Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Seeking truth to be Free! - November 3rd 2015 ~ 12 posts.

Ask The Masters - 3 November 2015 ~ Toni and Peter.

Ask The Masters.By The Celestial Voices. Through Toni and Peter. 3 November 2015 A preview of the Masters' teachings. An American woman wonders about the changing "rules" between nonphysical existence and Earth existence. The Masters explain the concept of positive singularity vs. positive-negative duality, and how living in duality contributes to the education of the soul. A Portuguese questioner writes about medical issues and surrounding life lessons. Without giving medical advice (which they never do), the Masters clarify how the person's conditions relate to lessons chosen b... more »

Report Documents Big Business Attacks and Killings of Indigenous Pe...

Report Documents Big Business Attacks and Killings of Indigenous Peoples.By Derrick Broze, Anti Media, November 2, 2015. Credit: (ANTIMEDIA) Washington D.C. — A new report highlights a trend of violence against indigenous peoples of Brazil, as well as a high rate of infant mortality and illegal exploitation of natural resources on indigenous land. On October 21, Eliseu Lopes, a leader with the Guarani-Kaiowá people, Lindomar Ferreira, leader of the Terena people, Cleber Buzatto, Executive Secretary of the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI), and indigenous Ecuado...more »

11 Tips To Eliminate Your Daily Stress. ~ Alanna Ketler

11 Tips To Eliminate Your Daily Stress.By Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution, November 3, 2015. Stress is something that I’d say we’ve all had to deal with at various points in our life. Some of us more than others, depending on a variety of different factors, with our reaction to it often being a predominant one. If left untreated, stress can actually develop into of a number of challenges within the body, including an overall burnt out feeling. Luckily, stress is something that can be managed and eliminated if dealt with properly. Check out the list below for some effective w... more »

Waking Up, Speaking Up and Stepping Out. ~ Zen Gardner.

*Waking Up, Speaking Up and Stepping Out.* By *Zen Gardner*, *Waking Times*, November 3, 2015 I often pose the question why more people aren’t voicing their outrage and concerns about what’s going on in the world regarding the many programs being executed upon humanity in plain sight to all. I know this isn’t always easy to present to others, especially in certain circumstances, the most challenging of which is amongst close friends and loved ones who haven’t woken up to these realities yet. As many of you know I’ve talked about this challenge many times. Many of the commenters on... more »

Physical Reality is a Reflection of your Beliefs. ~ Tiara Kumara.

Physical Reality is a Reflection of your Beliefs.By Tiara Kumara, Golden Age of Gaia, November 3, 2015. The meaning that you choose to give life, completely determines what kind of a story you will experience. Life is a direct product of your definitions about it! The laws of META-physics give great clues to the way that physical reality works in the schoolroom called Earth. Here are a few ideas to ponder… Physical Reality is A Mirror. Life is created from your beliefs and the physical you is the sum total of all of your thoughts and feelings. Everything in your life is reflecting... more »

What’s the Future of the Mainstream Mass Media? – Part 2 /2. ~ Stev...

What’s the Future of the Mainstream Mass Media? Part 2 /2. By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, November 3, 2015Thanks to WES ANNAC *Note from Wes: Steve gets most of his info for these articles from channeled sources, so remember to use discernment if channeled messages don’t resonate with you.* *It’s cool to see that he used some info from one of my ‘Oversoul Teachings’ messages from 2014, and I actually forgotten I ever had the ‘oversoul’ address the issue of the mainstream media! For those of you who do enjoy channeled messages, I hope you enjoy this ‘part 2’ from Steve.* We... more »

Those Almost Immediately Eligible. — Part Two. ~ Bzutu via George B...

Those Almost Immediately Eligible. Part Two. Midwayer Chief, Bzutu.The Damascus Scribe (Sananda).Message received by George Barnard. Illawarra District, Australia, October 14, 2015. (Having finally solved a difficult problem, George is visibly happy about it, but it’s rather late . . . again.) Bzutu: “Now would be the time to contemplate how you would feel if you had a real brain, rather than just good luck.” (subdued laughter — there are others already asleep here). The Scribe: “The lateness of the hour and your wandering mind made me cut short our discussion before, my dear f... more »

Daylight Savings Time. Bad For Our Health, The Earth and Life Cycle...

Daylight Savings Time. Bad For Our Health, The Earth and Life Cycles, So Why Do We Keep Doing It? By April McCarthy, Prevent Disease, November 2, 2015 Whether we move our clocks back in the fall or forward in the spring, our health decreases, our pollution increases and our lives become more complicated. Isn’t time to change daylight savings time (DST) and align ourselves with the other 80 percent of the world that refuses to adopt this ridiculous initiative which only benefits the most polluting companies on Earth? Only 20 percent of the world’s population uses DST and it’s res... more »

Going Beyond the Physical Eyes to Using the Central Eye of Creation...

Going Beyond the Physical Eyes to Using the Central Eye of Creation!!By Lisa Gawlas, The Shift of Time and Energy, November 2, 2015 [image: central eye] I have grown accustomed, perhaps way to accustomed lol, to each of you arriving on the field in a certain type of order that builds on part of the puzzle into the next. It sure helps me understand the story better that way. Well, yesterday that didn’t happen at all, really throwing me out of my comfort zone (didn’t even realize I had one of those with readings lol.) My first lady showed up with her field of life shining so dam... more »

Russia Plans to Send Humans to the Moon by 2029.

Russia Plans to Send Humans to the Moon by 2029. From The Mind Unleashed, October 30, 2015 [image: humans to the moon] *Russia has just made an exciting announcement: Roscosmos, the country’s space agency, plans to launch a manned mission to the Moon in the next decade.* “*A manned flight to the Moon and lunar landing is planned for 2029*,” head of Roscosmos Energia *Vladimir Solntsev* *announced* at a space and technology conference which took place in Moscow this Tuesday. However, at the moment, we only know a few details about this ambitious plan. It’s only known that Russia ... more »

Hypnotized Subject Talks About Impending Shift Of Consciousness To ...

Hypnotized Subject Talks About Impending Shift Of Consciousness To 5D. By Suzanne Spooner. From, November 2, 2015 [image: Hypnotized Subject Talks About Impending Shift Of Consciousness To 5D] *In a recent hypnosis session, a hypnotized subject spills the beans about what we can expect in the near future regarding the upcoming shift of consciousness. (As I put together this article, I noticed that it is 1:11 am) *~ Gregg Towards the end of Susan’s session I decide to ask her subconscious (SC) about *The Shift* that’s coming, what it will be like: (SC) Hold on to your sock... more »

Spiritual Revolution and the Power of Writing ~ Wes Annac.

Spiritual Revolution and the Power of Writing. By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness. NOVEMBER 2, 2015 Credit: There’s a reason they say the pen is mightier than the sword. With writing, we can expose corruption and inspire people to free themselves from the reign of governments and corporations who want to control the world, and along with every other passionate individual who knows the time for change has come, we can create a new way of life. Evil exists on this world in abundance, and unfortunately, the people and institutions we’ve been led to think we can t... more »

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Comment by Besimi on November 4, 2015 at 7:01pm

thank You Manuel :)
..always thankful ,for your precious contribution bro :)

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