Ask The Masters.By The Celestial Voices.Through Toni and Peter. *20 October **2015* *A preview of the Masters' teachings.* A woman from Singapore seems to be seeking a magic bullet to change her life. The Masters have to rein her in with an explanation of the way the soul's human journey actually works. Have you ever felt like a failure who doesn't seem to belong anywhere? The Finnish woman who is this week's second correspondent has these feelings and is in need of the Masters' patient diagnosis of her problem and their suggestions for dealing with it. Our hearts go out to the ... more »
Possibilities. The Creator Writings. Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner OCTOBER 20, 2015 [image: endless_possibilities__by_nsntrsfob-d6ke39s] Open your heart to all possibilities! You are a perfect child of TheUniverse… nothing is beyond your grasp, comprehension or abilities. Creator. *Tanks to * ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* This author archives: Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religiou...more »
The Storybook of You.*Teacher Ophelius.* Message received by Chris Maurus. Asheville, NC, USA, October 11, 2015. *Teacher Ophelius:* “In many of your lessons, thus far, and from the lips of many teachers, you have heard it said that it is better to live in the ‘now moment’ than to live in the past or future. What exactly is meant by this statement? Can you live in the now moment without reminiscing about your past or ever having a thought about the future? Let’s examine this ‘now moment’ and try to understand what it is to live in it, for many are puzzled by these statements and wis... more »
Empower Yourself by Challenging Yourself By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness Octber 20, 2015 Credit: Kush and Wizdom *“Everything is hard before it’s easy”* – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I’m thinking about making videos for the next thirty days, because I want to communicate things I think are important in a more direct way. The purpose of the videos will be to inspire and uplift people in a similar way as my writings, and I’ll get as much out of them as anyone else because they’ll challenge me and help me get better. Making a video can be nerve-wracking, because I haven’t don...more »
Video: Ziggy Marley with a Group of Ethiopian Israelis October 20, 2015 Set by Wes Annac Note from Wes: If you’re a Marley fan and you have some time, I’d highly recommend checking out this Q&A with Ziggy Marley and a group of Ethiopian Israelis. It’s highly enlightening! Thanks to: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * Marley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here.... more »
You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.Jesus* through John Smallman. Jesus Audio Blog for Tuesday October 20th 2015 Me: Good evening Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, what do you have for me tonight? Jesus: And a very good evening to you as well, John. Change is in the air, can't you feel it? Me: I'm not very good at feeling! So, I'm hopeful, because of what others are saying, and I have a sense that “all manner of things will be well.” And then I read the mainstream media and learn about all the suffering – floods and mudsl... more »
Diamond Engagement Rings Are The World’s Biggest Scam From Higher Perspective, October 19, 2015 Diamond engagement rings are one of the greatest cultural traditions in the world. But how old is the tradition? Is it really a standard of American life? It turns out, up until 80 years ago, no one ever used diamonds for engagement rings. In the late 1930’s, the DeBeers diamond cartel launched an ad campaign that sold diamonds as a must-have, and something every woman should demand of her husband-to-be. And we bought it.The price of engagement rings are extremely inflated by demand. T...more »
The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner October 19, 2015. [image: Take-charge-and-break-free] A gentle reminder; you are the one in charge of your growth and healing, you are in charge of your perceptions and emotions. If you choose to say, “You are making me feel ____” or “You are doing ____ to me”, you are relinquishing your power. You are solely responsible for who you are in any given moment. Once you grasp this concept, things will become easier. As always, free will is yours. Creator Thanks to: »
Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration By *C. Ara Campbell**, Wake Up World, * Thanks to In5D.comOctober 19, 2015 [image: Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration] There is a ton of energy that is moving in our world right now, which is causing big shifts in our reality. You can feel it energetically. It’s been really ramped up lately. These shifts in vibration can manifest in many different ways. Becoming hyper-sensitive to smell, to taste, to everything around you. You’re like a finely tuned instrument that can feel and read everything. You’re tapped int...more »
Man Collapses After Biting Into Popular McDonald’s Breakfast Sandwich. By SM Gibson*,* Anti Media, October 18, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) Bulwell, England – You wake up hungry. You’re in a hurry. You don’t feel like being bothered to scramble up a few eggs. McDonald’s is convenient. You know it’s bad for you, but it’s only one meal. You will definitely go back to eating right tomorrow, but that is then and this is now. Surely one morning of paying homage at the illuminated trough of processed sustenance won’t be the end of the world, will it? Well, for one 32-year-old man in the U.K., it al...more »
34000 Pesticides and 600 Chemicals Later: Our Food Supply is No Better for It. By Christina Sarich, Natural Society, October 19, 2015 [image: pesticides-spraying-field-735-350] *More than* 34,000 *pesticides* derived from about *600 basic ingredients* are currently *registered* for *use* in the United States by the EPA. Industrial agriculture (meaning about 75% of all land used in the U.S. to grow food or raise animals) relies on these chemicals to grow food. Where, exactly has this gotten us? [1] *Billions of pounds of pesticides and herbicides used has resulted in*: - Pesti...more »
Company to Blanket City Streets With WiFi Connected “Smart Pavement” By Kevin SamsonOctober 18, 2015 TOPICS: Kevin SamsonSurveillanceWiFi [image: phpe7mrnt] Awareness continues to increase surrounding the health dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emanating from our daily gadgets, as well as from the rise of the Smart Grid. For example, a prominent neuroscientist went on record in a lecture to the medical community itself where he exposed the many health risks as well as an industry-wide attempt by telecom to cover up the negative consequences. A world-renown biochemist is see...more »
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