Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - Oct 8th, 2015 ~ 9 posts

15 Wise Quotes from Osho ~ Wes Annac.

15 Wise Quotes from OshoBy Wes Annac, Culture of AwarenessOctober 8, 2015 Osho. Credit: Osho is one of many revolutionary spiritual figures who encourages people to free themselves from the prison they’ve created in their minds, which is easier to escape than they think. He’s reminded people that the greatest fulfillment comes with the joy of simply being, and instead of constantly falling prey to the mind, we should stop, become still and silent, and observe it. We’ll grow closer with true peace if we do this often, and meditation could eventually become a huge... more »

Inspirational Wisdom with Keri-Lee Sophia.

Inspirational Wisdom with Keri-Lee Sophia By Keri-Lee (Contributor, Culture of Awareness), October 8, 2015 Your perseverance is tested everyday. And in everything that you do, there is personal and powerful choice. Have you given up on yourself? Are you still dormant to the fact that you are the creator of the reality that you live in, and that you are the energy that chose to be here in this divine moment of right now. Do you believe that? Or do you feel as if ... more »

Inspired Thoughts. ~ Molly Robertson

Inspired Thoughts By *Molly Robertson, ***, Thanks to The Galactic Free Press I love just sitting and listening to my thoughts…the good ones. The ones that make me feel super human, blissed out, in love and oh so happy. Now, I realize, those are the ones I am supposed to listen to. Nothing else. I am the master of my own mind and I can choose in every moment what I want to think, or how I want to think about any situation. Mainly me. How do I feel about myself, this life and this experience? I finally feel able to write again, after a long hiatus. It’s been a funny ... more »

What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It? ~ Michelle Walling

What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It? By Michelle Walling, CHLC, *, *October 7, 2015 [image: What Is The Ego And How Can We Transcend It?] 1. The ego is a third dimensional tool our human body uses for and identity and protection. As we move toward the *fifth dimension*, some say we need to get rid of it, some say we need to tame it, and some say we should love it. What actually is our ego and what should we do with it? 2. *Why do we have an ego?* 3. The ego’s job is to protect us and to keep us from knowing who we are in the veiled experience o... more »

Afghan Raid Means US Knowingly or Neglectfully Guilty of War Crime....

Kunduz Hospital: Afghan Raid Means US Knowingly or Neglectfully Guilty of War Crime. By* Claire Bernish**,* Anti Media, October 7, 2015 *(**ANTIMEDIA**)**Kunduz, Afghanistan —* Yet another startling discovery revealed that just three months prior to the suspicious U.S. bombardment of the Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) Kunduz hospital, hostilities erupted when *Afghan special forces carried out a violent raid* on the facility. Tension between the charitable group and Afghan officials had not subsided at the time the bombing was called in by Afghan troops. *“A thousand curses on... more »

How To Stop Absorbing The Negative Energy Of Other People.

How To Stop Absorbing The Negative Energy Of Other People From Higher Perspective, October 7, 2015 *Artist Credit: Android Jones* Empathy is something all humans have. We’re soft wired for it. Empathy is the social force at work when you see someone hurt and you feel their hurt, nearly physically. If you’ve ever been around a toxic person, though, you know how empathy can make their negativity rub off on you. So how do we make sure negative people keep their energy to themselves? 1. Let go of expectations. You’re not going to be able to please everyone, so don’t go seeking out t... more »

Apple Growers Fearful That Non-Labeled GMO Apples Could Tarnish the...

Apple Growers Fearful That Non-Labeled GMO Apples Could Tarnish the Entire Apple Industry By Amy Goodrich, Natural News, October 7, 2015 [image: apple] (NaturalNews) Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved the first genetically modified “arctic” apple, developed by the Canadian biotech company Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc., which is designed to resist browning. Check out the difference between a non-browning Arctic® Golden and a conventional Golden Delicious here: While apple growers fear the new apple, the company says these apples will prov... more »

Short Animation Explains Economics, War, Poverty And Terrorism…In U...

Short Animation Explains Economics, War, Poverty And Terrorism…In Under 2 Minutes Sophie McAdam, *True Activist*, Thanks to The Mind Unleashed October 8, 2015 They want you to think it’s complicated, but it’s really very simple… This excellent short film from activist Wesley PP Hall does a fantastic job of simplifying concepts that our leaders and mainstream media would prefer us to dismiss as confusing or complex. The voiceover is provided by John Perkins, who wrote the book ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, a shocking expose of international corruption. The producer combine... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Oct, 06 2015

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 6 Cauac, 12 Tzotz, 12 Manik [Oct, 06 2015] *Dratzo! * *Various positive factors are coming together to assure that your blessings are to be received by you shortly. * Our earthly allies have agreed to a time schedule, which is now underway. As we stated last time, a great movement of funds to extremely secure depositories has been completed. The next step is to see that these funds can be safely placed in their distribution centers. Our liaisons report that these measures are nearly complete. It is the ... more »

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