Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 4th 2015 ~ 19 posts.

Win! Industrial Hemp Now Legal in North Carolina. ~ Mike Barrett.

Win! Industrial Hemp Now Legal in North Carolina.By Mike Barrett, Natural Society, November 4, 2015 Numerous industries would benefit from the industrialization of hemp as they once did in America. But thanks to the federal government, this widely-diverse crop has been highly underutilized, even despite the fact that it is entirely different than psychoactive marijuana. But now in a huge game-changing move for the US, North Carolina has recently legalized the cultivation and manufacturing of industrial hemp. Spring Hope, North Carolina has one of the only large hemp decorticatio... more »

Even the Downs Have Their Ups. ~ Adjuster via Anyas.

 Even the Downs Have Their Ups.Teacher: Thought Adjuster.Message received by Anyas. Oregon, US of A, January 27, 2015. Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you just read in the Urantia Book, the Father’s will is always infused with love and focused on the Highest Good of all creation. This means that, if there were to be an ending, it would be a happy one. “As all creatures move forward toward the fulfillment of their divine matrix of perfection, this is also the happy ending of their first evolutionary stage and the happy beginning of their eternal career. “Time is a factor until i... more »

Time 11 in the Transformed Space. ~ Steve Beckow.

Time 11 in the Transformed Space.By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 4, 2015 It’s three hours before the Vancouver Meet-Up and I’m just now entering a very blissful state. I’ll try to record it but I don’t know how well I’ll do. Thank heavens someone is giving me a ride to the Meet-Up because I lose track of time in this state. I might miss it altogether as I nearly did in the tenth sojourn in this space (Time 10) when I forgot a lunch engagement. Grand thoughts arise. I can see that all is a process of letting go. The amount we need to let go will always be more than wh... more »

Benjamin Fulford says High level secret negotiations continue as ro...

 High level secret negotiations continue as rogue state Israel’s military put under air and sea blockade.Earth Liberation Movement: High level secret negotiations continue as rogue state Israel’s military put under air and sea blockade.By Benjamin Fulford. The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials. The blockade has now been intensified because US military and Russian government sources agree an Israeli F16 jet f... more »

The Rise Of America's Secret Government. ~ Ron Paul.

The Rise Of America's Secret Government.By Ron Paul. The Rise Of America's Secret Government - YouTube When and how did the "secret government" arise in the US? It could easily be traced to the creation of the CIA after World War II. Special guest David Talbot joins the Liberty Report to discuss his new book, The Devil's Chessboard, about Allen Dulles and the deep state. Be sure to visit for m=ore libertarian commentary. *Tanks to * ------------------... more »

Lee Harris: November 2015 Energy Forecast.

November 2015 Energy Forecast. By Lee Harris.Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia NOVEMBER 4, 2015 (Transcribed and edited from Lee’s spoken video message.) Hello everybody and welcome to the Energy Forecast for November 2015. We’re here today in the Arboretum at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, in the Japanese garden. If you’re in the San Francisco area, or you get to visit, do come here and check this place out. It’s extraordinary and there are so many incredible and peaceful nature spots—I thought it would be the perfect place to film this month’s forecast. As usual, we will begin b... more »

Video: Lady Gaga Tells Truth About The Industry... ~ Rajie Kabil.

*Video: Lady Gaga Tells Truth About The Industry. * Has She ‘Woken Up’ Since Stepping Back?By Rajie Kabil, Collective Evolution , November 4, 2015 I’m sure that I am not alone in saying that the music industry has always seemed a bit off. The way that some artist’s music is so fabricated, and their ‘look’ so seemingly over the top that we can’t help but feel like that’s not who they truly are. The camera and the online world share a similar quality… both can smell inauthenticity from a mile away. That feeling is further confirmed with Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, AKA Lady G... more »

51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Many Are YOU Experiencing?

51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms. How Many Are YOU Experiencing?By Annarita, Thanks to Body Mind Soul Spirit November 4, 2015. 1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep. Lately I have been exp... more »

Are You Ready? ~ Arcturians and Gaia via Suzanne Lie.

Are You Ready? Dear Readers, We are completing the registration for the Goddesses Ascending Earth webinar series (starts today, Wednesday, so this is your last chance to register!), which allows us to integrate both the masculine and feminine within ourselves. The Arcturians share that the Divine Feminine is not a genderfied projection, but is within ALL. It is the receptive energy field, and the Divine Masculine is the expressive field. Men and women can use the Goddess energy to pull in the higher frequencies. We are being asked to remember the many incarnations in which we h... more »

Show A Little Independence. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Show A Little Independence. The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner.NOVEMBER 4, 2015 My darling child; the path of upward mobility may not always be easy. You knew this before you even arrived here, yet you chose to come anyway. The Universe was so proud of your decision! There were times where you may have felt there was no one there to help…..and that was part of the plan as well. Advanced souls do not advance without learning to do some things on their own. (Smiling) The only thing that is asked of you is to grow and keep g... more »

Don’t Get Mad; Get Revolutionary. ~ Wes Annac

Don’t Get Mad; Get Revolutionary. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness.November 4, 2015 Photo source unknown If you get your news from alternative sources that aren’t afraid to report the truth, you can’t help but get angry sometimes. I read a recent piece from geoengineering activist Dane Wigington, for example, who shared a U.S. Senate document wherein the government’s involvement with chemtrails and other acts of geoengineering are admitted. The U.S. and other countries are actively involved in weather modification, and the document proves it while stating that the people res... more »

3 Powerful Steps to End the New Year on a High. ~ Marquita Herald.

3 Powerful Steps to End the New Year on a High. By Marquita Herald, Emotionally Resilient Living, November 2, 2015 [image: end the year on a high] Ignore it if you will, deny it if you dare, but the reality is we are rapidly closing in on the end of this year and you know what that means … bloated schedules and s-t-r-e-s-s. It’s not that we don’t have plenty of reminders to get prepared; yet, no matter how aware we are that it’s coming, and try to avoid it, end of year stress happens, just like clockwork, because the triggers are always the same, too many commitments, end of year w... more »

Krishnamurti Quotes: Opportunities for Self-Expansion.

 Opportunities for Self-Expansion. J. Krishnamurti Online, November 3, 2015 Hierarchical structure offers an excellent opportunity for self-expansion. You may want brotherhood, but how can there be brotherhood if you are pursuing spiritual distinctions? You may smile at worldly titles; but when you admit the Master, the savior, the guru in the realm of the spirit, are you not carrying over the worldly attitude? Can there be hierarchical divisions or degrees in spiritual growth, in the understanding of truth, in the realization of God? Love admits no division. Either you love, or do ... more »

5-Year Old Beat Leukemia With Cannabis Oil When Chemotherapy Failed...

 5-Year Old Beat Leukemia With Cannabis Oil When Chemotherapy Failed By Joe Battaglia, Prevent Disease, November 3, 2015 Two years ago, Landon Riddle had acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow which is the most common cancer in children. His mother says his condition improved so much following treatment with medical marijuana that chemotherapy was not needed. But the Children’s Hospital of Colorado, disagreed insisting chemotherapy poisons were the best choice and threatened his mother with legal action and removal of her child from her care. It all ...more »

Revealed – US Senate Document Confirms National and Global Weather ...

Revealed US Senate Document Confirms National and Global Weather Modification (Geoengineering) Programs. By Dane Wigington, Wake Up World, November 3, 2015 How big does the climate engineering elephant in the room need to be before it can no longer be hidden in plain site? How much more historical proof do we need of ongoing climate engineering before the denial of the masses crumbles? When will populations around the globe bring to justice all those responsible for the ongoing and rapidly worsening worldwide weather warfare assault? At the bottom of this post is a PDF file con... more »

Piercing The Veil - An energy update - by Aluna Joy.

Piercing The Veil. An energy update. By Aluna Joy. Nov 3rd, 2015 Just when we thought we finally hit a ceiling of weirdness and intensity, it just took another step to more craziness. It feels like we are not being allowed to get comfortable with being uncomfortable before the next level descends on us. Just as we get a reprieve, and we get our feet grounded, the game plan sifts, and we anchorless once again. Yet, with everything that we experience, there is a greater purpose, and we want to pierce the veil regarding this purpose. We are deep in the confusing throes of empty... more »

Sheldan Nidle, Nov, 03 2015]

Manuel Tavares at Violet Flame - Seeking truth to be Free! - 20 hours ago
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.8 Manik, 0 Xul, 12 Manik [Nov, 03 2015] Dratzo! Right now, your world is in transition. The dark is finally allowing the Light and its many allies to complete the large task of transferring funds and the accompanying bonds to special depositories. This procedure is taking longer than at first expected, due to the extraordinary precautions such a large delivery requires. Hence, it is taking a week longer than expected. The dark knows that once this formidable task is finished, the long promised mass arre... more »

Montague Keen - November 2, 2015 ~ Veronica Keen.

Message from Montague Keen. Through Veronica Keen.November 2, 2015 My friends, each day you see yet another step being taken to destroy humanity, and what do you do? What are you prepared to do? What the Cabal is dropping on you from the sky, is destroying the human body. Thought signals are also being used to control the human mind. They are killing you and yours, yet you continue to serve them and believe their lies. When will this stop? I find it hard to believe that the human race has become so stupid, so docile, so blind, and so helpless, that it accepts what is being done to i... more »

Your Spiritual Toolbox. ~ Creator via Jennifer Farley.

Your Spiritual Toolbox.The Creator Writings.Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/PractitionerNOVEMBER 3, 2015 In your spiritual learning and growth, it is important to remember that you never have to ‘go it alone’. Reach out to those that resonate with your heart. It is not necessary to limit yourself to one person, one school of thought or one way of thinking. The Universe has given you so many to choose from and learn. Take what you feel is best from each, build your spiritual toolbox and grow! Creator *Tanks to *URL: ---------... more »

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