Change Is the Only Change. ~

Inner Change Is the Only Change. By Wes Annac.2015.10.22 This video is about inner change, and I also talk a little bit about nature. It was intended to be my second video for the 30 day video log challenge I wanted to do, but previous responsibilities and commitments have already made the challenge too difficult to continue. So instead, I’m just going to keep making videos more often without letting them get in the way of other things. *Tanks to*: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: http://rayviolet.blogspot... ;more »

Chuck Norris Calls Out Monsanto For Poisoning The Food Supply. ~ Am...

Chuck Norris Calls Out Monsanto For Poisoning The Food Supply. From, October 19, 2015, Thanks to Collectively Conscious Chuck Norris is frustrated over the health risks caused by the world’s most popular weedkiller. Earlier this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) deemed the chemical concoction glyphosate, which is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s #1 weedkiller Roundup, to be “probably carcinogenic.” While some countries scrambled to ban Monsanto’s herbicide shortly after the announcement, nations like the United States did nothing to prevent the furth... more »

Controlled and Channeled Anger, Even Outwardly Expressed, Is One of...

Controlled and Channeled Anger, Even Outwardly Expressed, Is One of The Healthiest Emotions We Can Have. By Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease, October 22, 2015 According to society, anger rarely pays. That’s partly true, but the unfortunate omission according to what is socially acceptable is the difference between the type of anger that leads us to spiraling out of control, and that which has a positive role in not only our individual growth, but the entire world’s. Constructive anger can aid intimate relationships, work interactions and social expressions, including many types ... more »

Was, Is, Is To Be.

Was, Is, Is To Be.The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner OCTOBER 22, 2015 What was is past. What is may not be what your perception of it is. What is to be… now that is where you get to have some fun and Create! Creator. *Tanks to * ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *... more »

Total Release and Surrender. ~Steve Beckow.

Total Release and Surrender. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, October 22, 2015 Credit: Zap says the Reval is in motion and closed to finishing. A worldwide effort by countless thousands of people to raise an entirely new financial edifice on top of the ruins of the old is about to be consummated. And not even the contemplation of that can surpass the enjoyment I feel from the transformed space. Exploring it continues to hold my attention. Archangel Michael confirmed in a reading I had with him Oct. 21 that this space I have gone in and out of is what is b... more »

Hawaii Declares a Homeless State of Emergency. ~ Julie Fidler.

Hawaii Declares a Homeless State of Emergency. By Julie Fidler, Natural Society, October 22, 2015 There are so many homeless people in Hawaii that Governor David Ige declared a state of emergency last Friday to address the problem. Hawaii has the highest per capita homeless rate in the country and the number of people without homes has jumped 23% in the last year. The declaration will allow the state to build a homeless shelter capable of accommodating 15 families at a time at a faster rate. Four potential sites are currently being considered. “We are making sure that we have o... more »

15 Rare and Beautiful Words You’ve Never Heard Before. ~ Higher Per...

15 Rare and Beautiful Words You’ve Never Heard Before. From Higher Perspective, October 21, 2015 There are 6,500 languages spoken actively today, but even that pales in comparison to the 94,000 languages that have existed through the ages. Many have died off, many are still spoken, and they’ve all created words that define really incredible things that the English language just doesn’t. Enjoy. Psychopomp. A guider of souls. Mythopoeic. Pertaining to the making of myths, or giving rise to myths. Hierosgamos. A holy marriage between a god and a goddess. Sipapu. A small tunnel or inter-dim... more »

As the Quantum Soup Begins to Boil… ~ Lisa Gawlas.

As the Quantum Soup Begins to Boil…By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, October 21, 2015 Ahhh gotta love the unexpected evolutionary twists and turns of… well… everything!! I know something huge is underfoot when spirit turns off my ability to see “the field,” not my ability to see, just the ability to see the field as we see when connected. That was the way of it yesterday pretty much, except as information applied to the All (instead of just the one I was reading for.) These are the moments spirit has said many times in the past, sometimes conversation is more important t... more »

How the War Against Nature Began ~ Julian Rose.

How the War Against Nature BeganBy Julian Rose, *Waking Times*, October 21, 2015 [image: Nature Denature] There can be no more certain way to decimate life on Earth than through the act of setting in reverse the natural expansiveness of nature. Yet that is exactly what has been happening for the past two centuries, through the relentless through the relentless eradication of farm and forest biodiversity in a fixated, tunnel vision pursuit of specialisation and profit. Witness the fresh food market: *so reduced has the range of edible vegetables available to the modern shopper becom... more »

Self-Knowledge Is a Process. ~ J. Krishnamurti,

Self-Knowledge Is a Process Krishnamurti Quotes J. Krishnamurti, Online, October 21, 2015 So, to understand the innumerable problems that each one of us has, is it not essential that there be self-knowledge? And that is one of the most difficult things, self-awareness -which does not mean an isolation, a withdrawal. Obviously, to know oneself is essential; but to know oneself does not imply a withdrawal from relationship. And it would be a mistake, surely, to think that one can know oneself significantly, completely, fully, through isolation, through exclusion, or by going to some ... more »

Only those who really know would see the point here. ~ Thuroc via G...

Only those who really know would see the point here.*Midwayer Thuroc the Entertainer. *Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, October 3, 2015. *Thuroc: “It’s so good to see you, too — well I left my ‘bride’ (Rihte) at home base. She is otherwise involved and I now miss the dear lady already. So you’ll forgive me when I suggest you stop dawdling and get about it. Get on with it. Like you, I have become a little less specific and rather than point at individuals, groups or nations, I talk of West and East or Left and Right. * “It is so, I long ago fou... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Oct, 20 2015.

.Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation. 13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik [Oct, 20 2015] Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are finally being made. Our liaisons report that the new financial system and its many parts are in f... more »

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