Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Oct 9th, 2015 ~ 10 posts

Awakening of Christ. ~ Lord Maitreya via Natalie Glasson.

Awakening of Christ. by Lord Maitreya. Channelled through Natalie Glasson. 8th October 2015 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa Download Audio Version I, Lord Maitreya have had many lifetimes upon the Earth previous to my over-lighting as the higher aspect of Master Jesus. Each lifetime has had numerous moments of divine inspiration, evolution and enlightenment in the same way that you inyour current reality have experienced moments of remembrance of the Creator. These moments of remembrance and recognition within your being of your natural and eternal unification with the Crea... more »

35 Profound Quotes From Old Souls.

35 Profound Quotes From Old Souls From Higher Perspective, October 8, 2015 Old souls are calm and insightful people who often have ancient hearts but come packaged in a young body. I’m sure we’ve all met someone like this at some time or another. These are some of my favorite quotes from well-known old souls: *Only as a warrior can one withstand the path of knowledge. A warrior cannot complain or regret anything. His life is an endless challenge, and challenges cannot possibly be good or bad. Challenges are simply challenges. ~ Carlos Castaneda* *Forever is composed of nows. ~ Em... more »

How is Life at the Next Level? ~ Adjuster vi Oscar.

How is Life at the Next Level?*Thought Adjuster. *Received by Oscar. Alabama, USA, February 1, 2012. *Thought Adjuster:* “Imagine a world where you will work for the pleasure of learning and to be useful in the implementation of a common and universal plan. Imagine a world where you don’t have to struggle to accumulate resources or fight so others don’t take away from you what you think you own. Imagine a world where everybody is your friend — actually your brothers and sisters — and each person deserves the best of you and offers the best of themselves to you. Imagine a world of t... more »  .

Blazing a Trail of Love ~ Carolyn McDaniel.

Blazing a Trail of Love By Carolyn McDaniel, The Master Shift, October 8, 2015 Credit: In the everyday hustle and bustle that accompanies most of our lives, it is sometimes easy to forget how to make evident our kindness and goodness to others. With so many agendas, plans and things to do on an everyday basis, often the weekends are upon us quickly and before we know it, time has passed us by Tick, Tick, Tick, leaving us little to no time for interactions with friends and those we love. For many, extended periods of time with no social outlet can some... more »

What is Matrix? ~ Jon Rappoport

What is Matrix? By* Jon Rappoport*, *Waking Times*, October 8, 2015 [image: Matrix]*(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)* It’s hard to know what a lock is unless you know what a key is, and how they fit together. In this case, we can pile up many words to describe the lock: the mass of unceasing propaganda that bombards the population; global elites who fully intend to manage the planet as one integrated entity; the assault of toxic medical drugs and environmental chemicals on the human neurological system; the intentionally vapid and indoctrin... more »

The Secret of Happiness. ~ Heavenletters via Gloria Wendroff.

The Secret of Happiness.Heavenletters Thrrough Gloria Wendroff., October 8, 2015 God said: Take heart today. Take heart today with your head. You are on the upswing. Accept: This is God talking to you. With all My love and with all My heart, I speak to you today. BE HAPPY TODAY. I sing these words to you. Be My child who swims the Ocean on My behalf. What can you not do for God? You can be happy for God. Yes, you can even be happy for God. You can allow yourself to be happy for the love of God, for your love of God. Here’s the secret of happiness. Forget you... more »

Sexual Desire, ~ P'taah via Jani King

*Sexual Desire * *M**essage from P'taah* *Through Jani King* *October 2015* Q: P'taah, could you talk a bit about sexual desire and how we get so caught up with it and what is that related to? P'taah: All right. You know, that which is the component of fulfilling sexual desire is in fact not so much about the sensation but rather fulfilling, if we could say, an ideal. We have said many times before that whatever the issues are, that is the issues around lack, around 'not enough', around powerless, etc. as these issues show up in the day-to-day life, of course, because sexualit... more »

Returning to Wholeness ~ Galactic Dragons via Meredith Murphy

Returning to Wholeness By The Galactic DragonsThrough Meredith MurphyOct 08, 2015 Greetings Divine Ones, We are the Galactic Dragons. We speak to you from the galactic center, bridging transmissions of energy and light within multiple Universes. We are gateway keepers and ambassadors to vast realms of light. We love this role in our co-creation, and we share with you, with great joy. As you are living on Earth, the energy you experience is opening up for you. As part of this, we now initiate this communication with you. We translate for you the energies within our collective l... more »

Love, Love, Love ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley

Love, Love, Love The Creator Writings Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner October 8, 2015 [image: images] You were created in love and with love by The Universe. Why try to be anything other than what you are? Creator Thanks to: ------------------------------ *Please respect all credits.* *This author archives: * Farley *All articles are of the respective authors and/or publishers responsibility. * *No religious or political belief is defended here. * *Individually anyone c... more »

Some relationships come with an expiration date. ~Thought Adjuster ...

Some relationships come with an expiration date.*Thought Adjuster.*Message received by Anyas. Oregon, US of A, January 24, 2015. *Thought Adjuster:* “Dear child, this morning you were pondering human relationships, human friendships. Yes, it seems that some of them do come with expiration dates. Some of your life encounters are there to teach you a short and valuable lesson. Then the teacher moves on as the only thing which brought him/her into your life was the purpose of the lesson. “Then there are individuals in your life with whom you more particularly resonate, who are on the... more »

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