Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 19th 2015 ~ 7 posts.

Extraordinary New Documentary Explains How Aliens Built The Pyramid...

Extraordinary New Documentary Explains How Aliens Built The Pyramids From Higher Perspective, October 19, 2015 How were the pyramids of Egypt built? Given their size and the tools they had at the time, it seems unlikely that they’d be able to do it themselves. But what other evidence is there? The great pyramid is the oldest and largest of them all. It rises a whopping 481 feet above the desert sands. Archaeologists think it was the tallest structure on Earth for some 3,800 years. This documentary, provided in full, offers us an alternative perspective on how it is that the Great... more »

SaLuSa, October 16, 2015 ~ Mike Quinsey

.Message from SaLuSa of Sirius. Through Mike Quinsey.October 16, 2015. Matters have suddenly taken a turn that signifies the end of the Cabals influence, as far as its ability to dictate the manner in which future events manifest. Their plan has been put back partly by the extraordinary response of the people, who have galvanised themselves into groups that are devoting their time to the Light of Truth. The full extent of the power of the Illuminati may not be known to them, but instead of confrontation they have realised that giving more strength to the Light, more than balances the ... more »

USA: Kansas Went From 1 Earthquake Per Year To 42 A Week. ~ Frackin...

Fracking Disaster: Kansas Went From 1 Earthquake Per Year To 42 A Week From *,* October 16, 2015, Thanks to *Collectively Conscious* [image: fracking-disaster-kansas-went-from-1-earthquake-per-year-to-42-a-week] The revolutionary method of natural-gas extraction known as hydraulic fracturing – or “fracking” – has left in its wake a trail of contaminated water supplies, polluted air, health problems, and environmental degradation. But what is potentially the most damaging aspect of the process is just coming to light in the form of a tremendous spate of ear... more »

Why Do We Follow? ~ J. Krishnamurti.

.Krishnamurti Quotes: Why Do We Follow? J. Krishnamurti Online, October 18, 2015 Why do we accept, why do we follow? We follow another’s authority, another’s experience and then doubt it; this search for authority and its sequel, disillusionment, is a painful process for most of us. We blame or criticize the once accepted authority, the leader, the teacher, but we do not examine our own craving for an authority who can direct our conduct. Once we understand this craving we shall comprehend the significance of doubt. *J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life* Thanks to: ;more »

Your Heart Knows the Unknown. ~ Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff

.Your Heart Knows the Unknown.Heavenletters Through Gloria Wendroff, October 19, 2015 God said: I favor the heart whereas the world has favored the mind. I don’t disfavor the mind. The only thing is that the intellect generally tends to be seen as smarter than the heart. Sometimes I see the mind as a saber or scimitar that slices through life right and left. Or I see the mind as a knife that shaves off the meat of the heart, whittles it down to the bone, as if the heart is too fat and needs to be trimmed down. The mind seems to like to think that the heart is a ru... more »

The Truth when Untold. ~ Samuel and Aaron via George Barnard.

.The Truth when Untold.*Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. **Aaron of Urantia. *Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, September 16, 2015. *Samuel:* “Firstly, my dear friend and student, Aaron and I bring you greetings from friends and family that have embarked on their Mansion World journeys, who think of you and pray for you at least as often as you remember them. As well, we want to make clear about the Teacher groups you named ‘the Mentori’ — the new groups that came into being by Michael’s mandate — so as to not disappoint any celestial who chose to teach o... more »

Montague Keen - October 18, 2015 ~ Veronica Keen

Messaga from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen.October 18, 2015. As the light in your world increases, it exposes all that is evil and corrupt. There is no hiding place now for all who have put in place the plans to destroy humanity and take over the Earth for their own purposes. Everything at the top of the pyramid of control is TOTALLY EVIL. It must be removed. As they cannot exist without your support, it is your duty to refuse to support this evil structure for one moment longer. Do not pay attention to their false promises, for that is all they are. They have managed to mind... more »

Hilarion, October 18, 2015 ~ Marlene Swetlishoff.

HILARION 2015 Through Marlene SwetlishoffOctober 18-24, 2015 Beloved Ones, As the world moves further into the higher frequencies that are available now, there will be a long period of adjustment, with a series of intense energy downloads and then there will be a resting time to allow the body to align and fully integrate with the new enhanced version of self. There are so many of you struggling to surrender former limitations and thought patterns that limit further movement right now. This activity will become much easier to accomplish now that a shift into higher octaves has ... more »

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Comment by Manuel Tavares on October 21, 2015 at 6:44pm

Thanks Besimi.

Somebody is abusing the posts.

Today a post have been posted moew then 20 times and look an add.


Comment by Besimi on October 20, 2015 at 12:30am

:) NAMASTE Brother :) <3

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